Tomatoes during pregnancy: can I eat or can not?

Every woman who finds out about her new, interesting position, significantly changes her worldview. So, with the advent of the baby in the womb, the expectant mother redefines her diet and lifestyle in general. Quite often, women have a question whether it is possible to eat a particular dish at different times. For example, is it possible for tomatoes during pregnancy?

From this article you will learn all about the benefits and harms of this product. You can also find out whether it is possible to eat tomatoes during pregnancy in a particular case. It is necessary to say about what experts and doctors think about this.

tomatoes during pregnancy

Tomatoes during pregnancy

Can I use this product while carrying a baby? Quite often, expectant mothers want to eat salted tomatoes. During pregnancy, such a desire is fully justified. A major restructuring of the whole organism begins. Also, most expectant mothers are faced with toxicosis. During this period, you always want to eat something special (sour, salty or sweet).

Can I eat tomatoes during pregnancy? Specialists cannot give a definite answer to this question. Some women are quite allowed to eat several tomatoes a day. Other expectant mothers should refrain from such a diet. Consider the main pros and cons of this vegetable. We will try to independently answer the question of whether it is possible to eat tomatoes during pregnancy.

The content of vitamins and nutrients in the product

Fresh tomatoes during pregnancy can bring quite a lot of benefits to the body. They contain some trace elements that are so necessary for the expectant mother. These include zinc, selenium, iodine, fluorine, potassium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, and also magnesium.

In addition, tomatoes are useful in the following substances: vitamins E, K, C, nicotinic acid, carotene, glucose and so on. All these components are needed by the expectant mother for the correct formation of organs and systems of the fetus.

salted tomatoes during pregnancy

The benefits of tomatoes for the intestines

Tomatoes during pregnancy can cope with constipation and increased flatulence. This symptom affects almost half of the expectant mothers. All this is associated with the restructuring of the body.

So, in the early stages of bearing a child, a hormone called progesterone is produced. It has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. The intestines are no exception. Because of this substance, the uterus does not expel the fetus, but at the same time, constipation begins and gas formation increases. In later periods of expectation of a child, a woman is faced with constipation due to intestinal displacement. A growing uterus with a fetus presses on adjacent organs.

If you regularly eat fresh tomatoes during pregnancy, then the stool will improve, and intestinal peristatics will recover. As a result, a woman will be able to avoid problems such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and so on.

Benefits for the work of the heart system and blood vessels

Cucumbers and tomatoes during pregnancy are excellent antioxidants. These raw vegetables are able to saturate the circulatory system with necessary substances and cleanse blood vessels. Due to this, toxins are removed from the body. Also, blood vessels are cleansed of plaques that are formed due to the use of bad cholesterol.

Tomatoes contain folic acid and B vitamins. They participate in hematopoiesis and contribute to the prevention of anemia caused by iron deficiency. All this very well affects the work of the heart. Magnesium contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system. This helps to avoid unwanted stress and anxiety during the period of bearing the child.

cucumbers and tomatoes during pregnancy

How does the use of tomatoes affect the skin of a woman?

Tomatoes during pregnancy help to improve the appearance of the expectant mother. It's no secret that a strong hormonal rearrangement can lead to a worsening of the dermis. On the body of the future mother, due to a sharp weight gain, stretch marks appear. The face may be covered with acne or acne. Often the skin becomes dry and sensitive, severe itching appears.

Daily use of tomatoes leads to the restoration and regeneration of the integument of the body. The skin gradually returns to normal, it becomes healthy and radiant. Also increases the elasticity and elasticity of the dermis.

What do nutritionists and gynecologists say about this?

Doctors say that tomatoes during pregnancy help to avoid gaining excess weight. Normally, the future mother should recover by 10-13 kilograms by the time of delivery. However, most of the fairer sex do not fit into this range. Many future mothers add 20, or even 30 kilograms. All this is due to malnutrition and metabolic disorders.

Regular consumption of tomatoes leads to the normalization of the digestive tract. In addition to the disappearance of constipation, the future mother may note that the extra pounds have ceased to be added in large volumes.

Is it possible to eat tomatoes during pregnancy

General effect of the product on the body

Doctors say that the use of tomatoes can be an excellent way to prevent cancer. It is during the expectation of the baby that a strong hormonal adjustment is observed. Some tumors due to this can progress to growth. If there is a predisposition to malignant neoplasms, then often they appear during pregnancy.

Eating tomatoes in a fresh and processed form saturates the body with lycopene. This substance contributes not only to the prevention of cancer, but also slows down the aging process.

Vitamin C, which is found in tomatoes, helps strengthen the body's immune defenses. This is what is necessary for future mothers, since colds often arise during a baby's expectation.

fresh tomatoes during pregnancy

The effect of tomatoes on the kidneys and urinary system

If the future mother has kidney problems, then doctors strongly recommend that you refrain from such a diet. During the bearing of the child, the load on this system increases. If you regularly consume tomatoes, the situation may become even worse.

If you find kidney stones and sand in the urine, you should completely abandon the use of tomatoes. Otherwise, the deterioration in the well-being of the future mother can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Exacerbation of gallbladder disease and bone problems

If the expectant mother before pregnancy suffered from some diseases of the gallbladder and spleen, then do not eat tomatoes now. A special risk group includes women who have gallstones or a deficiency of enzymes. Doctors say that in these cases, the tomato becomes a forbidden fruit.

If a woman suffers from arthritis or has a predisposition to its occurrence, then you can not eat tomatoes in any form. Violation of this rule can lead to unpleasant consequences.

tomatoes during pregnancy

What about ketchup and pickles?

It happens that a woman wants a fresh tomato during pregnancy. However, much more often the expectant mother wants to eat salted or pickled vegetables. Such nutrition will not bring any benefit to the woman or her unborn child. Such a diet can only cause diseases of the kidneys, bladder, stomach and bones.

You should also not eat fried tomatoes and ketchups. They contain a large number of harmful substances that are formed during the heat treatment. If the product is purchased in a store and is already ready for use, then, most likely, there are a lot of preservatives and harmful additives.

Can I eat tomatoes in the last weeks of pregnancy and before childbirth?

Many mothers who do not have contraindications to such a diet eat tomatoes until the time of birth. However, this is wrong. In the very last weeks of bearing a baby, you should abandon such vegetables. They can cause allergies in crumbs. Also, do not eat tomatoes immediately after the birth of the baby. This applies to those women who adhere to the rules of breastfeeding. It is worthwhile to refrain from salty and canned foods at a later date, since their use can cause swelling.

fresh tomatoes during pregnancy

Summary and short conclusion

You now know all the pros and cons of such a vegetable as a tomato. Eating it or not during pregnancy is everyone's personal business. However, when choosing a diet, it is worth considering the possible risks and contraindications. If a woman is allergic, then do not use tomato in any form. Otherwise, there is a big risk that the baby will also have a reaction to the product.

If you still doubt whether it is possible to eat tomatoes during pregnancy, then consult with a specialist. The gynecologist knows your diseases and takes into account all possible risks. Ask your doctor if you can eat this vegetable. Be sure to listen to the recommendations and tips. Easy your pregnancy and be healthy!

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