Severum tsikhlazoma: species, description, content, reproduction

Severum tsikhlazoma is the most striking representative of the cichlid family. She has a sophisticated structure and diverse, beautiful body color. It is for this reason that Severum cichlazoma is so popular among fish lovers, it can decorate any home aquarium with its presence. Bright colors will make an exotic fish a highlight of the home collection.

Severum tsikhlazoma: varieties

It should be noted that cichlazoma is popular not only among experienced aquarists, but also among beginners. Externally, the fish looks like a discus (a distant relative), it is sometimes even called a false discus. Currently, there are many different color variations, but the most popular is Severum cichlazoma "red pearl". Also in demand is the "blue emerald."

Severum cichloma

The "red pearl" body is painted yellow with bright red spots. But the blue cichlazoma has a dark blue color with emerald tints and very dark spots. There is also a diamond cichloma , black-striped.

Aquarists are attracted by the bright, beautiful appearance, which Severum has the right to boast of cichloma. Varieties - breeding variations of this fish are represented by the following species: blue severum, golden, eight-striped, turquoise, larvophilous. Very interesting is the cichlazoma severum red-shouldered, or red-headed, so named because a very bright orange or red stripe passes behind the head.

Severum compatibility

Severum tsikhlazoma, the content and breeding of which has its own characteristics, is very aggressive towards its relatives. Therefore, the question of the group content of this species is very problematic. The only option that you can try with a strong desire to contain a flock of such fish is to make good zoning in a very large aquarium. Then maybe they get along together.

But Severum is quite loyal to other fish of cichlazoma. However, one should take into account the fact that neighbors must be selected approximately the same size as the cichlid. She gets along well with astronotes. Different catfish-like fish can become good neighbors.

Severum severum varieties

But Severum can get along with small cichlids and other small fish only if there is a large volume of the aquarium. Therefore, thinking about the occupation of the home underwater world by inhabitants, first we should study their compatibility.

Aquarium dimensions

Tsikhlazoma severum is an aquarium long-liver. With good care, she can live for more than fifteen years. Keep the fish in a large aquarium. It should be assumed that at least 130-150 liters of water should fall on one pair. If you plan to keep cichlases with other fish, then the aquarium should be at least 250 liters.

Description of cichlomas

In the wild, cichlids live in the freshwater waters of the Amazon. The size of the fish reaches twenty centimeters. Aquarium representatives are more modest in size, about fifteen centimeters.

The body of the fish is not very elongated, but it is quite flattened, since in nature they live in strong thickets of algae. In the presence of large volumes of water, cichlazoma can take the form of a disk. The fish has a long anal and dorsal fins that extend to the base of the tail.

The color of cichlazoma depends on the predominance of one of the genes, which is responsible for coloring. The fish reaches puberty in three years.

"Severum" in translation from Latin means "severe". Such a definition is quite suitable for cichlasoma, which with all its appearance shows that it is angry. And perhaps the name indicates the northern regions of fish habitat.

Severum cikhlazoma maintenance and breeding

In general, Severum cichloma (its species are very diverse) can have completely different colors. Moreover, in colors and shades, a fairly strong scatter can be observed. There are very bright and beautiful fish, and some have a completely faded look. Males are usually brighter than females. There is Severum Gold cichlazoma, as well as their red variety. Such species are very beautiful.

Severum tsikhlazoma: keeping and breeding

Tsikhlazoma is considered unpretentious in maintenance. In addition, it is very resistant to temperature extremes and all kinds of diseases. Severum tsikhlazoma, the content of which is not difficult, is nevertheless very demanding on the volume of the aquarium. For her, a very important condition is the availability of a comfortable home. Even the shape of the aquarium matters to them. If the vessel is tall, then the fish will grow in width, and in a narrow one, on the contrary, in length.

