A couple of decades ago, the beloved of girls was the beautiful Barbie. Today, Bratz dolls from the world famous toy manufacturer VGA Entertainment have taken her place with confidence. And next to the romantic Jasmine, sophisticated Chloe and energetic Sasha, the trendy Bratz Jade looks especially extravagant.
Reasons for the popularity of toys
The following features are inherent in any Bratz doll, including Jade:
- height - about 25 cm;
- large elongated eyes;
- bright, well-made makeup;
- long hair easy to comb;
- flexible arms and legs (the doll can make up to 12 turns and bends);
- several fashionable outfits;
- an abundance of accessories, including all kinds of jewelry, handbags, dishes with food, etc.
All this makes it easy to organize the leisure of little fashionistas - Bratz dolls are recommended for girls over 6 years old - for a long time. The undoubted advantage of such a toy is that with the Bratz Jade doll and her friends, you can play role-playing scenes, join the work of the designer and hairdresser. In addition, changing clothes and decorations for the doll, children develop fine motor skills and imagination, join the world of fashion and learn to think big.
Why is Bratz Jade good?
This young black-haired fashionista attracts girls, first of all, with her bright, sometimes unpredictable outfits, which surprisingly combine many unusual prints and styles. This can be, for example, a fashionista in an airy multi-layer dress and high pink boots, going to a friendly party (series "Catwalk"). Or a yoke in a double-sided skirt with sunglasses and a lush boa, which can easily be transformed into a funny kitty (Cats series). Finally, a perky brunette in comfortable jeans and a light tank top.
Charming Bratz Jade doll in bright packaging and with many additional items of clothing and accessories will be a great gift for any little princess.