Any web developer knows that almost every site needs a database. It allows you to store information, manage it and receive it at the right time. So that all of the above can be used in a more convenient form, a group of enthusiasts decided to create a product that combines convenience and functionality when working with a DBMS. Its name is phpMyAdmin. As a rule, it is already available on many hosting sites. Therefore, the article will focus on how to install and configure phpMyAdmin on the local server.
Since phpMyAdmin itself is written in php, for its work you will need to install the whole set of necessary software - Apache, PHP, MySQL.
, . Linux LAMP, Windows — "" OpenServer. . , .
PhpMyAdmin Ubuntu
"", :
sudo apt-get install phpMyAdmin.
phpMyAdmin. -, . — apache2.
phpMyAdmin. . MySQL. phpMyAdmin.
/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/ .
. :
sudo apt-get install php-mbstring php-gettext.
sudo phpenmod mcrypt;
sudo phpenmod mbstring.
-. :
sudo systemctl restart apache2.
, .
phpMyAdmin :
. . .
, .
. .
, :
- . , ;
- SQL. , , , . , , SQL;
- . . , , ;
- . , , ;
- . . , , . , ;
- . , phpMyAdmin, , ;
- . — ;
- . , . , , ;
- . ;
- phpMyAdmin ;
- . phpMyAdmin, .
, , .
-, phpMyAdmin.
, , , .
, , — - Apache htaccess. apache, phpMyAdmin.
, /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf.
AllowOverride All. -.
phpMyAdmin , . .htaccess /usr/share/phpmyadmin.
AuthType Basic
AuthName «Restricted Files»
AuthUserFile /etc/phpmyadmin/.htpasswd
Require valid-user.
. :
. .
phpMyAdmin .
htpasswd. "", :
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils.
sudo htpasswd -c /etc/phpmyadmin/.htpasswd .
. phpMyAdmin .
phpMyAdmin CentOS, , . . :
yum install -y phpmyadmin
Ubuntu, CentOS.
Windows . OpenServer. «» phpMyAdmin. , «».
MySQL phpMyAdmin OpenServer , , .
. phpMyAdmin, Apache MySQL:
- ;
- , , phpMyAdmin, htaccess;
- . , ;
- , .
PhpMyAdmin . . . .