Cichlomas are omnivorous. They love live food and even ice cream, but dry food is also suitable. However, plant foods must be present in the diet. You can also use spinach and lettuce leaves scalded with boiling water. Food should be balanced. This basic rule should be strictly observed, since the successful maintenance and breeding of fish depends on it. Dry and vegetable feed must be alternated. In addition, knowing the gastronomic preferences of pets, it is necessary to include protein substances or vegetable substances in the diet. The most convenient option is to use ready-made dry feed, which is currently widely represented in the pet product market. Among them, you can pick up food for such a fish as Severum cichloma.

Breeding cichlazoma: talk more

If there are no difficulties with keeping this type of fish, then breeding is not so simple ... In order for a pair to form, you need to get a flock. Then, during puberty, the cichlazomas themselves will pick up a partner for themselves. After this, the fish need to be seated, as they are aggressive towards their relatives.

cikhlazoma severum gold

As a solution to this issue, you can immediately acquire a held couple. Severum spawns in the same way as all cichlomas. The stimulator of the process is to raise the temperature of the water in the aquarium by several degrees or its very frequent replacement.

Females and males differ in dorsal fin. In males it is pointed, but in females it is not. In males, the color is distinguished by brightness and clear spotting; there is a clear pattern on the head and gill covers. But the females have a more faded and monotonous color.

Spawning can be arranged in a separate tank (150 liters) or in a common aquarium. As a rule, before this, the fish arrange a kind of mating dance, touching their mouths. Then the female lays eggs on a smooth surface. Its quantity directly depends on the spawning frequency: from three hundred to a thousand eggs. The incubation period is about a week, but depends on the temperature regime of the aquarium. During this period, the female and male take care of their future offspring. Then larvae appear, which begin to swim independently after about seven days.

There is an opinion that juvenile cichlazomas Severum do not eat artemia. However, this is not at all true. For kids, daphnia, brine shrimp, or any other crushed cichlid food are fine . And after a couple of weeks they will be able to independently absorb ground cereal. The fry grow extremely slowly; in a month they only reach one centimeter. At this time, the formation of color.

Parents very zealously guard their offspring. Neighboring fish huddle in the corners. Males are ready to stand to death toddlers.

If you intend to grow fry, then after a few weeks it is better to remove them from the aquarium, as the female can eat them. For all fish, this is quite normal.

More about the features of the content

Severum tsikhlazoma (species are listed in the article) lives in nature in dense thickets of algae. This means that you should have living plants in the aquarium. It can be absolutely any kind of algae. On the one hand, cichlazoma is not a vegetarian creation, and on the other hand, the leaves of some delicate plants sometimes suffer from it.

This type of fish calmly refers to the chemical composition of the water in which it lives. Various experts recommend keeping them in completely different conditions: from very soft water to hard. In fact, for fish this is not so important. The main thing is that the water is fresh and at the same time well saturated with oxygen. Comfortable temperature for cichlasoma is 24-26 degrees.

Severum disease

They get along well with the other inhabitants of the aquarium. Small fish are never offended. However, the situations are different, conflicts can ripen in cramped aquariums, as the character deteriorates with age, the fish become more cocky and aggressive.

But cichlazomas do not get along with goldfish . They categorically cannot be kept together. For an inexplicable reason, the veil fins become the target of attack from the side of cichlasoma.

Severums are completely reckless. They begin to hunt only because of hunger.

Aquarium for Severum should be designed in the style of the rivers of South America. Large stones and driftwood, sandy soil - this is the environment that fish like. Under such conditions, cichlomas will feel great. You can supplement the picture with fallen beech or oak leaves, which are located at the bottom. Very often, fish start digging the bottom. This is completely normal for them. Sometimes this is a sign of an approaching spawning.

Diseases of Cichlazoma

Severum tsikhlazoma is resistant to various diseases. However, it may suffer from poor water aeration. Poorly it reflects the absence of secluded places, stress can occur. She loves different snags and shelters.

