The child’s nervous system is far from perfect and very sensitive to various loads and shocks. Almost every modern baby is diagnosed with hyperactivity. Often found and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Therefore, quite often, for the normal and proper functioning of the nervous system, the child needs medical attention.
The best sedative - tenoten
One of the best domestic remedies to solve the problems of the baby’s nervous system is the Tenoten preparation (for children). The doctors' reviews about him are mostly positive, since it helps a lot with increased childhood irritability. This medicine belongs to the category of sedative homeopathic remedies, it also contributes to the normalization of the child’s nervous system. The active substance - immunoglobulin, interacting with proteins of the nervous tissue, significantly improves the functioning of brain cells.Pediatricians for the quicker adaptation of the baby to attend kindergarten most often prescribe the drug "Tenoten" (children). Reviews of doctors contain information that the tool helps the child to get used to the new team much faster and find a common language with their peers.
"Tenoten" (for children) has a tablet form. Each tablet contains:
- antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100 affinity purified - 3 mg;
- additional components, including lactose.
Properties of the Tenoten preparation
The medicine perfectly eliminates such
pathological conditions like:- children's neurosis;
- neuropathic disorders;
- increased irritability;
- stresses;
- sleep disturbances;
- memory loss;
- decrease in emotional lability.
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