Swiss Shepherd: reviews, photos, prices and character

In recent years, Swiss shepherd dogs have been discussed among dog lovers. But officially this breed does not exist. This is the name of the representatives of several breeds: mountain dogs - shepherd dogs that have long lived in Switzerland, and a white Swiss shepherd, which was previously called Canadian-American. These dogs are very different from each other both in appearance and in working qualities. But now the Swiss Shepherd has become quite popular and is found all over the world. Both mountain dogs and white dogs are good companions and are great for keeping in an apartment.

Types of Swiss Shepherd Dogs

Officially, such a combination in the name of the dogs does not exist. Only at the beginning of the 21st century did the Swiss Shepherd breed appear when its white American-Canadian variety was recognized. And those shepherd dogs that have long lived in Switzerland were always called differently. What breeds belong to the Swiss shepherd?

1. Mountain Dogs are several varieties of mountain shepherd dogs living in different parts of Switzerland. All of them have a three-color color - black, white and red - and a friendly, calm character. These are smart, hardy and unpretentious dogs. They are easy to learn and have good working and security qualities.

2. The Swiss White Shepherd is descended from a German breed. These dogs were bred in the last century only in America and Canada, so until recently they were called the American-Canadian Shepherd. Only at the beginning of the two thousandths this breed was officially recognized. It was in Switzerland that they achieved this, so the dog got its name.

Varieties of Mountain Dogs

1. The largest representatives of this breed are the large Swiss Mountain Dogs. They grow to 72 centimeters at the withers. But despite their impressive size, these dogs are very calm, friendly and loyal to the owner.

2. The Bernese Mountain Dog is also a large dog, but very fluffy. Representatives of this breed are the most famous Swiss shepherds in our country. They are active unpretentious, obedient and loyal.

3. Appenzeller is a medium sized Swiss Shepherd. These short-legged tricolor dogs are very affectionate and loyal. But they have excellent security qualities, therefore they are often used as watchdogs.

4. The smallest mountain dog is entlebuher. These dogs never grow above 50 centimeters at the withers. They are very attentive and smart.

White Swiss Shepherd Dog

Photos of these beauties can increasingly be found in books, magazines and on the Internet. Only in the 70s of the 20th century did they appear in Europe. And soon this affectionate, cheerful and active dog won the love of many dog ​​breeders. Swiss Shepherd puppies were imported from America. Only there and in Canada they were bred in the 20th century. It is believed that the ancestors of dogs of this breed were German shepherds. But in the 30s of the 20th century they were almost completely destroyed in Europe. It was believed that white does not meet the requirements of the breed. In America and Canada, these dogs were very common. They were called the American-Canadian Shepherd. Only in 2003 the breed was officially recognized in Europe and was named the white Swiss shepherd. Its price ranges from 10 to 40 thousand rubles. On average, in Russia a thoroughbred puppy can be bought for 15-20 thousand.

swiss shepherd photo

Why are white swiss shepherds attractive?

Not only because of its attractive appearance, this breed has gained popularity. These dogs are very different from their ancestors - German Shepherds - in that they are never aggressive. They are very smart and easy to train. You can teach a white Swiss Shepherd to almost everything: from circus tricks to finding and saving people. Dogs of this breed are widely used in police, rescue services and even for working with sick people. After all, these Swiss shepherds are very patient, affectionate and friendly. They easily find a common language with young children and other pets. But when there is a clear threat to the beloved owners, this dog turns into an alert watchman and a serious guard. This is a workable and active dog. She is responsible for the work entrusted to her and tries to serve her beloved master. This Swiss shepherd is very sociable, but not imposed if she sees that the person is busy.

Is caring for this dog difficult?

swiss shepherd puppies

White Swiss Shepherd is a very unpretentious and hardy animal. She is well adapted to life both in a country house and in a city apartment. Special care for it is not required, despite the snow-white color of the coat. The coat of the Swiss Shepherd has the ability to clean itself, and you should not bathe it often if it is not lying in the mud. But smart and understanding, she will not do this. Therefore, a white Swiss shepherd has become very popular in recent years. The reviews of those who kept this dog are the most positive. People talk about her as a wonderful companion, a watchful guard and an obedient pet that does not bring any problems.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

This breed is also called a large mountain dog or gross.

swiss shepherd Price

This is a calm, confident and very large dog. Grosses are very friendly and sociable, but at the same time they are good guards. An impressive appearance and a formidable voice will scare away any ill-wisher. And with relatives these dogs are affectionate, they love children very much. For them, constant communication with a person is important, therefore this breed is not suitable for keeping in an aviary. The Great Bernese Mountain Dog is a very intelligent and obedient dog, but can sometimes be stubborn. But if you take this with patience and not behave aggressively, you can find a common language with this dog.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This breed is more common due to its beautiful appearance.

Swiss Shepherd Dog

The luxurious coat of the usual Swiss Shepherd color makes this dog one of the most popular in the world. This is also explained by the unusual character of Bernese. He is very smart and obedient, good-natured and sociable. But at the same time he is a watchful guard and a reliable watchman. This unpretentious and hardy dog ​​is suitable for keeping both in a country house and in a city apartment. But she really needs attention, so in the aviary it is undesirable to keep her.

Appenzeller mountain dog

This is a very ancient breed, but now even in Switzerland it is quite rare.

breed shepherd

This medium-sized dog is easily recognizable by its folded ring and tail tilted to the side, a triangular head and a three-color color. She differs from other mountain dogs by a very active temperament and curiosity. Appenzeller cannot sit still, and not a single detail can escape his attention. He practically does not get tired, because the owner of such a dog also needs energetic. These dogs are often used in the mountains to save people. They are not suitable for maintenance in an apartment, since they need a lot of space in order to show their lively temperament.


This is the smallest of all dogs belonging to the breed Swiss Shepherd. A photo of her can be found in many publications for dog breeders.

swiss shepherd dog reviews

This dog is similar to all Swiss mountain dogs, but much shorter in height. She is quite popular as a companion, as she is smart and obedient. Entlebucher has a lively, active temperament and is well suited for practicing various sports. Like all mountain dogs, he is friendly and sociable, attached to the owner and perfectly guards the house.

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