Ovulation and conception: when and how do they occur?

Normally, an egg matures every month in the body of every woman of reproductive age . If then fertilization and successful implantation into the endometrium of the uterus occur, then pregnancy occurs. Otherwise, there will be another menstruation and the maturation of a new egg in another ovary.

However, sometimes ovulation does not occur. If this happens no more than two times in a year, then this is the norm. The constant lack of release of a mature egg is called anovulation. With this diagnosis, it is necessary to find out the cause and be treated.

Sometimes two ovulations occur during the cycle. This can be triggered by emotional experiences, hormones, violent sexual intercourse. If this rarely happens, then this is also the norm.

For women who cannot immediately conceive, ovulation and conception become very important. Since the second without the first is impossible.

The egg is able to stay in the fallopian tube for no more than a day, and sometimes several times less. Therefore, conception after ovulation can occur only in this period of time, and then the probability is very small.

Sperm after ejaculation can expect an egg cell up to 3-4 days, however, they need to overcome a number of obstacles, including cervical mucus, on their way to it. Its consistency changes and becomes similar to egg white precisely during ovulation. In the same period, it is easy for sperm to overcome it. Therefore, the greatest probability of conception is on the day of ovulation, it is 33%.

Those who want to get pregnant are making a lot of efforts to determine this moment. Here everyone chooses for himself: to trust their feelings or use modern methods, or maybe both.

First you need to determine the length of your cycle. If it is regular, then ovulation and conception most likely occur about 14 days before its end. However, the length of the second phase can range from 12 to 16 days. If it is shorter, then its insufficiency due to a lack of progesterone can be suspected. This can lead to unsuccessful attempts at conception.

The length of the first phase is more individual. However, if it exceeds 17 days, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor for advice. In the first phase, estrogen is the main hormone, and in the second, progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum. It forms on the site of a bursting follicle. Progesterone is a hormone that supports pregnancy. Its lack can lead to miscarriages in the early stages.

A fertilized egg moves through the tube, then enters the uterus, and its implantation occurs. All this takes 6-7 days. This time is very important, because if the movement is too fast or slow, then pregnancy may not occur. In case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, implantation can occur directly in them. Then only timely diagnosis and measures will help preserve the health and life of the woman.

In addition, a fertilized egg dies under the influence of adverse factors or in the presence of any defects in it. It can be rejected after implantation, that is, an early miscarriage will occur. In this case, the woman does not even know that she was pregnant.

Ovulation and conception are processes subject to various external factors. Especially those that lead to a change in hormone levels: stress, intense physical exertion, smoking, drinking alcohol, sex life.

Thus, ovulation and conception occur normally quite easily in a woman’s body, and sometimes even against her will. However, a malfunction in the hormonal background and a number of other reasons can lead to their absence and call into question the possibility of pregnancy.

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