Nobody likes to be sick, but, unfortunately, in life, not everything always happens the way we want it to. Even the happiest moments when mom expects her baby are accompanied by ailments. The woman is nauseous, then she wants to sleep. And very often mothers get a runny nose. This condition is not the most dangerous, but it causes a lot of trouble. Today we’ll talk about what you can drip in your nose during pregnancy.
First trimester - a world banned
Not only drugs, but also folk medicines can affect the body of crumbs in the best way. Moreover, almost all drugs are generally categorically contraindicated during the period when the baby and organs are rapidly growing.
And, nevertheless, this symptom needs attention. For example, a runny nose may not be as harmless as it seems. Here you need to understand why it appeared. If this is a symptom of a cold, then it is necessary to begin timely treatment. An allergic reaction should be corrected with adequate, antihistamines. And the physiological runny nose that occurs in pregnant women can accompany almost the entire period of the baby's bearing and does not require treatment.
Side effect
That is how it can be regarded. In response to the “interesting situation”, the body launches certain defense mechanisms that provoke a change in the functioning of the mucous membranes. Therefore, a condition develops that is regarded as rhinitis of pregnant women. It will pass by itself, but as soon as your baby is born.
It turns out that first you do not need to go to the pharmacy and question the pharmacist that you can drip in the nose during pregnancy, and undergo an examination with an experienced specialist. Only by determining the cause, you can find the only, right solution.
Why a runny nose can be dangerous
Because this is only a symptom that can accompany a wide variety of diseases. And until it turned out which one had caused him at the moment, you do not need to think about what you can drip into your nose during pregnancy. For example, this condition may indicate the presence of a viral disease in the woman’s body. Almost any of them is extremely dangerous for the baby and the placenta. Doctors immediately send a blood and urine test to identify the cause and eliminate it as efficiently as possible.
How to overcome discomfort
Let us now consider the situation that a runny nose is the norm, that is, it does not require any correction. But at the same time, the question of what can be dripped into the nose during pregnancy does not lose its relevance. A runny nose causes not only real discomfort, but also leads to certain problems. Imagine that you have to breathe through your mouth for several months and suffer from insomnia, because there is not enough air. But this is not all: harmful impurities and microorganisms do not settle on the walls of the mucosa, but penetrate immediately into the lungs. And this is a big risk for mother and baby.
Another point: if a woman has difficulty breathing, then her body receives less oxygen. And this is very dangerous, since it threatens fetal hypoxia. As you can see, the question of how to drip your nose during pregnancy is much deeper. It is necessary to find out the reason and find the optimal remedy that will benefit and not harm both. Leaving it as is is far from the best option. After all, letting the problem go by chance, you can worsen your condition.
Most pharmacy drugs for the common cold are just in this category. This applies to drops and sprays, and you can call them safe only with a big stretch. The strongest vasoconstrictor effect is not only on the mucous membranes, but also on the whole organism. Moreover, the whole effect is that the ducts will not be able to give out all the mucus produced. In this case, the reasons remain.
Yes, this is also important, because it gives temporary relief and the ability to sleep well. But the question is, is it possible to drip a drug in the nose during pregnancy that can produce a similar effect on the vessels of the placenta? After all, this can lead to malnutrition of the baby.
So that the reader does not think that the colors are deliberately thickening, let's look at a specific example. There is "Naphthyzinum". It has been used by several generations, and everyone is alive. But did you know that 10 mg of this substance is a lethal dose even for a student? Overdose symptoms are quite vivid - drowsiness, central nervous system depression, respiratory arrest, coma.
Yes, a single dose of the minimum dose really does not hurt. But can you say exactly what your specific dose will be? And exactly measure the number of drops that fall into the nasal cavity? Of course not, especially if there is an uncomfortable bottle. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to drip the nose with "Naphthyzine" during pregnancy should be answered in the negative.
This is another point associated with the use of vasoconstrictors. After several days of such treatment, the body gets used to their action. Now, to achieve a real result, you will need to constantly increase a single dose. Near and addictive.
And if you abuse such funds for a long time, then the nose completely refuses to work without them. The use of drops for more than three days can deplete the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The doctor weighs all this when he decides whether it is possible to drip in the nose during pregnancy one of the popular remedies for the common cold.
When you need to ease your breathing, you should remember about this simple and effective technique. Rinsing allows you to mechanically clean the path without affecting the causes. In this case, you can use plain water, or add some means to it that increase the effectiveness of the procedure:
- You can drip in the nose during pregnancy a solution of ordinary sea salt. To do this, dilute two teaspoons into a glass of water. When you get a little used to this procedure, you can rinse the entire nasal cavity.
