How to treat diathesis on the cheeks of a child?

When a beloved child feels unwell or strange redness appears on his body, any parent begins to sound the alarm. This is not surprising, because very young kids often find themselves defenseless against infectious diseases and other ailments.

Surprised baby

Diathesis on the cheeks of a child is a fairly common phenomenon, this ailment is observed in many babies, including newborns.

How does this happen

As soon as the baby has a rash and the skin begins to peel off, many parents begin to suspect an allergy to certain foods, animals, flowers and much more. Should I go straight to the treatment of an allergic reaction? Of course, parents are not unreasonably concerned about their child’s health. However, before embarking on drastic measures, it is worthwhile to find out whether such a rash is really a harbinger of future chronic ailments, or is it just a child’s diathesis on the cheeks of a child.

If we are talking about newborn babies, then we must take into account that in this case the immune system has not yet fully developed. Often this leads to the fact that new substances enter the child’s body that have not yet been “studied” by the immune system. In some situations, the body begins to respond to a new product or smell, perceiving it as an irritant. In this case, various rashes may appear on the face or body of the baby. If a mother, being pregnant, ate only foods of the same type, then the fetal immune system was formed and retained only data on such nutrition.

Feeding baby

Diathesis in the infant on the cheeks can also occur due to the unformed digestive system. At the initial stages, it lacks a complete list of enzymes necessary for digestion. Because of this, some food products begin to be perceived by the body as allergens, so corresponding irritation appears on the skin.

Also, the formation of a rash can be associated with the appearance in the baby's life of almost any irritant. For example, a drop of detergent could accidentally get on his skin. As a result, diathesis on the cheeks of the child may appear. In any case, it does not make sense to sound the alarm; it is much more reasonable to find out the cause of the disease by contacting the doctor and follow his recommendations.

Today, there are several varieties of such diseases that are worth considering in more detail.

Arthritic Nervous

The causes of diathesis on the cheeks of an infant can be more serious. For example, if the baby’s body is predisposed to diabetes, arthritis, obesity and gout. This is most often due to the fact that there are metabolic disorders in which uric acid is involved, and when it breaks down, purines can accumulate, causing rashes on the skin.

In addition, a violation of lipid metabolism or the breakdown of carbohydrates can lead to a similar type of diathesis in an infant on the cheeks. If we talk about the causes of such pathologies, then specialists are inclined to believe that they are inherited. Therefore, at the first manifestations of the rash, it is worthwhile to raise the medical history of the baby's parents and study them in detail. Perhaps the reason lies precisely in this.


With this kind of ailment, in addition to the diathesis on the cheeks of the child, there is a noticeable increase in the lymph nodes and thymus gland. During this period, there is a decrease in the functioning of the adrenal glands, which simultaneously causes disruption of the endocrine system.

In this case, we are talking about the fact that the baby’s body is prone not only to various allergies, but also to infectious diseases. As a rule, the main causes of this ailment are various complications during pregnancy. If the mother suffered an infectious disease during gestation, this could lead to hypoxia.

Rash on the face

Looking at the photo of diathesis in the child on the cheeks, many can be seriously scared. However, do not immediately think about the worst. Most likely, the baby really just suffers from a minor allergic reaction. Of course, only a pediatrician can judge this, and you need to turn to that.


There are several types of allergic reactions that may well lead to the appearance of diathesis on the cheeks of a child. The most common food allergy is considered. However, in this case, it must be borne in mind that the rash may also appear due to the amount of food consumed. For example, if a child ate one chocolate candy, then this will not affect the condition of his skin. But if he finds a cache of sweets and immediately eats up a whole bar of chocolate, then this can lead to a rather sharp reaction, up to hyperemia.

Diathesis on the cheeks

In second place in terms of "popularity" is a respiratory allergy. In this case, rashes can begin when the baby inhales the irritant. We can talk about plant pollen, pet hair, perfumes, household chemicals and much more.

Another type of allergic reaction is contact. In this case, redness may appear at the moment when the baby touches the irritant. For example, particles of washing powder, cosmetics and other things could remain on the clothes of parents. When the baby touches such an irritant with his fingers, its substances penetrate the skin. As a result of this, diaper rash, swelling, redness and much more can appear on the skin.

Diathesis on the cheeks of a child: treatment

In some situations, therapeutic measures to get rid of the rash are not required. However, if diathesis manifests itself with an enviable frequency and leads to serious complications, then in the first place it is necessary to exclude all possible allergens. After this, the treatment of rashes is performed.

If we talk about how to smear diathesis on the cheeks of a child, then everything depends on the nature of the irritation. When wetting wounds occur, it is best to use drying antiseptics. Among them, it is worth highlighting the well-proven solutions of furatsilin and fucorcin.

