Experienced dog handlers claim that on Earth there are no two Dobermans with the same temperament and behavioral characteristics, but all these animals are united by characteristics such as thinking and rapid reaction.
Breed features
It seems that these elegant dogs with an aristocratic appearance are subject to everything but the ability to tell their owner about everything that has boiled in their hearts. Legends can be made up about the reaction rate of the Doberman. While a dog of a different breed is busy with one thing, the Doberman is able to make ten. He easily learns thanks to his amazing observation ability, ability to imitate, comprehending his own mistakes.
Many owners note that sometimes it seems that their pets are able to reason logically. People who are even a little familiar with this breed are not at all surprised that the Doberman opens its doors on its own. Some dogs even move the chair to the table, as if hinting to the owner that he is not averse to joining the meal.
True fans of this breed are sure (and, it must be said, quite justifiably) that the Doberman is a standard of beauty in the canine world. Animals have a spectacular appearance, harmonious addition, a high level of intelligence and a superbly developed protective instinct.
A modern Doberman is a dog of above average height: males at the withers reach 72 cm, with a weight within 45 kg, bitches are slightly smaller: 68 cm, with a weight of not more than 35 kg. The physique of these animals is dense, strong, muscular, but not as massive as, for example, the Rottweiler. Representatives of the breed are endowed with an elegant, chiseled silhouette. The coat is silky and smooth. She only emphasizes well-developed muscles. The breed standard is brown or black with tan.
Ban on stopping
In Russia, we are used to seeing Dobermans without a tail and with sharp, high-set triangular ears. Few people know that the shape of cropped ears has changed several times. At first these were small neat triangles, but in recent years very high ears have come into fashion. It is believed that this is the merit of an experienced veterinarian and owner, since proper ear placement is a complex and lengthy process that should be approached with maximum responsibility.
In many countries, including Germany, in the homeland of the Doberman, it is forbidden to stop the ears of the Doberman (and tails too). The appearance of a lop-eared dog with a long thin tail is somewhat unusual, but these are requirements of environmentalists. Nevertheless, in our country, representatives of this breed are still undergoing this operation. A reasonable question arises, why doberman ears and tail are stopped, is such a procedure necessary?
Do you need a stop?
It cannot be denied that today, in any case in our country, cropped ears of these animals are distinctive breed features. However, newcomers to dog breeding, who are aware of the prohibition of foreign dog handlers to conduct such an operation, ask: "Why doberman ears are stopped?"
Previously, fighting and hunting dogs were subjected to this procedure. In this case, the risk of additional injuries during the battle or hunting was reduced. Despite a ban by the International Canine Federation (FCI), introduced several years ago, dog breeders in many countries continue to stop ears and tails from Dobermans. Thus, a breed standard was formed, emphasizing the special shape of the tail and ears of these animals.
Today, hunting has lost its former popularity, and dog fighting in many countries is banned. In theory, the need for stopping and setting the ears of Dobermans should disappear by itself. However, dog breeders with many years of experience persistently insist on carrying out such operations. They argue that such a procedure reduces the risk of necrosis, ulcers, various neoplasms, injuries and injuries. They are sure that stopping is some kind of protection of an animal.
The opinion of animal advocates
Representatives of the OIE (World Society for the Protection of Animals) strongly disagree with this version. They are trying to ban this procedure worldwide. Austria and England, Holland and Germany, Scandinavia - countries that supported this initiative. It should be recognized that the OIE representatives may not have expected that, thanks to their actions, the population of Dobermans will significantly decrease in these countries.
At what age doberman ears stop?
In many European countries, puppies are transferred to their new owners after two months from the date of birth, and therefore this operation, as well as postoperative care, rests with the breeder. As you know, in Russia, puppies are given to new owners at the age of four to six weeks, so it is natural that the new owners have to stop the ears of the Doberman. True, by prior arrangement, the breeder can do this.
To understand what time to stop the ears Doberman, you need to listen to the opinions of experts. They vary slightly, but not significantly. Veterinarians say that theoretically such an operation is possible at almost any age. But there is the most suitable period for the operation. So, at what age is it preferable to stop Doberman’s ears? When the baby reaches the age of one and a half to two months.
Is surgery possible at a different age?
Sometimes it happens that the owners for some reason miss this period. How many months doberman ears are stopped in this case? Experts do not recommend such an operation to puppies from twelve weeks to a complete change of teeth. Such a ban is explained by the fact that the placement of the ears during the period of tooth change, growth and bone formation is very difficult, because during this period the supply of minerals in the animal body is unstable and minimal.
