Java Programming and Learning Programs

There are a large number of programs for programming in Java, and sometimes it is difficult to determine their choice. It also happens that a user downloads a program that does not support the desired programming language, after which you have to look for another one. In this article, we will present a number of work programs, as well as pick up tutorials for programming in Java. Of course, we can’t imagine all the programs, because there are quite a lot of them. However, you can still see the most popular and interesting ones here.

Programs: Java programming language

In this list we will present several programs that will help you deal with this situation.


Powerful work environment for creating cross-platform programs in Java and other popular languages. It is free, a big plus is that it is compatible with Linux.

IntelliJ IDEA

The free program created by JetBrains, which has 2 versions for different types of development:

  1. Ultimate - is used to develop web applications and programming for the phone, as well as for enterprise programs. It is paid but has a free trial.

  2. Community - created for programming in Java, Groovy, Scala, as well as for Android applications. We then need to download it. To do this, just take a few simple steps:

  • Let's go to the official JetBrains website.
  • Let's go to the Tools section.
  • Select the IntelliJ IDEA program.
  • Click the Download button.
  • Download the program for our operating system.

Java programming tutorials

There are many programs and games for teaching programming languages, some of which we will now consider.

Let's start, perhaps, with the most interesting for the majority, namely: games for learning programming languages.


CodinGame website

A great site where you have to write your own artificial intelligence using any programming language. You have to solve interesting and funny puzzles, along the way you will learn.

Code hunt

code hunt game

In this game you are a code hunter. It supports only 2 languages ​​- these are Java and C #. In the game you have to go through 14 levels, each of which has its own tasks.

Code combat

code combat

A popular platform for younger ages and students, with which you can compete with friends to write code in some programming languages, such as Java, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Lua, Python. Clans and even the plot, interaction with players - all this will draw you into a fascinating training.


Robocode game

By the name of the game, it is clear that in it you will have to create your own robots in the Java language, and then release your creations on the battlefield.


codewars game

If you do not want to create robots, and compete with friends, solving real problems, then this game is undoubtedly for you.

Resources for Learning Java

There are also sites where you can learn programming languages ​​for free and solve problems there. Several sites will be discussed now.


On this resource you will find many courses in programming languages, there is Russian localization. The site is free, but there is additional content for which you have to pay. So, for example, you can view material from leading universities in the world for free and perform practical tasks that do not require third-party verification. But if other people or the teacher will check the work, then you will have to fork out from $ 49 (3200 rubles) per month.


A resource similar to Coursera (with the same fee), but $ 49 (3200 rubles) is not taken for checking tasks, but for receiving a certificate for taking courses. And the rest of the materials will be available to you for free.


This time - this is a domestic site where you can take courses for free or from 500 rubles per month for the services of a tutor and get good knowledge that can help you in life. If you want to study for free, you can do it yourself, but if you want to have a personal tutor, you will have to fork out for a small amount.

To summarize

There are many more sites, programs or games that will help you learn how to program or can be used as a work environment. But to describe and know all the programs for programming in Java is not necessary at all, it is enough just to choose for yourself the one that you get used to and where it will be convenient for you to develop or learn. In the end, the choice is yours.

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