Collie (Scottish Shepherd) is now considered the most fashionable breed of pet dogs in the UK. There are longhair and shorthair collies, border collies and bearded collies. But all these species are distinguished by a wide flat skull, long neck and muzzle, half-tailed ears, good oval eyes and a straight back.
Breed history
Different spellings of the word “collie” at different times led to a divergence of opinion about where the name of this breed came from. Some believe that the word comes from the name of the black Scottish sheep - colleys, according to others, it is associated with the adjective col, meaning "dark". In the color of many Scottish shepherd dogs, a dark color is indeed present. Interestingly, the word col also means “circle” or “collar”. As a result of this, according to the third, the breed in question owes its name to the white collar and white coat on the chest, which are another hallmark of these dogs.
The ancestors of the
long-haired collie appeared in Scotland more than 400 years ago, where they were imported from Iceland. The first descriptions of
dogs similar to them
were seen on the pages of one of the 1790 editions devoted to dogs of the British Isles. The breed mentioned in the book belonged to shepherd dogs. Most likely, they served, so to speak, as material for the further breeding of English breeds, such as border collies, long-haired and short-haired collies.
Queen Victoria made a significant contribution to the development of these species. She started a Scottish shepherd, and professional dog breeders soon followed suit. It is likely that at first the royal dog breeders crossed Scottish shepherd dogs with representatives of other breeds. It is possible that they were setters and greyhounds. As a result of this, a breed appeared that in the modern world is a symbol of beauty and mind - a Scottish shepherd, or collie.
Dog character
It’s rare to find an animal with such wonderful characteristics! The collie dog breed is considered the most intelligent, beautiful, loyal and kind. You cannot find a more ideal pet for a family with children. The character of the Scottish Shepherd shows a tendency to take care and patronize the weak, which makes it the best nanny for children. With kids, collies can frolic for hours, meekly allowing them petty pranks. A dog almost never snarls in response to attempts to pull its coat, ears or tail. But this does not mean that children can be allowed to torment the animal.
Scottish shepherds very easily get along with other representatives of the animal world, they show friendliness even towards poultry and cats. At a high level is their intelligence. Regular classes with the pet can achieve very good results. They can understand dozens of words, not to mention the execution of certain commands. Easy to train. Collie dog is very curious. First of all, she is trying to earn praise and approval from the owner, so she will try her best. But remember: only with the help of affectionate words and goodies as an encouragement can you achieve high results. Punishment and rudeness make the Scottish shepherd self-doubt. And coercion will make them stubborn.
Over the past 100 years, the appearance (exterior) of modern collies has changed dramatically, but the instincts and character that have shaped over the centuries have remained the same. Therefore, even today you can see shepherd’s habits in the behavior of Scottish shepherds, the genetic code of which clearly shows strong affection for people, unpretentiousness and good health.
Long-haired shepherds are considered more aristocratic than short-haired. However, in critical situations, the moving smooth-haired collie behaves more courageously, he becomes a more formidable and dangerous opponent for outsiders. It should be noted that in spite of his meekness, this breed is not considered "quiet". These are shepherd dogs bred in order to control the flock with their voice. Therefore, Scottish shepherd dogs willingly bark, although they never do it for no reason.
The collie breed is highly intelligent and easy to educate. These dogs have well-developed sensory organs, therefore, you do not need to raise your voice unnecessarily, and you should not do this too often. They do not like violence and rough treatment, from such an attitude a collie can become locked in himself forever. From the very first days, you need to communicate with the puppy calmly and evenly. The best results will be achieved if the voice when giving commands differs in intonation and timbre. The training of the Scottish Shepherd Dog must begin from the very moment of its appearance in the house. A collie dog will become what its owner wants to see. Therefore, the owner must clearly determine for himself what he wants from his pet, what will be allowed to him and what not. Then you need to persistently and calmly stop the pet every time he crosses the line.
The Scottish Shepherd dog loves when it is satisfied, and often seeks to predict the wishes of the beloved owner. Moreover, it adapts to the lifestyle of the family in which it lives. From the first month, collie puppies (long-haired or short-haired breed - it doesn’t matter) should get used to the diet, a place to rest and sleep, they must be accustomed to their own name, washing, leash, as well as to walks and elementary teams.
It is advisable to start the collization socialization from birth, you need to take it outside, introduce it to other animals and people. This will turn her into a pet that can live in society. A collie dog is naturally temperamental and very energetic. This character trait remains with her until the end of her life. The animals in question are constantly in need of new experiences and movement. Keeping these dogs on the chain is unacceptable! Constant communication with a person and a sense of their need for them is vital.
Hair care
Long-haired collies have very thick hair, which consists of a straight, hard outer hair and a dense thick undercoat that protects them from heat and cold. The pet needs to be combed once or twice a week, and during moulting - daily. This avoids the formation of warlocks. This procedure can be carried out using a standard brush for combing wool and combs with small teeth. More thorough care requires an undercoat. Claws need to be cut short.
Is it necessary to bathe a collie or not?