By the age of three months, the puppy begins to form permanent teeth. For their strength and proper growth, almost pure calcium is needed in larger quantities than is necessary to strengthen the ear cartilage. Moreover, at an earlier age, wounds bleed less and heal much faster. If you stop the Doberman’s ears and tail at an early age, the animal will be more likely to undergo surgery.
Some veterinarians believe that this procedure should not be delayed up to one and a half months and recommend that it be carried out after three to ten days from the date of birth. In newborn puppies, blood circulation is much slower, and the healing process is faster. Nevertheless, the vast majority of veterinarians give preference to an age of one and a half to two months. True, at this age, surgery is already under anesthesia.
Preparation for surgery
Dog handlers claim that all veterinarians can stop Doberman’s ears. However, only specialists of the highest level can carry out the operation competently, in compliance with all sanitary standards. It’s rather strange to hear the question: “Is it possible to stop the Doberman’s ears on its own?” In some publications, you can even find "instructions" for such an operation. The answer to this question may be the only one - in no case.
Before deciding on such a procedure, study the reviews and recommendations of the Doberman owners, if possible, contact them and find a doctor to whom you will entrust your baby. Quite often, such information is given in breed clubs, although they are not available in all cities.
Many are interested in where to stop Doberman’s ears. It seems to us that, based on the foregoing, the answer is obvious - in a well-established clinic where experienced professionals work. Unfortunately, quite often there are statuesque beautiful Dobermans with ugly set ears. Unprofessionalism or the mistake of a veterinarian can disfigure the appearance of the animal.
The dog should not be fed on the day of surgery. Two hours before the start of the procedure, do not give the puppy a drink.
How is the operation performed?
An animal at the age of one and a half to two months is anesthetized. When he begins to act, they begin the operation. Veterinarians adhere to the rule - stop the ears of the Doberman no more than 2/5 of the auricle. If this rule is neglected, it is likely that after the operation the dog’s head will look disproportionate.
Clips are installed along the cutting line, as well as to fix the desired shape on the baby's ears. They can be straight, curved, zigzag. With the help of a medical scalpel, the doctor cuts off the hanging part of the abalone, and then forms a lobe with scissors. A suture is placed on the wound. It is very important, and experienced specialists know this, not to catch the cartilage: otherwise the healed ear will be disfigured. The same manipulations are carried out on the second ear.
Owners of puppies are interested in how long Doberman’s ears stop. The operation can last no more than half an hour, but in some cases, which are experienced veterinarians very rarely, the operation can be delayed up to one and a half hours. In most good clinics, the presence of a dog owner in surgery is not required.
Upon its completion, in order to stop capillary bleeding, a “pillow” of cotton wool and gauze is placed on the back of the dog’s neck, on which the auricles are laid out. From above they are covered with a sterile gauze cloth and fixed with a bandage. The bandage can be removed after three to four hours. Doberman with cropped ears (photo you can see below) can go home with the owner.
How to care for cropped ears?
The main focus after this procedure is on wound healing. When healing, the ears itch a lot to avoid scratching and to preserve the dressings, the puppy should wear a special collar around its neck. In the early days of the ear-stopping doberman, he needs to take painkillers. They will be prescribed by the doctor who performed the operation. But adjusting the diet is not recommended.
In the postoperative period, the owner should carefully monitor his four-legged friend. Keep the dressing intact and try to prevent infection from entering the wounds. Ten days later, the veterinarian removes the stitches. So that they do not diverge, it is necessary to provide the dog with a calm lifestyle, to exclude outdoor games with other animals.
Ear setting
We proceed to the next, no less important stage - the setting of the ears. They are pasted over with "horns" from the usual medical adhesive plaster and cotton wool that the dog wears for two weeks. This time, in most cases, is enough to allow the ears to fall forward, as the muscles strengthen, take the necessary shape and stand up rigidly.
It is important to ensure that their contours resemble the roof of a house. If the ears are bent, tilt to one or the other side, then the placement of the ears lasts longer than the specified period. In any case, the decision to remove the bandage is made by the veterinarian.
Postoperative sutures should be treated alternately with brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide; calendula tincture or streptocidal powder have a good effect on them. Use cotton pads for this.
Possible complications
An operation such as stopping the ears can lead to unpleasant complications. They happen infrequently, but owners of animals need to know about them. Bleeding is possible, which is easier to avoid during operations performed on weekly puppies. The older the animal, the higher the risk of such a complication.
It happens that there are thickenings and scars at the sites of surgical intervention. To prevent this, you should regularly visit the clinic for examinations by a veterinarian, do not delay the removal of stitches (if recommended by a doctor), monitor for possible changes in the animal’s health status and contact the clinic for minor problems.
There is a likelihood of an inflammatory process that occurs after an operation performed without observing sanitary standards. Therefore, it is very important to exclude carrying out such a procedure at home or with a specialist who is not credible.