Canopy. What is this luxury?

Today, quite often in the interior of bedrooms there is such an accessory as a canopy. What is he like? Let's try to figure it out. Once, many years ago, a bed under a magnificent canopy testified to the greatness of its owner and was the guardian of his sleep. Modern improvisations of the canopy bed - rather creating a romantic image of the bedroom.

Canopy: what is it? Protection and peace of your child!

So, more details. One of the most important accessories in the baby’s bedroom is a canopy. “What is it?”, “Why?” and "What should it be?" knows, surprisingly, not everyone. And in vain. After all, the canopy on the bed can turn a child’s bedroom into a real fairy tale. It serves more than one year, so your little prince or princess will be able to enjoy this magnificence for a long time.

When buying a crib for crumbs, parents are faced with a choice whether to buy a canopy. This thing is not cheap, so many refuse to buy it. However, do not forget that this is not just a beautiful element designed for the baby’s bedroom. This accessory also plays an important protective function. During the game or sleep, the canopy on the crib does not let flies and mosquitoes go there. In the daytime, it is a reliable protection against bright light, creating a pleasant and soft atmosphere.

canopy what

What to stop at?

In a word, how many questions arise before young parents when they decide to install a canopy. What is it, they already know. But what exactly should it be? What do you need to pay attention to?

When choosing a canopy for a crib, first of all, look at the composition of the materials from which it is sewn. Of course, parents will not want the child to feel discomfort, and even more so suffer from allergic reactions. To avoid these problems, it is easiest to sew a canopy for your baby with your own hands from a checked fabric selected in the store yourself. But not every mother has free time and necessary skills. But everyone wants to make a sleeping place for a child comfortable and cozy.

In this case, there is one way out - to buy a canopy in the store. It’s necessary to choose, of course, models of proven manufacturers who are responsible for their business, who understand that their products are intended for children. A good canopy should protect the baby from bright light, but it should not be too heavy and dense so as not to interfere with the circulation of fresh air.

canopy photo

Not just for kids.

However, this accessory is not only for kids. Adults also often use a canopy in their bedroom. What is a truly “king” bed? It is the magnificent canopy that makes it so. It looks very romantic and elegant.

Even before the 19th century, canopies were sewn of dense heavy cloth. It not only protected well from drafts and retained heat, but also served as additional noise insulation. Only wealthy people could afford such a luxury. The higher the status of the owner of the bed, the more expensive the fabric was used, the more elegant the style, the more difficult the drapery.

In southern countries, by contrast, thin, air-permeable material was used. It was used only for protection against dangerous annoying insects.

Today, absolutely no functional load carries a canopy. Photos of these modern accessories make it clear that they are just decoration, decoration of the interior.

canopy on the crib


And one moment. There are several types of this accessory. It depends on how the canopy is attached. Photos of all possible options can be found in the literature. Here you can note their main pros and cons.

So, the first option is a bed with canopy stands. This is a very beautiful solution. You can find such a bed in a variety of styles - from Gothic to modern.

canopy for the nursery

The second option is a canopy mounted on a cornice. It looks very easy due to the lack of side racks, however, it requires a fairly spacious room.

Another solution - a canopy over the bed - a piece of fabric covering its roof and hanging from the legs. It is mounted on several ceiling cornices. This option is very convenient, and therefore incredibly popular.

The canopy can also be mounted on a ring, arc or bracket. In any case, no matter what type of fastening you choose, you will not regret that such a beautiful accessory has appeared in your bedroom that allows you to give it a special charm and create an atmosphere of sensuality and romance.

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