Do you know what a miniature bull terrier is? If this breed was unknown to you, then it is worth getting to know it. A miniature bull terrier is exactly the same dog as a bull terrier, but there is one difference - this is the size. Due to its small size, this dog is ideal for keeping in urban apartments. Although this is not the only reason why people choose representatives of this breed.
One cannot but agree that people have been attracted by the incongruous for all ages. This small, almost sofa dog has incredible willpower and tremendous power. Behind the touching face is a bright temperament and a sharp mind. It is this combination that makes this breed very interesting and attractive.
A little bit about the origin
Of course, the history of the appearance of mini-bulls is very closely connected with the origin of ordinary bull terriers. Now we will tell you how it was. In the nineteenth century, very small puppies appeared in the litters of bull terriers. These dogs were well built, their health was also excellent. These dogs were also excellent Pied Piper. Therefore, the breeders decided that small dogs should not be discarded. They need to be bred as an independent breed.
Probably, to fix the size, miniature bull terriers poured the blood of jack Russell terriers, as well as fox terriers. In order to improve the type of small dogs, mating with large representatives of this breed was allowed until 1988.
Appearance of breed representatives
According to standards, a miniature dog differs only in size from a regular bull terrier. But there is a certain discrepancy between the real state of affairs and the norms. The miniature bull terrier is characterized by blooming eyes and an apple-shaped head. Otherwise, he is the same as large representatives of the breed.
The body of these dogs is muscular, athletically built, proportionate. The tail is thick at the base, short. The eyes are triangular, set close together. The ears are small. The height at the withers is on average thirty centimeters. The weight of a representative of the breed ranges from eight to sixteen kilograms.
Miniature Bull Terrier: Character
The temperament of mini-dogs is exactly the same as that of large representatives of the breed. The dog has high intelligence and perky disposition. Well amenable to learning. Minibul is brave and courageous. He will repulse even a dog that is several times larger than himself. Such a dog can not live without the attention of the owner. Minibull has a sensitive heart, he loves tenderness and affection. Such a dog is not suitable for everyone, because it has a wayward character.
Maintenance and care
This is a short-haired breed, therefore, does not need constant combing. The only thing that needs to be done for such a dog is to carry out weekly cleaning using a special rubber brush or glove. Perhaps, during the molting period, additional care is still required.
Another important point concerns nutrition. The diet needs to be taken under control, as the dogs of this breed are prone to overweight and obesity.
Training and education
The main character trait is stubbornness. Because of this, serious problems can arise in dealing with the owner. You need to start raising from the moment the dog crosses the threshold of your home. Your main task is to ensure that the miniature bull terrier unquestioningly listens to you and executes commands. Otherwise, a naughty and dangerous dog can grow out of a cute puppy. You need to educate firmly, but without aggression.
Of course, in addition to a “firm” hand, the dog should know what tenderness and love are. The miniature bull terrier is a very sociable animal. Such a dog needs constant contact with people. Therefore, the owner of the dog should not skimp on the affection. Then the miniature bull terrier will answer you in return.
Owner reviews
Owners of such dogs believe that their dogs are the most ideal. But, as you know, this is more a subjective opinion than an objective one. The owners of these dogs claim that the bull terriers are really stubborn, but they are not as bloodthirsty as the average people are used to seeing them. These are very smart dogs. Many representatives of the breed, as the owners of bull terriers say, are very kind to children. They allow them various pranks. Although, unfortunately, there are cases that mini-bull terriers harm the health of owners. There is only one reason for this - incorrect education.
With proper training, mini-bulls are quite companionable, kind animals, though with character. This is how the owners of these dogs usually characterize their pets.
Now you know who a miniature bull terrier is. Photos of the breed will help you become more familiar with the appearance of the dogs. We also examined the features of training such a dog. We hope you find the information useful.