Why do children grit their teeth in their sleep? Reasons, treatment

More than half the people on the planet face gnashing of teeth (bruxism). And what is surprising, among them there are not only adults, but also children. A rattle happens most often at night, but daytime attacks are not excluded. Doctors have no consensus on whether this phenomenon is considered a disease. But the nighttime rattle still has negative consequences for the body. These are problems of a dental nature, and neurological. We will tell you why children grind their teeth in their sleep and how to cope with this problem in our article. Be sure to pay attention to the prevention of this phenomenon and find out the opinion of the famous Ukrainian pediatrician Komarovsky E.O. about the problem.

Why do small children grit their teeth in a dream?

Why do children grind their teeth when they sleep

Teeth cutting at night occurs due to a spasm of the masticatory muscles. Usually the jaws only touch each other. Friction between them arises only during the intake and chewing of food. If the tone of the facial muscles is increased, then the jaws become very tight and begin to move uncontrollably from one side to the other, which causes a rattle.

Attacks usually occur during sleep, sometimes repeated several times a night. In time, they last no more than a minute. Simultaneously with grinding, in some cases, involuntary respiratory arrest, pulse and pressure changes occur.

If a child grinds his teeth in a dream sometimes, there is nothing to worry about. An attack of bruxism can be associated with increased emotionality after a hard and busy day. If the problem is permanent, it requires a special approach and mandatory treatment.

The main causes of bruxism in children

Causes of night grinding teeth

There is no consensus on the nature of this phenomenon. Doctors associate it with neurological disorders, with deviations in the work of internal organs. Children's bruxism can be put in line with such sleep disorders as urinary incontinence, snoring, sleepwalking.

So, the child grinds his teeth in his sleep for the reason:

  • nervous strain, stress;
  • adenoids;
  • deviations in the structure of the jaw;
  • malocclusion;
  • teething;
  • helminth infections;
  • genetic predisposition.

The baby’s fragile nervous system reacts differently to events around it. In a child, going to kindergarten, relocating or quarreling in the family can cause severe mental stress. And if in the daytime the child manages to control the facial muscles, keeping them from grinding, then at night the movement of the jaws occurs by itself.

Often bruxism attacks are the result of a pathological bite. At first glance, this problem seems harmless, but it requires mandatory intervention from a specialist. An incorrect bite not only leads to a violation of the aesthetics of the face, but also to diseases of the teeth, their abrasion and night grinding.

As for helminths, there is no scientifically substantiated confirmation of this cause. According to one version, infection with parasites negatively affects the nervous system of the child, which is why bruxism attacks occur.

Night and day teeth grinding

In a dream, the child’s brain analyzes all events that occur during the day. And since children experience all the upheavals more emotionally than adults, nightly grinding of teeth as a result of nervous strain is considered to be a common occurrence for them. To solve this problem, it is important to provide the child with a healthy and long sleep. If the violation cannot be resolved independently, it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist.

Unlike night bruxism, during the day the child grinds his teeth in his sleep for the reason:

  • bad habits - often a gnashing of teeth heard from adults is repeated by children many times and turns into a habit that must be eliminated;
  • excommunication from breastfeeding - as a result of an unsatisfied sucking reflex, the child begins to suck his finger, bite his lips or grit his teeth;
  • adenoids - since it is difficult for a child to breathe through his nose, he often has to open his mouth, which, in turn, can cause a rattle.

Negative consequences

The consequences of why children grind their teeth in a dream

The above problem requires compulsory treatment. Moreover, the necessary measures to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon should be taken immediately, as soon as the child began to grit his teeth in his sleep. If this is not done, the consequences for the baby can be very serious:

  • exhaustion of the nervous system, headaches, drowsiness, fatigue, memory impairment, weakness;
  • malocclusion;
  • pathological abrasion and chips of enamel;
  • tooth crown fractures;
  • the appearance of tooth mobility;
  • inflammation of the jaw joints.

