Addiction among adolescents .... If there is more evil in the world? Drugs are dangerous for any person and at any age - they destroy not only the body (although their effect is truly terrible), but also the soul, forcing them to commit the lowest and meanest acts. But for a young, growing and developing person, narcotic substances are many times more dangerous.
It would seem that in our country, vigorous activity is being carried out that clearly demonstrates and talks about the dangers of drug use, drug abuse prevention among teenagers is constantly being promoted, but every year the number of young people who are influenced by this terrible habit is increasing and increasing. What is the reason for this state of affairs and why are the most vulnerable members of our community more and more victims of drug addiction? There are several reasons for this, among which the main one is the so-called “drug fashion” in the companies of teenagers and youth, as well as the curiosity that pushes future addicts to this slippery path. Experts say that the special danger of this cause of drug addiction in adolescents is that a person who has tried a dangerous drug for the first time experiences unusually pleasant sensations - he seeks to repeat them, feel again, as a result of which there is a dependence, and not only narcotic (inability to stop taking drugs due to rapidly developing withdrawal symptoms), but also mental, or dependence on the pleasure provided by the drug.
Very often, the cause of the start of taking narcotic drugs is the friendship of a teenager with a company of peers, already having some experience in the conduct of a "drug" lifestyle. The so-called difficult teenagers think that drugs and drug addicts will be able to replace school and family, especially if things are not going too well. The opposite situation is a fairly prosperous company in which a teenager seeks to become a leader, for which he begins to show himself from many different angles, including attempting to be considered an adult by abuse of alcohol, smoking or drugs.
Addiction among adolescents, unfortunately, is very common, so it’s worth remembering not only the reasons for its development - a much more important issue is how to prevent this phenomenon. How to notice in time that your child has started using drugs? Pay attention to the slightest changes in his behavior - excessive irritability, drowsiness and lethargy or, conversely, hyperactivity and inability to concentrate, sharpness, secrecy, as well as poor health and a change in taste preferences (up to a change in diet regimen and composition). Naturally, during this period problems with studies begin, frequent quarrels with friends and parents, and as addiction develops, drug addiction among adolescents manifests itself in the loss of valuable things and money from home.
Having caught a specific smell in your child or noticed minor deviations in normal behavior, you must act immediately, but do not panic and do not worry. It is very important to correctly understand the situation - it is not at all necessary that your child turned into a real drug addict, because, perhaps, the teenager simply took the drug “for company” or out of interest, but does not feel any desire to repeat the experience. It must be remembered that parents should be friends and helpers, not prosecutors and enemies of their child. It is necessary to find out under what circumstances the son or daughter tried drugs for the first time, and only then decide whether you are able to cope with the situation yourself, or whether you can not do without the help of a specialist. It is especially important to support the child if he himself admitted to his experience - drug addiction among adolescents can be defeated by friendly participation, attentive attitude and timely resolution of all problems of the child.