It is strictly forbidden to bathe a collie puppy, as it can catch a cold. Yes, this is not necessary. It is enough to wipe the pet with a damp cloth, and then brush it. An adult does not need to be washed either: in the summer it has the opportunity to swim in the ponds, and in winter it is possible to clean the wool with snow. Washing degreases the coat, as a result of which it loses its luster. Collie dogs have very delicate skin. Careless washing of soapy sediment can cause irritation and scratching.
Dental care
It is advisable to brush your pet’s teeth once a week using a soft brush and children's tooth powder or toothpaste. To clean the enamel, you can also use lemon juice. These preventative measures will help prevent the appearance of plaque, which contributes to the appearance of caries, gum disease and other troubles. In no case do not forcibly take away objects that the dog clamped between his teeth - there is a risk of spoiling the bite.
Ear care
As a rule, problems with setting ears in collie puppies begin in 3-7 months, which coincides with the period of the change of teeth. This is quite normal. The calcium level in the body of a dog varies. This affects the bones and cartilage in the auricles. If the ears of the pet are straightened, it is urgent to prepare a mixture of technical glycerin or anhydrous lanolin with talcum powder (baby powder), bringing it to the consistency of thick sour cream. Then you need to generously grease the ears (upper half from the inside) from the line of the desired fold to the tip, which should lower. This procedure must be repeated until the ears are in the correct position after removing the mixture. It may be advisable to reduce the dose of calcium in food. To resolve this issue, it is recommended to consult with a specialist. If the above method does not give the desired effect, then you can gently fold the ear in half and glue the upper tip to the inside of the ear using adhesive tape. It is impossible to hang a load on the ears in order to correct them. In over-fed and passive dogs, ears can be more than half-dropped. To solve this problem, it is necessary, first of all, to take measures to reduce the weight of the pet, increase the amount of calcium in the menu, and also walk with him in an unfamiliar area, which will give the dog the opportunity to alert and raise his ears.
Scottish Shepherds need physical activity. It is advisable to arrange regular long walks for them. A collie dog enjoys playing with a ball, just loves to run without a leash and carry out the owner's commands.
Collie Breed: Shedding Features
Shedding is a periodic change of coat. There are several forms of this process:
- age shedding - junior hair is replaced by an adult;
- seasonal molting - thick winter coat is replaced by a rare and short summer coat;
- health moult;
- molting bitches after childbirth and leaking.
Age shedding is observed at about one year of age. It must be remembered that the timing depends on the conditions of detention, heredity, nutrition, season, etc.
Seasonal molting is highly dependent on the conditions of detention. A collie dog living in the yard, on the street, molts 2 times a year: in spring and autumn. At room content, the molting process can continue almost year-round. This is explained by the fact that in enclosed spaces a constant temperature is maintained, which leads to disruption of the biological rhythms of natural “dressing” and “undressing”. And often because of this, the process of changing the wool flows sluggishly and drags on for many months, until the next seasonal molt. However, this problem is easily resolved if you deal with it closely.
In bitches, molting can also be associated with hormonal fluctuations and from estrus periods. Very strongly dogs begin to molt after childbirth. No need to panic - this is a natural process. Soon they will grow new coat, more magnificent and thicker than before childbirth.
The collie breed is not picky. Animals can eat both special dry and wet foods from the store, as well as home-cooked meals. Before choosing one of the methods of feeding, you need to carefully consider all the points. The first option is suitable for busy owners. For those who want to give preference to home-made food, believing that this is the most economical option, you need to take into account one nuance: waste from your own table is not suitable for dogs. It is necessary to think out for the pet a full menu, using only high-quality products for cooking.
List of useful products for Scottish Shepherd dogs:
- boiled beef;
- liver;
- eggs
- boiled fish without bones, best marine;
- milk products;
- cereals;
- cheese;
- seaweed;
- vegetables;
- yeast;
- medicinal plants in the form of herbal supplements;
- vitamins.
Harmful products:
- raw pork, river fish and lard;
- tubular bones;
- peas;
- fried potatoes;
- pearl barley;
- flour products;
- sweets.
Collie puppy recommendations
A description of the breed of the Scottish Shepherd Dog can be found in the official standard, which you must be familiar with before buying a puppy. You can get a mentally and physically healthy dog in kennels, specialized clubs or at a professional breeder. You should also carefully study all available offers, read reviews about sellers. This will reduce the risk of acquiring sick animals or those that do not meet breed standards. Many people wonder at what age you can buy a puppy? The best option is from one and a half to two months. At this time, they have fairly smooth and strong legs, long, with a good set neck. You should pay attention to the exterior of the dog. According to the standard, the height at the withers and the length of the body should be approximately equal. The back of the dog should be flat, without a hump or bend.
Some clarifications
Another frequently asked question: "Does the dwarf collie differ in anything from the Scottish Shepherd?" Beginners should know that there is no such breed. Yes, there are dogs very similar to the "Scots." This is a Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie. Dwarf collie is, so to speak, the popular name of a separate breed, albeit with an admixture of blood of long-haired brothers. It is possible that once the breeders tried to bring out a miniature copy of the Scottish Shepherd. Be that as it may, sheltie is very popular today, especially among apartment owners.
Summing up, we note that Scottish shepherd dogs can become not only your favorite pets, but also real family members. After all, they are smart, healthy, unpretentious, very contact, natural born nannies, able and loving to take care of children.