ARVI in the first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most common diagnosis. You should not be afraid of this disease, as it often does not carry anything dangerous in itself. However, do not neglect treatment, because complications can be very different.
If you detect the slightest ailment and general signs of acute respiratory viral infections, you need to seek help from a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to independently carry out therapy. Incorrect treatment can lead to the development of complications and adversely affect the condition of the fetus.
Early colds
SARS in the first trimester of pregnancy worries many expectant mothers. The thing is that diseases associated with the respiratory system during this period are quite difficult. As a result, various complications can occur. Moreover, ARVI during pregnancy in the first trimester can adversely affect the development of the baby.
The causes of the disease can be the usual hormonal changes in the body. During this period, immunity decreases, which leads to the penetration of various infections into the body. All protective functions begin to recover closer to the second trimester.
SARS in the early stages of pregnancy carries more than half of expectant mothers. This disease can cause serious health problems for the baby or even lead to a miscarriage.
SARS without temperature
The common cold is almost the same in all people. The main symptoms of the disease are runny nose, weakness, fever, cough. However, it is worth noting that during the period of bearing the baby the woman’s immunity is not so strong that it threatens to cause complications.
Due to weak immunity, the temperature rises during pregnancy in the early stages. In some cases, it remains within the normal range.
An increase in temperature is the body's reaction to the penetration of viruses or bacteria. Along with this, the production of interferons occurs. These are biologically active proteins that help fight infection. Interferons are produced when the temperature rises above 37 degrees and ceases to be produced if it rises above 38.5 degrees.
If the immunity of a pregnant woman is very weakened, then the body does not have the strength to increase the temperature and fight the infection. In this case, interferons will not be produced, which means that a full-fledged attack on viruses will not occur either.
ARVI in the first trimester of pregnancy without an increase in temperature is also dangerous because a woman, having found normal indicators, concludes that the disease is not dangerous and it is not necessary to treat it. It is not right. If there are symptoms of a cold, you must definitely begin treatment immediately under the supervision of a doctor.
SARS with temperature
A similar course of the disease is quite normal. In addition, the temperature during pregnancy in the early stages can rise for no apparent reason. This is due to the fact that during the period of gestation, a large amount of the hormone progesterone is released, which affects the processes of thermoregulation.
If ARVI occurs during pregnancy and the temperature rises to 38 degrees or more, then appropriate measures should be taken immediately. Immediately need to seek help from a doctor.
An increase in temperature with a cold is considered quite normal, as an infection has appeared in the body and he is trying to fight it. In the early stages, treatment should be carried out thoroughly, however, only a doctor should prescribe drugs, so as not to harm the baby.
Causes of occurrence
SARS in the first trimester of pregnancy occurs quite often. This is a viral disease that occurs when a virus enters a weakened body. The main reason for its appearance is considered to be a decrease in immunity. SARS can lead to:
- frequent stresses, nervous breakdowns, depression;
- instability of the digestive system, enterocolitis, intestinal dysbiosis, helminthic invasions;
- overheating or hypothermia of the body;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Infection with SARS during pregnancy in the first trimester may be due to the transmission of the virus from another person. Viruses are transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, but infection through common household items is sometimes possible.
Frequent colds during pregnancy can be associated with a sharp change in a woman's lifestyle. Many, having learned about their situation, stop all activity, trying to have more time to relax, spending all their time waiting for the child. This is not entirely correct, since the baby and woman require moderate activity, fresh air and good nutrition, rich in vitamins.
You can consult a doctor and sign up for a fitness or yoga class for pregnant women. It is very important to take walks and breathe fresh air as often as possible.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of ARI and ARVI during pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy can be different. It all depends on the type of virus that infected the body. The first signs do not appear immediately. The most characteristic symptoms are such as:
- swelling of the throat and soreness;
- redness of the eyes;
- headaches and muscle aches;
- lacrimation
- dry cough;
- runny nose;
- chills;
- drowsiness, general weakness;
- temperature rise.
When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe a cold treatment. It is forbidden to pick up medicines on your own, as some of them can seriously harm the fetus.
During the period of bearing a child, the risk of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is greatly increased, since due to the large amount of progesterone, swelling of the mucous membrane can easily occur, which ultimately can develop into sinusitis.
