Aquarium plants not only decorate the aquarium, but also bring certain benefits. But in order to achieve a positive result, you should choose the right specimens, namely unpretentious aquarium plants. Having successfully coped with the task, aquarists get a beautiful glass pond that does not cause much trouble.
Plant conditions in the aquarium
Today, a great variety of aquatic vegetation, which was imported from different countries. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:
- Moody, which will require a special approach and often die due to lack of fertilizer or carbon dioxide, or the microclimate of the aquarium simply does not suit them.
- Unpretentious aquarium plants - they are ideal for the first experience due to the ability to quickly adapt to any conditions and at the same time grow rapidly. In addition, such plants are very inexpensive and will not hit the family budget.
What do simple plants need?
At first, unpretentious aquarium plants you just need to shorten, trimming the tops. Typically, such manipulations are carried out 1-2 times a month. It all depends on the growth rate. Later, special complex dressings are introduced and lighting is added, because it is often not enough.
Sometimes, in order to accelerate and improve the absorption of minerals, it will be necessary to supply carbon dioxide to the water. This all care is limited.
The benefits of plants for the aquarium
With a minimum of effort, you can achieve not only a beautiful appearance of the aquarium, but also bring some benefits to the water world.
- Saturation with air. In photosynthesis, the task of plants is to consume carbon dioxide from water and release oxygen. Due to this, if the correct proportions of the number of fish and plants are observed, the use of an air compressor can be eliminated. As a result, noise effects are significantly reduced, the number of wires is reduced and the naturalness of the reservoir is created.
- Inhibition of algae growth. Fast-growing water plants in the process of their development take away nutrients from algae, as a result of which the latter lose their growth rate.
- Water purification. In the process of life, all the inhabitants of the aquarium pollute water with nitrates, nitrites and phosphates. And aquatic plants, on the contrary, use these substances for their development. Thus, a certain balance is achieved: the fish are clogged, and the plants are cleaned. In addition, the need for frequent cleansing of the soil is significantly reduced.
- Alert problems in the aquarium. Sensitively reacting to changes in the aquatic environment, plants signal the situation in the aquarium. Each plant has its own set of signals, but in general, such changes can be observed: growth retardation, yellowing and decay, which indicate clogging of the soil layer, lack of light and unfavorable water composition.
- Shelter for underwater residents. Plants create a certain cosiness for fish and other aquarium inhabitants. In addition to providing comfort, plants create comfortable conditions for laying eggs and breeding offspring.
- Additional power source. Many fish do not mind eating plants. Other inhabitants, such as snails and shrimps, eat away the wilted parts, stimulating the development of plants, and at the same time they saturate themselves and increase their numbers. As a result, they clean the walls of the aquarium much more intensively from plaque.
- Facilitation Upon reaching a certain symbiosis in the aquarium, you can safely travel, leaving your pets without daily feeding. The fish themselves will be able to feed for 1-2 weeks, and the microclimate of the tank will not be affected.
- Aesthetic satisfaction. Aquarium plants serve as a wonderful backdrop and effectively fill the aquarium. Some do not even get fish, but create water herbalists that can revive any interior.
A beautifully filled aquarium is a piece of tropical wildlife in the house, looking at which a person rests with his soul and soothes the nervous system.
Criteria for choosing plants for beginners
What properties should unpretentious aquarium plants have in order to successfully lay an aquarium?
- Undemanding species can adapt to wide ranges of water composition. 5 degrees of hardness and 25 are suitable for them. Beginning aquarists usually do not measure these indicators and do not know at what level of hardness the plants live. The same applies to water temperature.
- Lighting. Simple plants are able to grow in low light, however, in this case their growth will not be so rapid, and the appearance will not be so bright.
- Such plants are resistant to sudden changes in living conditions. It often happens that a new acquisition is forgotten for a long time, as a result of which the water can change its composition and become contaminated. Remembering, the owners begin to clean the aquarium and change a large amount of water. Such jumps in the composition of the aquatic environment can survive only the most unpretentious and persistent specimens.
- Irregular care. Unpretentious species are able to independently provide conditions for their survival for a long time. For two months, such plants can live without damage to their health and not die due to overgrowing, shading, thickening, lack of nutrients and other parameters that depend on care.
A feature of unpretentious plants is that they die slowly. And if you react in time and take appropriate measures, then you can save the aquatic vegetation.
What are aquarium plants
All aquarium plants are distinguished by group affiliation, in accordance with the conditions of detention:
1. The first group includes plants that grow on the bottom of aquariums or near the surface of the water surface. For the life of such vegetation, all the necessary components are contained in water, but they consume light from the outside. The most unpretentious representatives of this group are mosses, which have a primitive structure.
2. The second group includes plants that float in water and on its surface - representatives from the Pemphigus, Hornwort families and Ryaskovye subfamilies.
3. The third group is formed by vegetation from the Salvinia and Pontederia family, which floats on the surface of a water mirror. They have air cushions in their leaves, which serve as original floats.
4. The fourth group is represented by a number of plants that are attached to the ground:
- able to bloom under water, and not tied to the presence of air;
- underwater plants that produce flowers no higher than the water level.
5. The fifth group includes such plants that take root at the bottom, and leaves and flowers are brought to the surface. Moreover, the leaves can be either immersed or floating. These include water lilies, water chestnuts.
6. The sixth group includes marsh and coastal plants that take root at the bottom and rise quite high above the water. Such plants can grow well without water, but on well-moistened soil.