- Brew a pharmacy chamomile and let stand for 30 minutes. This infusion can be washed and instilled in the nose up to 10 times a day.
- You can make a medicinal mixture consisting of licorice rhizomes and clover flowers, plantain leaves, calendula. It can be used in the morning and evening.
For washing the nose, use a small, children's syringe. During the procedure, tilt your head slightly forward so that the fluid flows normally. Usually, about 50 ml of tincture is required at one time.
Is it possible to drip my nose during pregnancy by any folk remedies? No, in this case, you first need to consult a doctor. For example, oak bark has antimicrobial properties, but irritates the mucous membrane. Therefore, you can not use it for washing the nose.
The use of medicinal oils
And we continue the conversation about what you can drip in the nose during pregnancy in the early stages. After washing, it is recommended to use natural oils. To do this, you can take ready-made in the pharmacy: peach, sea buckthorn.
5 drops should be instilled into each nostril. If there is no money to buy oil in a pharmacy, you can easily prepare it yourself. For example, take two tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves and mix them with a glass of olive oil. It remains to bring to a boil and cool. Strain and refrigerate.
Natural juice
Folk remedies are not limited to decoctions of herbs. You can drip aloe into your nose during pregnancy . It is difficult to find such an effective tool. It has several effects at once. Agave allows you to remove swelling of the mucous membrane and facilitates breathing. The special properties of the plant provide an effective fight against bacteria and viruses at the local level. Aloe juice is buried in the nose diluted by half in water. Do not try to increase the concentration, this can lead to burns of the mucous membrane.
Simple and familiar vegetables
With cough and runny nose, they can also greatly help. Surely, the ENT will remember them, saying that you can drip in the nose during pregnancy from a runny nose. Beetroot juice helps with thick secretions. To do this, grate the raw vegetable and instill 1-2 drops in both nostrils.
Carrot juice is also recommended. It is mixed half with olive oil and instilled into both nostrils. Do not forget that each of these recipes must be used at least 6-7 times to evaluate the effectiveness. After all, at first they may not help. But the traditional black radish, garlic and onions in the first trimester are better not to use. They can cause a miscarriage.
White cabbage juice is another great cure for the common cold. A glass of water will need to take two tablespoons. To get it you can use a juicer or a meat grinder. An infusion of ordinary raspberry leaves is great. But all these funds have only a local effect. Therefore, it is good to combine them with other methods of treatment, if the common cold is the cause of the common cold.
In the most difficult cases, when the runny nose is plentiful, you can lubricate the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab 3-5 times a day, which is moistened with fresh feather of Kalanchoe. Usually, improvement occurs within the first few minutes. And within a few days the runny nose will completely go away.
Inhalations - a proven way
To relieve swelling and nasal congestion, it is recommended not to neglect this tool. Steam inhalations help to improve mucus discharge and help clear the nasal passages. But you can perform this procedure only if the body temperature is normal.
Inhalations can be done with chamomile flowers and eucalyptus leaves, calendula flowers and plantain leaves. 1-2 tablespoons of raw material are taken in a glass of boiling water. A shallow saucepan is required to complete the procedure. Pour water into it, put medicinal herbs, and after boiling, remove from heat. Now you can lean over it and breathe steam.
Warming up
With severe nasal congestion, you can warm your nose on both sides with eggs boiled in the shell. For these purposes, you can calcine the salt and put it in a linen bag. You can warm until it cools down. And there are no restrictions, you can calcine again and repeat the procedure.
Such thermal procedures contribute to the flow of blood to the inflamed membrane, as a result of which the mucus discharged from the nose becomes thinner, and the cavity is cleaned well. This procedure also should not be performed at a body temperature above +38 degrees. In addition, it is recommended that you ask your doctor for an opinion. Vascular problems can cause this treatment to be inappropriate for you.
Instead of a conclusion
Speaking about what drops you can drip your nose during pregnancy, I want to note the following point. Be sure to go to the antenatal clinic, where you are registered, and consult a doctor. After a visit to the therapist, a series of tests will be prescribed, based on which the doctor will be able to conclude on the cause of the common cold.
Only then can one think of effective correction methods. If a runny nose is a consequence of a viral disease, then a complex treatment is ahead, in which frameworks of local action will be selected that act directly on the mucous membranes.
If the doctor determines that there is rhinitis of pregnant women, then you will need to choose the most gentle means. They will help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and will enable the woman to sleep normally. For this, decoctions of herbs, aloe juice and Kalanchoe, as well as fresh vegetables can be used. If symptoms persist for a long time, you need to periodically consult a doctor to monitor for possible changes.