Today there is no person in the world who does not know what a backpack is. This accessory is equally loved by men, women and children. He confidently took a place in our wardrobe.
Backpack history
About five thousand years ago, man created the first backpack. Already in those days, it was made of leather, had two shoulder straps. True, his bottom was wooden or wicker. Years passed, the backpack took on a new look. Legionnaires, soldiers, knights began to wear it. Over time, the wooden frame was replaced by canvas, and even later by capron. In Russia, it has long been used exclusively for tourism.
Women's fashion backpack
Women began to use this accessory much later than men. Of course, the girls preferred beautiful and vibrant materials - silk, fur, leather. Fashion experts claim that the backpack bag appeared in the women's wardrobe after the French Revolution. As you know, this country is the trendsetter. Nowadays, the most fashionable backpacks for women are significantly different from men's - they
much smaller in size, have much more pockets, and the straps on them are located differently.
Fashionable backpack: what is it like?
The huge range of these accessories in the trade organizations of our country makes you think about how to make the right choice. Fashionable backpacks 2013, the photos of which you see in this article, are most often made of leather, supplemented with spikes and rivets. This accessory is fully consistent with the style of "rock and roll." It will look great both with jeans and with an airy dress or a short skirt. If you want lightness - get a backpack made from natural fabrics. It can be decorated with folk ornament or bright embroidery. Floral prints will be in fashion this year. Such a backpack
good with skirts or dresses on the floor.
Fashion backpack: sports models
Someone may be surprised, but the fashion dictates its requirements for this type of accessories. Sports backpacks are best chosen from well-known brands (Nike, Reebok, Adidas). The designers of these companies are very closely following all the changes in fashion. Therefore, their products are always very stylish.
Fashion backpack: models for men
The backpack is so firmly entrenched in our life that today anyone can buy a suitable model. The most fashionable men's backpacks can be called the standard of practicality and convenience.
Among their many advantages, not only spaciousness, but also an elegant, stylish appearance. They harmoniously complement the casual style.
For a teenager this is more than a backpack!
A stylish and bright backpack for a teenager is much more than a bag for carrying books, equipment, sports uniforms. This is part of his image, part of the image, the embodiment of style. Young and extraordinary boys and girls prefer backpacks of incredible design, which sometimes become iconic, creating a bright accent in their appearance. This is logical - youth is a time of trial and throwing, which sometimes border on shocking.
Today, no one will have problems with the purchase of a fashionable backpack. In order to make such a purchase, just go shopping. In each of them you will be offered a huge selection of these accessories. You can do more rationally - make a choice in the online store.