Movie Theme Party: Costumes, Screenplay

Films captivate the world of colorful costumes, mesmerizing stories and the busy lives of actors. A party in the style of cinema will make you feel important Madame, a brave hero or an always laughing comedian. And most importantly, this is a great way to give yourself and others a lot of positive emotions, sincere smiles and wake up a riot of fantasy.

movie party

The main thing is the script

If there are no real scenes with risky elements in the film, you can add effect by using computer graphics. But if important shots can be improved with the help of external surroundings, then even the most fashionable special effects will not save a weak plot.

When a cinema-style party is organized, the scenario for it is the key to the success of the event. Usually, when the idea comes to the organizers to arrange such a holiday, ideas ask for embodiment. But before embodying them, it is necessary to choose a plot as the fundamental moments of the party.

We intrigue

In order for all the elements to correspond, the theme party in the style of cinema must follow a single line of conduct. Despite the colossal choice, all the images should be harmonious.

When arranging the scenery, you need to focus on the idea that the red line will pass through the holiday. Guests, starting with invitations, will feel the atmosphere of the upcoming event. And getting into the house of the organizer, immediately plunge into the magical world of cinema.

movie party script

So, as a basis, you can take the following stories, which are supported by contests, costumes and even refreshments.

Following the selected genre

In this case, there is no reference to a particular film, but the specificity of the image is clearly traced. Design depends on the chosen genre.

Comedy. Balloons, clown noses and wigs, caricatures and positive cartoons for guests, bright and funny toys.

Fantastic. Layouts of stars, planets and flying ships. Treats in dishes of unusual shape or unusual contents. So, you can put salads in glasses, and serve drinks in saucers.

The horror. All merchandise relating to a gloomy topic. It can be a web, bats and skeletons. Tablecloths and curtains are only dark shades. Mandatory twilight, mysterious music and candles.

Detective. Useful cards and magnifiers. Silhouettes of people in unusual places look hardly interesting, barely drawn in chalk, traces of various materials. Toy weapons will reinforce the chosen plot and add irony.

Specific movie

In order for a movie-style party organized on a specific tape to be successful, you need to approach the choice of a movie with all seriousness. This may be a popular novelty. But you should make sure that all guests are aware of the plot and ups and downs of the fate of the main characters. The invitations must indicate the film, the theme of the holiday.

A party based on the old classics will always be successful. But in this case, it is better to focus on the contingent of guests. If the guests are of the middle generation, then Soviet films are the key to the success of the event. When young people are invited, it is better to give preference to foreign love classics, which are now in fashion with many young girls and guys.

When organizing a holiday, you need to carefully study the images. For a movie-style party, it’s important to consider all the subtleties. The scenery, costumes, table decoration and even the smell in the house should be consistent.

movie party costumes

The guests are very well perceived and always appreciated by the guests for the small details that the scriptwriters notice in their film. It can be a special phrase, a picture on the wall or a brand of cigarettes of the protagonist.

It will not be superfluous to study the details of the biography of the actors and read about the incidents during the filming. This will help in organizing contests.

Black and white movie

Organizing such a party will require some effort. The venue is better to choose a neutral, without bright details. It is especially good if there will be an opportunity to arrange scenery in black and white shades.

A sensation will create a table for guests, where black dishes will be placed on a white tablecloth. At the same time, all dishes will also exclude bright colors. A cinema-style party design, where there are no bright colors and special effects, is necessarily decorated with a serpentine from the tapes of old video cassettes.

movie party photo

A dress code is required for guests when clothes are allowed only in black and white. Well, the photos, which will then be sent to the participants, are also performed in retro style.

Room decoration

Room decoration should be carefully considered. But there are basic ideas that will help manifest your flight of imagination and diversify your event.

Everything related to the shooting and film studio will come in handy. At the entrance, guests can be greeted by a papier-mâché or cardboard figure in the form of the Golden Eagle, Nicky or Oscar.

On the walls hang frames from the film, moments of filming and portraits of actors. Lamps, floor lamps, luminaires are made up for lighting projectors. Clappers arranged on shelves are used as decoration. A white canvas screen is hung on a free wall where you can project the necessary movie clips.

movie theme party

The corridor is designed as a red carpet. For this, a simple red cloth is suitable.

