Why are children often ill in kindergarten? What to do if the child is often sick?

A lot of parents are faced with the problem of pain in their children. Especially after the child is sent to institutions. Why is a child often sick in kindergarten ? This is a very common question.

If you read the women's forums and listen to what friends say, you get a very definite picture: before the kindergarten, the child was almost healthy and ill only occasionally, and now he doesn't go to kindergarten as much as he sits at home on the sick-list.

in kindergarten children often get sick

This prospect is especially frightening for working mothers, for whom giving a child to an institution is not just a concern for his socialization, but also an urgent need. Indeed, not every boss is able to calmly transfer the permanent absences and sick leave of his employee. That is why the questions: “Why are children often ill in kindergarten ? What to do and what precautions to take? ” - always relevant.

General information

The fact is that with home education, the child only contacts the bacteria that he has at home. And he gets sick only if his immune system gives slack. This can happen for a variety of reasons. To date, the question: “Why are children often ill in kindergarten?” - remains open. And the problem is often not in the kindergartens themselves.

In kindergartens, the viral environment is much more aggressive and harsh than at home. In addition, bacteria and virus species are updated regularly. New children come, and those that were before, visited somewhere and brought with them new bacteria.

often sick children in kindergarten

However, I must say that children with something serious, most likely, will not be able to come to kindergarten. Therefore, only respiratory diseases remain. Your child can pick them up during regular communication with peers in a preschool educational institution.

When to start socialization?

In the last century, the practice was widespread when children were sent to kindergarten at the age of three months. Moms almost immediately after birth returned to their jobs. Today, of course, it is unlikely that anyone will agree. But such a practice was not without meaning.

What to do if children are often sick in kindergarten ? What to do if the difference between the bacterial environment of the home and kindergarten is very large? The answer is quite simple: the child must be sent to kindergarten at a certain age. Either after he reaches three months, when he is not yet sufficiently accustomed to the home environment and can successfully resist any other, or after four years, when his immunity is well formed, and the child can cope with the aggressive environment that has piled on him.

in kindergarten, a child often gets sick

When to start worrying parents?

If you think about whether your child is in the category of children who are constantly sick, then you need to know: if the baby gets sick more than twelve times a year, this can be considered a dangerous symptom. Also, if you notice that a child is often sick in kindergarten, then you need to carefully monitor the course of his illness.

With a constant exacerbation of viral infections and colds, the period of recovery of the child increases. If before the baby recovered in seven days, now for a full recovery he needs fourteen days or more. In addition, the continued use of antibiotics can affect the body's immune system and overall health.

The danger of this situation also lies in the fact that a child may develop a number of complications or chronic diseases. In particular, chronic bronchitis.

Psychological reasons

Often children in kindergarten are ill , which can be called vulnerable. After all, the state of the immune system to a large extent depends on the emotional mood of the child. People most exposed to stress are more likely to get sick. A constantly upset child cannot adequately defend itself against disease and becomes an excellent bait for viruses and germs.

why do children often get sick in kindergarten

If for your kids going to kindergarten and parting with you is torture and torment, you should not be surprised that you often have children in kindergarten. This may include psychosomatics. Do not be frivolous about this teaching, which is on the verge of psychology and medicine. It is in this direction that one sometimes needs to look for answers to the question: “Why do children often get sick in kindergarten and how to prevent their frequent incidence?”

Caution Worms

A fairly common cause of frequent illnesses in a child can be helminthic invasion. This disease is common in almost all children. And in kindergarten there is a high probability of having "neighbors in the body." Because it costs a child a couple of times not to wash his hands after the toilet or before eating, as parasites can already choose his body as quite suitable for its existence.

Hence the answer to the question of why the child is often sick in kindergarten. Worms can not only poison the body with products of their own vital activity, but also directly harm the integrity of the internal organs of a person.

What to do?

After it became clear why the child is often sick in kindergarten, "What should I do?" - the question is quite simple.

The easiest way to avoid frequent ailments is to monitor your child’s health. To wrap it in cotton blankets and protect it in any way from any drafts is completely contraindicated. Thus, you do not strengthen the immune system of your child, but quite the opposite. Turning a child into a "houseplant", you run the risk of achieving the opposite effect - any "sneeze" will knock him on the spot.

The child needs to be tempered, often play with him in the fresh air and engage in physical exercises. Also, to improve immunity, the aspect of proper nutrition is very important. If a child does not receive his dose of vitamins and minerals, then what kind of healthy immunity can we talk about?

In addition, teach your baby personal hygiene. Tell him what is the danger of worms for his body and that children who do not follow the basic rules often get sick in kindergarten. Explain what is needed:

  • Wash pens before eating.
  • Wash handles after toilet.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits before eating.
  • Use only your personal towel.

why is a child often sick in kindergarten

Hardening methods

In kindergarten, children who are not prepared to stay in an aggressive bacterial environment often get sick. As mentioned above, this may be the result of a lack of hardening and an unfavorable emotional background.

The essence of hardening is that when performing the procedures, an alternating expansion and narrowing of the blood vessels occurs. These exercises support not only the vessels themselves, but also the natural mechanisms responsible for these processes.

The impact of factors such as cold and hot water, fresh air and the sun's rays, contributes to the hardening of the child's body. If you often have children in kindergarten, then at home you need to constantly deal with them.

Proper hardening occurs gradually, continuously and systematically. Only with continuous maintenance in tone of all body systems, can we talk about any positive effect. If you abandon the procedure, then the body will no longer be as strong as during hardening. "In reserve", unfortunately, it is impossible to recover.

A gradual increase in the action of irritating factors enhances the beneficial effect produced by hardening.

The list of basic procedures that can be carried out with a child of almost any age includes the following activities:

  • Air baths.
  • Sun baths.
  • Water treatments.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Balanced physical activity.

why in kindergarten a child often gets sick what to do

It should be noted that if you follow all the rules of hardening, you will soon forget that you used to complain that children are often sick in kindergarten. The need for a constant supply of fresh air is explained by the fact that young children need twice as much oxygen as adults. This is due to the fact that the child’s body is not fully formed. Consequently, the blood runs a full circle of blood circulation much faster, oxygen metabolism in the tissues is also accelerated. That is, the amount of oxygen consumed is much higher.

Useful Tips

If a child is often sick in kindergarten, pay attention to his emotional state. It does not happen that a child is upset because he is sick. It happens just the opposite: the baby fell ill because he was upset and his immune system weakened.

Very often, the reason why children are often sick in kindergarten lies in the fact that they simply do not want to go there and be separated for a long time from their parents. It is important to timely identify such a simulation and nip it in the bud. Make sure that your child has a good relationship with all the children in the garden, whether he gets along with carers and nannies, and whether there are any emotional frictions in the team as a whole.

why in kindergarten children often get sick what to do


Knowing and observing all the basic rules and recommendations of children's specialists, parents will forget about the problem and will be able to fully enjoy the successes of their children. After all, it is very useful for a child to be in a team, in the community of his peers. There they learn the world, learn to communicate and receive the first and invaluable experience, which is sure to be useful in adulthood.

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