Severum Severum

Very often the owners panic any disease of the fish. Unfortunately, no one is safe from the disease, including cichlomas. In a panic, people begin emergency treatment, forgetting about the most important steps to eliminate the disease.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the water parameters. Do not think that if you often change the water, then its condition is perfect, this is far from the case. It is necessary to check the content of nitrites, oxygen, ammonia. If you find any deviations, then they should certainly be aligned. Changing water indicators can lead to the rapid death of many aquarium inhabitants. Even bacterial and viral infections do not affect fish at this rate.

Various types of parasites can affect cichlazoma. Some of them are so insidious that they live not only in the intestines of fish, but even in caviar. Therefore, fry can sometimes be born already sick. The infected fish seem lethargic and unhappy. They have no appetite, they still eat, but this is of little use. Sometimes the abdomen may be swollen. In any case, when confirming the diagnosis, treatment should be urgently started, of course, it will be medication. Fish should be given the well-known drug Metronidazole. To do this, you can use special preparations and feed based on it. Or simply dissolve tablets in the aquarium at the rate of: 250 milligrams of the drug per 40 liters of water. Treatment should last for five days. This procedure is carried out daily. But for complete recovery, you should still use medicated feed. After the drug course, you will have to replace part of the water and put a carbon rod in the filter.

Bacterial diseases, mechanical damage

Severum tsikhlazoma (photo) is also susceptible to bacterial infections, which are often found at elevated temperatures in the aquarium. Such problems are also called dirty water sickness. Only antibacterial drugs can help in this case.

Careful studies of cichlazomas have shown that it is African individuals from Lake Malawi that are highly infected with parasites. The University of Florida has been studying the problem of cichlids for a long time. His workers found 52 species of parasites in Malawian individuals: among them intestinal, external and circulatory. Such sick fish, getting into the aquarium, are able to infect not only cichlosis, but also all other inhabitants.

Severum can sometimes become stained, but this is not always a sign of illness. Sometimes a similar phenomenon occurs when a fish is transplanted from one aquarium to another. Over time, such spots disappear.

In addition, fish can undergo mechanical damage. For example, when buying and transplanting, or just run into the sharp edges of something in the aquarium. If the damage is minor, then they are not dangerous. Gradually they will heal. But if the fish hides in secluded places, its activity is reduced, then the damage is quite serious. In such cases, it is recommended to place it in another container, since it can be attacked by its relatives. In addition, for quick healing of wounds, fish are given antifungal drugs. The most commonly used drug is Antipar.

Poisoning aquarium inhabitants

Even aquarium fish can be poisoned. However, this cannot happen by accident. There are two possible scenarios: either bad food or chemicals are in the aquarium. Both cases are direct fault and oversight of the aquarist.

Severum species

Symptoms of poisoning are reduced fish activity and darkening of the gills. When treating the inhabitants of the aquarium, the dosage of medicines should be correctly and carefully calculated, otherwise their excessive amount can be poison for the inhabitants of the aquarium. If poisoning is detected, it is imperative to replace part of the water to reduce the amount of toxic substances, and then eliminate the very cause of the incident.

Instead of an afterword

Tsikhlazoma severum is a very interesting fish, popular among aquarium lovers. What attracts people to it is its bright and unique color. There are a variety of colors. However, novice aquarists who are thinking about acquiring such fish should know that they need to be provided with a large aquarium with enough water. In small volumes, cichlazoma will not survive. Therefore, in the conditions of ordinary small apartments it will be difficult to arrange a large aquarium. In principle, it is believed that Severum are quite unpretentious fish, however, it should be remembered that they can conflict with each other. Therefore, it is problematic to maintain a flock of cichlases. Exotic beauties are sometimes aggressive, although they are considered intellectual fish.

Connoisseurs believe that Severum cichloma is easy to maintain, which is why beginners should first learn how to handle it, and only then, having experience, you can acquire other representatives of cichlids.

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