How to flip an image in Photoshop, enlarge, cut and add text

Photoshop is a powerful image editor, and there are no analogues like it all over the world. However, some novice users of the program encounter many difficulties when working with it. This is due to certain reasons, but the main one is an incomprehensible interface. And in fact, compared to an editor like Pait, Photoshop scares with its toolkit. But this is only at first.

how to flip an image in photoshop

This article will cover four simple functions. We’ll learn how to flip an image in Photoshop, enlarge it, cut it out and put text in it. These seemingly simple operations may seem rather complicated for newly arrived users of the program, but the detailed instructions that will be indicated in the article will help you easily figure it out.

Flip the image

, , "". , , .

, , - , , . . , , File, Open. . Ctrl+O. . , , , "".

how to enlarge image in photoshop

, , "", . ? , - . : Rectangular/Elliptical Marquee Tool, Lasso/Polygonal Lasso/Magnetic Lasso Tool. , Ctrl+A.

. , Edit, Transform Rotate 180˚. , , , . , Enter, . . Shift+Ctrl+S. , , "". , , "".

, "". , , . , . , , Zoom Tool. : Ctrl+"+" - , Ctrl+"-" - .

how to cut image in photoshop

, Free Transform Edit. Ctrl+T. . , , , . , , , Shift.

, "". , "". , . , . , . Enter. , , .

. " " " ", , .

how to cut image in photoshop

Now click LMB where you think to embed the image. After that you need to enter your text in the field. At this stage, you can ignore its font, color or size. Now in the menu you need to open the "Window" section, select "Symbol" in it. In the window that appears, you can modify your inscription as you wish. Once you have made all the adjustments, you can safely save the image.

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