Some types of unpretentious plants
1. Of the plants that float on the surface of the water, choose:
- Azolla Caroline.
- Pistia.
- Salvia floating.
- Richcy floating.
2. Of those located in the water column:
- Elodea of Canada.
- Guadeloupe naiad.
- Hornwort steeped.
- Thistles are bald.
3. Of the plants forming the middle and background of the aquarium, recommend:
- Ludwig.
- Bacop.
- Wallinseria.
- Hygrophilus.
- Cryptocoryne.
4. Beginner aquarists are advised to choose:
- Lobelia.
- Cryptocoryne.
- Staurogin.
- Hadeotisa.
- Hygrophilus.
5. For the decor of pebbles and snags usually offer:
- Anubias.
- Monosalinity.
- Ferns.
- Mosses
If the experience of maintaining the aquarium is small, then it is advised not to purchase plants with small dissected leaves and bright red colors.
Aquarium plants, the description of which will help determine the choice for a particular tank, are able to revive the pond and clearly fit into the interior of the room.
Ludwig - an aquarium plant from the family Cypress. The most common in aquariums is Ludwigia creeping, arched and swampy. Regarding the care of such a plant, experts do not agree. According to some, this is an absolutely unpretentious and not requiring special care plant that grows well. According to others, the care of ludwigs will require some experience and skill. However, it is known for sure that if a plant is placed in relatively favorable conditions, it will quickly adapt to new conditions and will actively grow and develop.
Ludwigs grow up to 36 cm and bloom profusely with small green flowers. And creeping ludvigia also forms flowers with yellow petals.
Ludwig is an aquarium plant that will give uniqueness to any aquarium, and a huge selection of varieties can satisfy any taste.
Kabomba is an aquarium plant that is ideal for beginner aquarists. Having a spectacular appearance, it is distinguished by the simplest conditions of detention. Kabomba actively absorbs carbon dioxide and nutrients, inhibiting the development of weed algae polluting the aquarium.
For successful rooting, a medium-sized bush should be purchased, which is placed in the ground and rolled over with a stone. The best place is at the wall of the aquarium. Fluffy cabomba does not need additional fertilizers. And in the spring, it is gaining color, releasing yellowish pretty flowers. To give a more fluffy appearance, the plant should simply be pinched. Kabomba is an aquarium plant, which is represented by several varieties: Caroline, aquatic, red, furcata and pleformis.
The hornwort, whose maintenance in the aquarium is invaluable, is a fluffy green plant whose leaves resemble needles. This plant is also called a natural filter, because its green parts actively absorb all the dirt. In connection with this ability, the hornwort should be periodically removed from the water and washed. The pieces of branches that separated in the process can become new young specimens.
A useful plant is a hornwort: keeping in an aquarium does not cause much trouble, releasing a large amount of oxygen quickly oxidizes organic residues and purifies the water, and also the hornwort promotes the active growth of young animals.
Elodea is an aquarium plant, which is also called "anacharis", it is very unpretentious and has a fast growth rate. And the incredible speed of reproduction gave rise to the fact that the plants were nicknamed "water plague." If you give Elodea complete freedom, it can reach up to three meters, consuming nutrients with amazing speed and destructively affect neighboring vegetation.
In appearance, the Elodei resemble tropical creepers. They have long stems, which are covered with bright greenish oblong leaves.
Elodea is an aquarium plant that can grow in the bottom soil, and just swimming in the water. All she needs is regular cropping. Otherwise, it will occupy the entire space of the aquarium.
Nayas is an aquarium plant that grows quite rapidly in a favorable environment. The plant has thin branched shoots that can reach meter length and are covered with leaves growing in heaps. This plant looks very impressive in the background. Nayas creates favorable conditions for spawning fish, because it can do without soil.
Nayas is an aquarium plant that feeds on the elements contained in water. Therefore, the soil and its composition are not of great importance. Along with this, the plant regulates the microclimate of the aquarium, saturating the water with oxygen.
Alternantera Reineka
The plant is characterized by spear-shaped leaves that are red in color on the inside of the plate and at the tips. This coloring is characteristic of young foliage. Age-related leaves are green in color. Greenish-yellow stems complement the picture.
Alternantera Reineka pink leaf does not require special care and is easily propagated by cuttings. This varietal group stands out against the background of green bushes, emphasizing the individuality of the aquarium and its inhabitants.
Limnophila indian
The aquarium plant has a straight, slightly branched stem that reaches half a meter in height and is covered with cirrus, strongly dissected leaves. The peculiarity of the Indian limnophile is that it can have a different color depending on the light: in the shade it is green, in the sun it is brick.
The flowering of Indian limnophila occurs over water. The plant throws pinkish buds. However, in order for the plant to grow well, you need to make a little effort. He needs clean water, which has a hardness of 10 degrees and a temperature in the region of 24 degrees.
Ambulia is an aquarium plant that is a species of limnophila. This plant very effectively decorates an aquarium, creating soft fluffy thickets of saturated green color. The plant actively grows at a water temperature in the range of 26-27 degrees. If the temperature drops below 22 degrees, ambulia will slow its growth. A large amount of light is needed for a plant, because if it is lacking, it will lose its fluffiness. Regular water changes will also benefit the ambulia.
Often an aquarium without living vegetation resembles a prison cell for fish, so it should be landscaped. Unpretentious aquarium plants not only decorate the artificial pond, but also provide the optimal microclimate for its inhabitants. And the owner will be saved from the lion's share of the hassle associated with leaving.