Diagnosis of a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is carried out when the first signs of the disease appear. It begins with a survey and examination of the patient. The presence of characteristic symptoms of the disease and epidemiological data is often quite enough to correctly diagnose. In some cases, the doctor resorts to laboratory research methods, in particular such as PCR analyzes and the immunofluorescence reaction.
The first analysis is aimed at detecting the causative agent of the disease by the presence of virus DNA in the resulting material. The immunofluorescence reaction involves the detection of antigens by treating the material with specific antibodies. To clarify the diagnosis, serological research methods are used, namely:
- enzyme immunoassay (study of specific antibodies);
- complement fixation reaction;
- hemagglutination inhibition reaction (virus identification or detection of viral antibodies in blood serum).
If complications join during the course of the disease, then for their diagnosis, consultation of specialized specialists, for example, a pulmonologist or ENT doctor, may be required. For diagnosis, rhinoscopy, x-ray examination of the respiratory system, oto- and pharyngoscopy are prescribed.
Treatment features
Only a doctor should choose treatment for acute respiratory viral infections in the first trimester of pregnancy. Otherwise, complications may occur and the course of the disease may worsen. You can try to lower the temperature yourself by wiping with water at room temperature. Lowering the temperature below 38 degrees is not worth it, as in this way the body fights the disease.
If you have a runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy, you can clean your nose with Aquamaris. To do this, 3-6 times a day do two injections of the drug into each nostril. Also, Pinosol and Oxiline Ointment are well suited for this.
If the throat begins to hurt, then treatment is best done with folk remedies. The use of special lozenges is prohibited throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
It is necessary to exclude hot foot baths, as well as bathtubs and steam rooms, as they can provoke a miscarriage. You can not take "Aspirin", as well as drugs that contain it in their composition.
If a woman falls ill with acute respiratory viral infections in the first trimester of pregnancy, then it is imperative to follow rules such as:
- try to quickly remove the virus and toxic substances from the body;
- strengthen and maintain immunity;
- relieve the symptoms of the disease.
In order to get rid of a viral infectious disease as soon as possible, you must definitely follow the drinking regimen. To do this, it is important to drink as much of the heated liquid as possible. The room where the pregnant woman is located should be aired 3-4 times a day.
To maintain immunity at the required level, ascorbic acid is required, which is found in sufficient quantities in currants, citrus fruits, and rosehips. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe multivitamin complexes.
Drug treatment
Many drugs are strictly prohibited during this period. In the first trimester, the fetus begins to form, and many different negative factors can affect this process.
Medications should be taken only in the most extreme cases. In particular, they are prescribed if the benefits of taking the medicine for the mother outweigh the potential risk to the child. Basically, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy. The approved funds include Viferon. It can be taken only from 14 weeks, since previously medications are prohibited. This drug is able to quickly get rid of common symptoms of the common cold.
With a runny nose and difficulty in nasal breathing, it is recommended to rinse the nose with a solution of sea salt, as well as bury it in the nasal passages. In addition, you can use ready-made salt solutions, in particular, such as “Aqua Maris”. It is better to refuse the use of vasoconstrictors. Homeopathic medicine Sinupret earned good reviews. It is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy. This drug restores immunity and helps the body fight viruses.
When coughing in the first trimester, inhalation is considered the best remedy. Usually they are carried out in the morning and evening for about 15 minutes. You can use folk methods for this. Usually, it takes 3-5 days for inhalation to get a lasting result.
With a slight increase in temperature to 37-37.5 degrees, no funds should be taken. If it rises more than 38 degrees, then you can take the pill "Paracetamol" or the required dosage of "Panadol".
Pregnant women also need to take safe immunostimulating drugs, which the prescribing doctor must prescribe. Their action is aimed at producing antibodies and suppressing the virus. Herbal medications are also indicated. Preference should be given to funds for topical application.
To eliminate sore throat and cough, you can use Doctor Mom lozenges, tablets and syrup to treat. Sore throat will help eliminate the spray "Ingalipt", "Orasept."
Folk remedies
With ARVI in the first trimester of pregnancy, alternative methods of treatment can be used only after consulting a treating doctor to prevent complications. If a woman has a stuffy nose, then the child does not receive enough oxygen, so he begins to suffer from hypoxia. First of all, you need to get rid of this symptom. To cure a runny nose, you need to drip salt water into your nose, you can sea. It is recommended to do this procedure up to 4 times a day. To make a medicine, you need to add 1 tsp to 200 ml of warm water. salt. Then bury the solution in the nose. You can also use it for washing the nasal passages.