If the wounds peel off or are covered with a dry crust, then it is worth protecting the skin from possible drying out. For this, non-hormonal ointments are best suited.

If the child also suffers from infectious diseases during the manifestation of diathesis rashes, then in this case it is recommended to use local antibacterial agents.

Rubs the skin

However, only a qualified specialist will be able to prescribe the correct comprehensive treatment, based on the individual characteristics of the baby. It also depends on the age of the child. Medications are prescribed depending on who exactly had the skin rashes: in infants or older children.

In a newborn

If we are talking about the smallest, then in this case you can not use potent drugs. In addition, in newborn babies, diathesis almost always occurs in the most mild form. Therefore, doctors prescribe Bepanten. This remedy helps get rid of itching and quickly heals wounds. The drug is applied to affected areas of the skin 3-5 times a day.

Also, Tsindol ointment, which is made on the basis of zinc, has proven itself well. This tool not only has a healing effect, but also dries out wet wounds.

In infants

If the child is a month old, diathesis on the cheeks is recommended to be treated with ointments on a non-hormonal basis. For this, "Advantan." This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve itching and does not dry the skin. Ointment must be used 1 time per day. However, this drug is prescribed only when the baby is already 4 months old.

You can also use Elidel. This non-hormonal cream helps get rid of severe itching and rash. It can be used from the age of 3 months. The product is applied 2 times a day.

In babies after a year

Speaking about how to cure diathesis in a child on the cheeks at an older age, it should be noted that the use of a minimum amount of hormones in drugs is allowed. In this case, you can apply "Elokom". This hormonal ointment allows you to get rid of inflammation and itching, in addition, it has antimicrobial properties. As a rule, in order to get rid of unpleasant itching, a 2-week course of treatment is enough. Smear the affected areas with the drug once a day.

Rubs her cheeks

Also, Uniderm and La Cree proved to be quite good.

However, any parent is afraid to use the products of the pharmacological industry. As a rule, more people trust traditional medicine. However, it is worth considering that the use of such recipes is recommended only with the permission of the doctor, especially if it is a very tiny baby.

Folk remedies for diathesis

In nature, there are a huge number of plants with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. A century ago, in the villages of babies, they bathed in bathtubs with a decoction from a succession. Thanks to this, it was possible to clean and disinfect the skin of children without resorting to pharmacological preparations. Similar properties are possessed by chamomile, field horsetail, oak bark and many other fees. In this case, the drug can be added to the bath and given to the baby as a drink. In this case, the effect will be much stronger.

For swimming, you can mix 3 parts of birch leaves and the same amount of oregano. Additionally, a string, a lunatic, nettle and potentilla (5 parts each) are added to the mixture. The resulting dry composition is poured with boiling water. In this form, the liquid is infused for about 5 hours, after which it is enough for the baby to bathe in the bath.

You can also prepare an infusion for a bath of thyme, horsetail, string, chamomile and nettle.

Traditional medicine for wet wounds

In this case, you can make ointments yourself. For example, just mix 4 tablespoons of your favorite baby cream with 2 tablespoons of fir oil. After thoroughly mixing the components, the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the body, slightly drying the wounds.

A composition of 50 ml of sea buckthorn oil and 30 drops of brilliant green also helps. After thoroughly mixing the components, the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the cheeks.

In addition, you can use aloe juice and cabbage leaves.

Expert Advice

Experienced doctors recommend taking into account the causes of such rashes. If this was the result of incomplete digestion of food, then it is better not to take immediate serious measures, but wait a bit. When the level of enzymes in the baby’s body normalizes, the rashes usually stop on their own.

You should not choose an ointment in a pharmacy, guided only by your intuition. It is best to contact a pediatrician who will prescribe the best remedy, based on the age of the child and the characteristics of his body.

Diathesis for children

When rashes and redness appear on the baby's skin, it is necessary to ensure that the room has an optimal temperature and humidity level. If the child’s body overheats, this can lead to an exacerbation of diathesis, especially when he will constantly sweat. It is best that the room has about 20 degrees of heat and about 65% humidity.

Red skin

With the appearance of rashes, it is worth changing all the means that were previously used for hygiene measures. They also include detergents and conditioners for clothes and bedding. In this case, you need to monitor the clothes of parents.

In addition, it is worth dressing the baby in clothes made from natural materials, such as cotton.

Also, parents of babies with fair skin and hair should be more alert. Such children are most susceptible to allergic reactions.


Many face the fact that the child has diathesis on the cheeks. What to do in this situation? First of all, do not panic. It is possible that the rashes are a manifestation of only a temporary reaction, due to the as yet unformed immune system. Nevertheless, if the redness does not go away for a long time, then you should consult a pediatrician for advice to rule out allergies. As a rule, if diathesis does not go away on its own, then it can be easily treated with gentle drugs.

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