It is necessary to allocate a place for the dressing room. It can be a dressing table with paints, combs, wigs and other paraphernalia.

Organized Walk of Fame will be very popular among guests. You can purchase a set for creating handprints. Using the proposed plaster, make impressions of the hands or feet of the guests and do not forget to ask them to leave an autograph.

Dressing room

When a movie style party is set up, costumes influence the success of the entire event. If the organizer does not have the opportunity to provide all the guests with the necessary dresses, the invitation will indicate the desired type of guests.

But at the same time it is worth taking care of a minimum of paraphernalia, in the case when guests do not have the opportunity to dress up properly. For comic films, clown noses, caps, horns and bright wigs will come in handy.

In the case of a magical plot, you will need magic wands, black hats and capes. If a melodrama movie party is being prepared, flowers, heart-beads, candles and pink, fluffy slippers will be very welcome.

Essential Accessories

For guests, the party begins with an invitation card. Decorate it in the form of a paper star of the Walk of Fame, a fake clapperboard or an old film strip. Be sure to specify how to dress for a movie-style party by naming a particular movie or event genre.

If finances allow, you can make the appropriate costumes or rent them at a rental point. Many suggestions for thematic images are found in various online stores.

movie party outfits

If it is not possible to use real costumes, then, having shown a share of creativity, you can independently recreate well-known images for everyone. Accessories and certain colors will help.

Diversify the scenario

After going along the Red carpet and taking pictures against the background of posters, frames from the film or the banner of the movie studio, you should have fun. To do this, suitable contests that resonate with the selected plot.

Playing the passages. To do this, you must pre-prepare cards with the names of scenes from the movie. The guest pulls one of them and plays the scene. It is important for the organizer to have all the necessary props for a movie-style party that is being shown. It is purchased in a specialized store, or made independently. The main thing is to show imagination and not be afraid to use even improvised means to depict the distinctive accessories of the heroes.

Guess the movie. The idea is suitable when there is no reference to a particular film, but the genre is known. You can guess by pantomime, drawing or a full-fledged sketch. Prepare everything you need in advance: pencils, paper, props, etc.

Charades and puzzles. On the card, puzzles are prepared with the names of the films or the names of the heroes and distributed to the participants. Who first guesses the prize - an Oscar figurine, for example.

Create an image. For this competition, a children's doll is suitable, or rather, a head designed for hairstyles. Although the most daring can offer themselves as a mannequin. The essence of the competition is to create the proposed image from improvised materials.

The organizer must take care of the presence of ordinary things, for example, come in handy: fake mustache, beard, glasses, hat, paints, scarves, wraps, jewelry.

Guess the movie. Participants are offered a set of items. For convenience, they are drawn or printed. By this set, it is necessary to identify the film. Example: gypsum, diamonds, motor ship. Answer: Diamond Hand painting.

Horror movies. If a movie-style party is organized based on a horror movie, contests should keep the atmosphere alive. Offer darts and a target in the form of the living dead.

If you put a white sheet on a balloon and draw with your eye marker, a pretty nice cast will come out.

Star feast

No matter how fun a movie-style party was organized, nobody canceled the treat. If the event is dedicated to Soviet films, the best snack would be potatoes and herring. Of course, you should not exaggerate and serve only these products, but the basis is to take them. And it’s better to get grandma’s plates from the sideboard.

When the holiday is shrouded in an atmosphere of love and melodrama, a gourmet appetizer in porcelain sets is served on the table.

Comedies sometimes require a wide variety of dishes, including clay. But you can surprise everyone and serve salads and snacks in the form of funny characters on bright paper plates.

cinema party decoration

The main condition is that the serving and food correspond to the chosen genre. Well, a pirate cannot drink from a crystal glass! A champagne can be pasted, turning it into rum. Tomato juice fits perfectly into the theme of horror, turning into blood.

Capture the holiday

When the movie-style party ends, the photos will remind its participants of the fun. But this is a film, so you need to take care of the video. In addition, then it will be quite possible to create your own movie based on the received frames and photo cards.

To do this, when organizing the event, take care of assigning the role of an operator who will shoot your movie and then provide the result of its work.

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