All people sooner or later are interested in how girls get pregnant. Of course, this question has fascinated us from a very young age, adolescents study IT in biology classes, but nevertheless, when that moment comes, the theory is completely forgotten and literature is frantically searched for about how girls get pregnant.
In fact, conception is a complex process, depending on many factors and the health status of both partners. The female body is a close-knit, well-established system, therefore, if everything is in order with health, then there should not be issues with conception. However, not everything is as simple as we would like. In order for the desired pregnancy to happen, aspiration alone is not enough. Certain knowledge is needed in this area. So that the expectation does not last for months or even years, you just need to know in which period there is the greatest probability of a positive result. This period is called ovulation, and now there is no problem with its definition. Normally, it occurs exactly in the middle of the female cycle, but there are exceptions. Therefore, it is believed that with a cycle duration of, for example, 28 days, ovulation will be on day 14, but you can try to get pregnant from the 9th to the 19th day. In any case, the sperm lives on average 5 to 7 days, so there is a chance of conception on any of these days. At this time, the egg should exit the follicle into the uterus and meet with its sperm. Their unity contains a part of the answer to the question: "How do girls become pregnant?"
Conception on other days
Those optimists who want to know how girls get pregnant with the exact opposite purpose of avoiding this will be disappointed - you can conceive a child on any day of the cycle. There are frequent cases when pregnancy occurs after sex during critical days.
Meanwhile, sexual intimacy during menstruation threatens not only an unplanned pregnancy, but also a risk of infection. And it doesn’t matter whether a woman has a permanent partner or not. Depending on the cycle shift, the number of matured eggs, favorable days for conception may shift, and given that the sperm is quite tenacious, the number of days on which conception can occur significantly increases. Therefore, if pregnancy is not planned, it is better to always be protected. But nevertheless, if the pregnancy is long-awaited, then you need not to go in cycles, but to live for your own pleasure and, not being protected, make love at any time: it is quite possible that pregnancy will come the first time.
First signs
These symptoms should be known to every woman who monitors her health. Men will also not need this information.
The most obvious sign indicating that fertilization was successful is the lack of regular menstruation. Therefore, it is very important to know your cycle and keep a calendar so that then there are no additional problems. But, unfortunately, the absence of menstruation does not always indicate pregnancy, it can also be other health problems, so you can do a test, and if its result is negative, consult a doctor.
Basal temperature
This symptom is more likely for people planning a child. Women measure basal temperature to find out when ovulation occurs. You need to measure it with an ordinary thermometer in an unusual place - the rectum, in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. If the indicators on the thermometer increase sharply, then ovulation has come. It should be noted that with the onset of pregnancy, the temperature will always be slightly above 37 degrees.
Almost all girls experienced discomfort in the mammary glands before or during critical days. So: if the chest hurts, but there is still no menstruation, most likely it is a pregnancy. A symptom may indicate that the girl is expecting a baby, even before the delay occurs.
Pain in the lower back and abdomen
Unpleasant aching or pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back can also indicate a pregnancy. But, even if you are pregnant, it is better to consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of a miscarriage in the early stages. Therefore, with severe malaise, it is better not to delay a visit to the gynecologist.
Frequent urination
Another symptom is frequent urination. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to grow rapidly and put pressure on the bladder, as a result of which there is a desire to run to the toilet every 10 minutes. However, this symptom may indicate a disease such as cystitis. In addition to frequent urges, the disease is accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as burning and pain. If there are no pain symptoms, it could very well be a pregnancy.
Everyone knows that if a woman is systematically sick, then she is pregnant. And there is some truth to this. This phenomenon is called toxicosis. In the first months of pregnancy, toxicosis is not a deviation. There may be a completely different situation in which the expectant mother is not sick, but, on the contrary, she begins to eat everything in a row.
Given all these signs, you can easily determine your pregnancy. However , hardly anyone will notice the first day of pregnancy . In general, when a girl finds out that she will become a mother, she, as a rule, is already in the second month. Then the question arises with all acuteness about what to do during pregnancy. The answer is very simple - nothing. A little later to be registered in the antenatal clinic. If there is no discomfort and everything is going well, you just need to enjoy this wonderful position.
At what age is better to get pregnant
Since ancient times, it is believed that pregnancy is better tolerated at an early age, since the body is young. Age for pregnancy plays a fundamental role. Naturally, at 20 years old it is much easier to get pregnant, and to bear, and give birth than at 40. This is due to the fact that the number of eggs at a young age is quite large, while the follicle with abnormalities is very small. This is very important for the baby to be born healthy. It is known that the stock of eggs is laid before birth and gradually decreases over time. This fact explains a large number of cases of infertility, as well as
miscarriage. The chances of getting pregnant at age 20 are 20% in each cycle. The percentage of miscarriages at this age is small and is 10%.
It is becoming more difficult for women aged 30 to become pregnant, and the chances of pregnancy in each cycle are 15%, while the risk of miscarriage is 20%. Therefore, after the third dozen, several months before conception, vitamins should be taken.
At 35 years old, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced even more significantly. In percentage terms, it is only 10% in one cycle. And this age category is at increased risk in relation to miscarriages and genetic abnormalities in the child. The probability of miscarriage is now 25%. Often it is at this age that the baby develops Down's syndrome, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the health and undergo examinations in time. During pregnancy, you need to consult with a geneticist several times and pass the recommended tests.
Some women also try to get pregnant at age 40. But during this period it is even more difficult to achieve the desired result. Because the chances of getting pregnant are reduced to 5% in one cycle. And even artificial insemination at this age often ends in failure, since the reserves in the ovaries are already quite depleted, while the chromosomal abnormalities in the egg only increase.
The risk of developing a miscarriage at this age is 33%. And in studies of embryonic tissues resulting from a miscarriage at age 40, an abnormal set of chromosomes was detected in 90% of cases. Cases of giving birth to children with Down syndrome are very common.
In this case, if you really want to have a baby, it is best to resort to the IVF method with donor eggs. The chance of having a healthy baby conceived in this way is greatly increased, as the main problem will be solved. This is due to the fact that the eggs are taken from young women. The probability of a positive result in this case reaches 80%. And this is a very good result, given the complexity of pregnancy at this age.
How a woman becomes pregnant over the age of 45 years, it becomes generally incomprehensible. It is almost impossible. There is a small chance, which is 1% of a positive result per month, but the risk of developing a miscarriage and giving birth to a child with congenital anomalies is growing exponentially. There is a threat to the life of the woman herself, since at this age pressure fluctuations occur, there are cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.