It is very useful to inhale essential oils, in particular such as oils of eucalyptus, sage, orange.
You can get rid of unpleasant sensations in the throat with the help of warm milk with the addition of honey and butter. In addition, you need to gargle as often as possible with a solution of salt and soda. You can also use sage, calendula, mint. Feet should be kept warm, so woolen socks are recommended.
During pregnancy, various inhalations help with which you can very quickly remove sputum. For this, you can use the essential oil of sage and eucalyptus. In the room you can set the aroma lamp and breathe in pairs of oils. You can also breathe over boiled potatoes. Then dress warmly, cover yourself with a blanket and go to bed.
To lower the temperature and get rid of viruses, you can drink plenty of water. Tea of linden, raspberry, chamomile broth, cranberry juice, rosehip infusion has a good effect. The doctor prescribes vitamin C. However, one must take into account the fact that you can not drink it in large quantities. This can lead to severe edema, allergies, as well as atopic dermatitis in the newborn.
The best cough suppressant is syrup made from onions. To do this, wash the onions with the husk, add sugar and boil. Since ARVI can harm the fetus, during pregnancy, you need to get rid of the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner. Treatment with folk remedies should be treated very carefully and all their actions should be coordinated with the doctor.
What is forbidden to accept
In the early stages of pregnancy, doctors recommend taking medications based on medicinal herbs. During this period, treatment with drugs such as:
- antibacterial;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- antibiotics
- drugs with aspirin;
- vasoconstrictor drugs.
All these funds can very badly harm the fetus, right up to the fading of pregnancy.
Possible consequences
Many people realize that with ARVI in the first trimester of pregnancy, the consequences can be very serious, and they are dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the woman herself. One of the consequences of a cold can be a pathology that damages any organs and systems. This is due to the fact that the immunity of a woman cannot normally perform her protective functions. That is why the infection can easily enter the body. In severe cases, there may be a miscarriage.
In the case of ARVI in the first trimester of pregnancy, the consequences can be dangerous for the woman herself. A cold can lower the expectant mother’s weak immunity. This often leads to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, in particular such as bronchitis, rheumatism, cholecystitis. In addition, secondary bacterial complications may appear.
If the disease is not properly treated, the infection can spread further throughout the body. As a result of this, pneumonia, chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis can develop.
In order to prevent negative consequences, it is very important not to ignore the signs of the disease that have appeared and consult a doctor in a timely manner. During pregnancy, the load on the body is very large. Joining an infection can cause kidney and heart complications.
Due to sneezing and coughing, a woman has to constantly strain the abdominal muscles, which can lead to an increase in uterine tone. A stuffy nose makes breathing difficult, which can lead to a lack of oxygen in the fetus.
Effect on the fetus
In the first weeks, the expectant mother should especially take care of her health, since even a mild cold can lead to a miscarriage. The effect on the fetus of acute respiratory viral infections in the first trimester of pregnancy is very negative, since at this time the baby is formed, and important organs are laid in it. A cold can negatively affect them and pathologies of development appear from this.
Among intrauterine pathologies of fetal development due to transferred viral infections, malformations of organs and systems are quite common. In the first trimester, the laying of the organs of hearing and vision, the respiratory system, as well as the formation of the neural tube, takes place. All these processes are negatively affected not only by infections, but also by drugs that are used to treat them.
To prevent the occurrence of acute respiratory viral infections in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is imperative to adhere to the basic rules of prevention. It is important to regularly rinse your mouth. To do this, use the infusion or decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula.
Hygiene is mandatory, so you need to wash your hands regularly, preferably with antibacterial soap. It is important to constantly ventilate the room, even if it is very cold outside. At least twice a day, you need to open the window, since high temperature and warm air contribute to the multiplication of viruses and bacteria.
A pregnant woman must take vitamin preparations that will help strengthen immunity and thereby avoid the onset of the disease.To prevent ARVI, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of all family members, since there is a high probability of getting infection from them. To strengthen the body, vitamin complexes, for example, Complivit, are well suited. The Derinat drug copes well with increasing immunity. However, before using them, a doctor’s consultation is required. In addition, it is important to follow rules such as:
- Do not go for a walk in windy weather and rain;
- keep feet from getting wet;
- regularly drink tea with lemon, blackcurrant, rosehip;
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