Almost all over the world there is an interesting and pleasant tradition - before the wedding, the bride must go to her bachelorette party with her best friends. As a rule, such a bachelorette party is arranged by her best girlfriend.
In order for everything to go as it should, the event initially needs to be planned. For example, it is worthwhile to prepare
cool contests for a bachelorette party in advance. After all, what would happen without them? Now we will talk about several possible options for competitions.
So, the bachelorette party - contests for the bride:
- Such an interesting contest "Negative traits of a loved one." The bride, as well as all other participants, is given a leaf and a pen. For a certain time you need to write all the negative traits of your loved one. It can be anything, from scattered socks all over the house to its constant delays at work. In this case, the bride should have time to write more than all the shortcomings. Otherwise, she loses - then her girlfriends have the right to recover from her the fulfillment of their desire.
In no case should you forget that a bachelorette party is a bachelorette party. Competitions on it should be exceptionally fun and interesting. So the second test for the bride is as follows: “If your husband ...”. The bottom line is that the bride should be well prepared for all the vicissitudes of life that lie in wait for her after marriage. Bridesmaids write the phrase "If your husband ..." on a piece of paper and supplement it with their inventions. For example, "If your husband will love your mother more than you?" And the bride must give an answer how she will act in this case.- The third competition should show how well the bride knows her chosen one. Her girlfriends should ask the groom in advance about his addictions: what color he loves, his favorite football team and so on. At the bachelorette party, they again ask the same thing, but already with the bride about her future husband. For each wrong answer, you can come up with an interesting punishment.
However, at such an event as a bachelorette party, contests should be not only for the bride, but for everyone else. So, bachelorette party - contests for everyone:
Funny contest "Cinderella". Surely, absolutely everyone remembers this tale. In this case, all participants are provided with shoes that they should try on. However - this should not be ordinary women's shoes. As shoes, you can use men's shoes, galoshes, baby booties and so on. In order to fully confirm her title as Cinderella, the winner must dance in similar shoes.- To cheer up the girlfriends, you can quietly put interesting notes with compliments during the evening. It is especially beautiful if it will be poetic compliments. It's nice to look for wet wipes in your purse, and to find such a funny wish there.
In general, at such an event as a bachelorette party, you can use a variety of contests. Their main essence is that they are funny, playful and harmless. I would not want to spoil the mood of someone on such a wonderful evening.