Antiemetic drugs for children - fighting poisoning

Health problems are always unpleasant, but when it comes to a child, you need to be especially careful in his treatment. Many parents panic if the baby begins to vomit, but this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to the ingestion of harmful bacteria or to problems with the digestive tract. Our body is a perfect machine that can signal small or large troubles. An antiemetic for children can help the baby in such a situation.

Nausea and Vomiting in Children

First aid for poisoning

Parents should remember that prescribing antiemetics for poisoning without qualified medical advice is not only inadmissible, but also dangerous. It is necessary to determine exactly why such a problem arises: this can be due both to poisoning with stale products, and to a malfunction of the pancreas. The cause may be abnormal liver function or even concussion.

Vomiting in a child can be either single or multiple. This timely signal will help to understand that the baby has been poisoned. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to rinse the stomach in order to quickly get rid of the bacteria that provoked intoxication. Drink the baby with lukewarm water as much as he can drink, and then press on the base of the tongue to cause a natural reflex. Antiemetic drugs for children in this case should be used only after cleaning the stomach, otherwise they will not have time to digest as a result of constant vomiting.

Restore water balance

antiemetic for children

Try to restore water balance by drinking plenty of fluids (let's drink in small doses, but often) or use the Regidron preparation. It perfectly restores the electrolytic balance in the body. If vomiting does not stop, you can give your child the drug "Cerucal." It is available both in tablet form and in the form of liquid for injection. Pills are suitable for older children, and injections can be made small. Such a medicine is used both for poisoning and in many other cases of vomiting and nausea.

Vomiting drugs

If you suspect poisoning in your children, do not give them antibiotics in an effort to defeat harmful bacteria. Such activities will not provide recovery and can cause serious harm to the stomach and liver. Use sorbents that remove - activated charcoal, Enterosgel medication. After consulting a doctor and examining in the laboratory, you will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary antiemetic drugs for children.

If it is established that the cause of the problem is a violation in the digestive system, poor absorption of foods or inhibited advancement of nutrient masses into the intestines, as well as severe abdominal pain, the Motilium remedy is prescribed. Such antiemetic drugs for children eliminate the natural urge to regurgitate, fight heartburn and normalize intestinal motility. It can be used both in tablet form and in the form of suspensions for the smallest patients.

vomiting in children

Antiemetic drugs for children should be used with great care, since they have a lot of contraindications. One such remedy is No Spasm. It is prescribed for severe cramping, causing repeated vomiting, it is suitable for the smallest patients. He also copes with flatulence. Do not use it without prescribing a doctor!

Help your child, seek qualified help, this will help to avoid future health problems.

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