The child grinds his teeth in a dream: what to do?

What to do if children grind their teeth in a dream

The presented problem is observed in 50% of all children worldwide. Parents of a child who sleeps in a separate room should pay attention to how their son or daughter feels in the morning. Usually these children look tired, lethargic, wake up with headaches. Due to the fact that the enamel is gradually thinning, the sensitivity of the teeth to sweet, sour, hot and cold is increased.

When should parents sound the alarm? If the child sometimes grinds his teeth in his sleep, and it lasts no more than 7 days in a row, in this case you can help him without visiting a doctor. It is enough to establish a psychological microclimate in the family and try to avoid stressful situations that cause neuro-emotional disorder in the kids.

With a longer duration of bruxism attacks, you need to be observed by a specialist who, if necessary, will prescribe the necessary treatment. A child gritting his teeth in a dream should be shown:

  • therapist - to exclude infection with helminths;
  • to the dentist - to eliminate possible pathologies of the jaw, correct bite;
  • neurologist;
  • to the psychologist.

Treatment for childhood bruxism

Treatment of night grinding teeth in children

If a child grinds his teeth constantly, without the help of a narrow specialist in this case can not do. Only he can tell how to wean the baby from night attacks. But it is worth noting that such a phenomenon as children's bruxism is easier to adjust than a similar problem in adults.

What can traditional medicine offer as a treatment? The range of activities includes:

  1. If the child grinds his teeth in his sleep, he may need treatment from the dentist. To protect the teeth from decay during sleep, the specialist will make special mouthguards made of flexible plastic, which will protect the teeth from damage.
  2. If a bite pathology is detected, the dentist will refer the patient to orthodontic treatment.
  3. The therapist will give a direction for analysis, which will reveal the presence of helminths in the body, and will select a complex of vitamins in case of vitamin deficiency.
  4. If the cause of night grinding of teeth is adenoids, the otolaryngologist will conduct the appropriate treatment.
  5. A neurologist or a psychotherapist will be able to identify the source of the problems and tell parents what to do next to understand the situation.

The use of traditional medicine

Treatment of bruxism in children

If the reason for the phenomenon of why children grind their teeth in a dream lies in the increased emotionality and quick excitability of the child, folk remedies will help to cope with the problem:

  • chamomile tea - stabilizes the nervous system and helps calm down;
  • a warm warmer on the lower jaw - will warm the muscles and help relax;
  • a bath with aromatic oils and a light facial massage - prepare for bed;
  • warm compress - anesthetizes facial muscles;
  • pumpkin seeds - will help get rid of helminths without the use of traditional medicines;
  • wormwood with honey - will help remove parasites from the body.

Preventive actions

Prevention of grinding teeth in a dream

The best prevention of bruxism is maintaining a favorable microclimate in the family:

  • Do not raise a child’s voice, do not punish him, especially bodily;
  • pay enough attention to the baby;
  • surround him with care and love;
  • be sure to read the child before bedtime;
  • try to walk in the fresh air before going to bed, which will allow you to streamline your thoughts and saturate your brain with oxygen for quick falling asleep.

It is recommended to reduce the amount of mental stress, arrange a normal day, limit the time spent near the TV or computer. To strengthen the child’s nervous system, a special massage course will be effective, a warm bath before bedtime.

If you observe the above measures, you will very soon be able to forget why children grind their teeth in their sleep, and you will never remember Bruxism.

Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on the problem

A well-known pediatrician has his own vision of the phenomenon of why a child grinds his teeth in his sleep. Komarovsky E.O. believes that a full and healthy sleep is of great importance for strengthening the child’s nervous system. But the time when the child should go to bed, parents must determine for themselves.

An important role is given to the conditions in which the child falls asleep. The room should be ventilated, cool, with a sufficient level of humidity. Then the baby’s sleep will be even and calm, which will help relax the nervous system and muscles. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological microclimate in the family, the relationship between parents.

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