One of the features of multi-user operating systems, which include Linux, is the ability to be used by different people. Usually, a separate account is created for each of them. In Linux, the list of users can be viewed using the shell by entering a special sequence of characters. This solution to the problem is the simplest and does not require the use of special skills.
Who should be considered a system user
, , . ( ), , , «_» «.». . . . /home. , .
? Linux ( ):
# cat /etc/passwd
? , /etc/passwd. . Linux. . .
? :
root:xD634Jhs5jH32:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashnewuser:Xv7Q641g89oKK:1000:100:Ivan Fedorov:/home/newuser:/bin/bash
account ( ):password (, ):UID ( ID):GID (ID ):GECOS ( ):directory ( ):shell ( ).
, . , Linux , ? :
# who
, . Linux . , . , , .