Can a kitten be given cow's milk? How to feed tailed babies in the absence of natural feeding?

Cats can be fed cow's milk - this statement is believed by millions of people around the world. While veterinarians warn, and sometimes completely forbid this product for tailed pets. We will try to figure out whether the kitten can be given milk and whether it is suitable for feeding adult animals.

Proper diet

Can a kitten be given milk

In the natural environment, kittens feed on mother's milk. Teen cats usually go hunting three to four months old. For a newborn kitten, his mother’s milk is perfect. In its chemical composition, it is significantly different from cow. It is in cat's milk that there are all the necessary nutrients and trace elements for the growth and development of a kitten. This food is fully digested and cannot harm the fragile body of the cub. But what if the mom cat cannot feed her babies? Can a kitten be given cow's milk? This is actually not the best food option. Cow's milk is high in lactose - milk sugar. For cats, it is too sweet, and if this product becomes the basis of the diet, it can harm the health of the pet.

How to feed a kitten in the absence of breast milk?

Is it possible to give milk to a lop-eared kitten?

Different situations happen in life. Sometimes cats refuse their own offspring, we sometimes find abandoned kittens on the street. Also, an adult animal may die recently having acquired cubs. If for some reason the kitten is left without a mother, his life depends on the person. The most important thing is to correctly solve the issue of feeding. Can a kitten be given cow's milk as a maternal substitute? This product is not recommended to be introduced into the diet of animals under the age of 1 month. The best option for feeding very small kittens is a special substitute for maternal cat milk. You can buy such a mixture in any large pet store. If you can’t find a substitute for cat milk , you can arrange feeding your baby with baby food.

We make a feeding schedule

Have you decided to feed kittens with baby food? Choose milk formula for the smallest children. How to organize the artificial feeding of tailed babies? Newborn kittens under the age of three weeks should receive food every 2 hours. A small nipple, pipette or syringe is used for feeding. When the kids are three weeks old, you can go to the feedings every three hours. As soon as the kittens celebrate their monthly birthday, you can introduce complementary foods. You need to start with wet food. Choose a product on the packaging of which there are instructions on the permissible age of the animal. Is it possible to give a monthly kitten milk from a human table (cow)? This is acceptable, but the product should not be basic in the diet. The standard feeding scheme for kittens older than 1 month, provided that they live without a mother: 2 times a day - cow's milk and 2 times a day - wet food. Two-month-old tailed babies can be given dry food. Cow's milk should be gradually eliminated from the diet.

Is it possible to give milk to a lop-eared kitten, will it harm him?

Can a kitten be given cow's milk

A popular horror story that can sometimes be heard even from breeders: if you feed cow’s milk to lop-eared kittens, their ears can “stand up”. This warning is argued that kittens with ears down should not receive too much calcium. All this is not true, tailed babies of any breed need all the useful nutrients. As for the shape of the ears, sometimes they really rise as the kitten grows. However, this does not depend much on nutrition. We are talking about the marriage of the breed and the individual physiological characteristics of a particular animal. Accordingly, the answer to the question whether it is possible to give the Scottish kitten milk or not is positive. This product may be present in the diet of tailed babies under the age of 4 months.

Milk in the nutrition of adult cats

Can a Scottish kitten be given milk

Many cats over the age of 4 months love milk and beg it from their owners at any convenient opportunity. Experts do not recommend giving this product to adult animals. In the natural environment, no mammal drinks milk after cessation of natural feeding. Despite the usefulness of the product, there is a high probability of problems with its assimilation. The thing is that the body of an adult cat does not produce enough special enzymes involved in the breakdown of this product. But what if the animal actively begs for a treat? Can a kitten be given milk when he is 4 months old? Try a simple lactose intolerance test. Treat the pet with milk and watch the reaction of his body. Normal stool, the absence of bloating and the cat's well-being are indicators that the product does not cause negative reactions. And this means that from time to time a small amount of milk can be given as a treat.

What to give to cats instead of milk?

Is it possible to give milk to a monthly kitten?

If your pet eats natural products, you can feed her dairy products. Low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk and kefir - choose what will appeal to a particular animal. You can try to introduce natural nonfat curd cheeses into the diet. The most important thing is to give unsalted varieties. These products are also suitable for feeding kittens older than 2 months. When introducing them to the pet's menu, consider the calorie content of each treat.

Now you know whether a kitten can be given milk and how to properly introduce it into the diet. Follow all dietary recommendations, and then your tailed baby will grow up healthy and beautiful.

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