Every day in our life there are more and more papers. They accumulate at home, at work, constantly fall out of folders and briefcases. A paper hole puncher comes to the rescue when organizing workflow. It would seem quite ordinary, but sometimes such a necessary thing!
With the advent of folder folders, his role in the office somewhat decreased, as the documents began to be folded into so-called “files” and put in them. But sometimes the stack is so big that it can only fit in a folder on the rings, then only a paper hole punch can solve this problem.
Since the development of society does not stand still, many gadgets appear in life that facilitate modern life. A couple of decades ago, no one had heard of laminators and brochures, and the multifunctional device for copying was not widely introduced to the world. Then all the numerous archives were stored in special cardboard folders with ties, and in order to prevent documents from being lost, a paper hole punch was used. With its help, even holes were made, into which later it was possible to stick a braid or a special thread and thus fasten the entire structure. Further, daddies were made up in orderly rows or placed on shelves, and on their front side there was a place for a signature indicating which documents are stored in them.
Now everything has become much simpler, but this device has not lost its significance. Moreover, new varieties of it appeared. So, for example, for hand-made lovers, a special paper hole was created, which allows you to figured out the edges, as well as various small drawings.
A similar device has found its use in scrapbooking, with its help you can decorate a postcard, box and other necessities that are dear to the heart. Every day there are more and more varieties of such devices, because the imagination of the masters is limitless. They are convenient to use, because with their help you can break through the paper so that you get neat butterflies, flowers, trees, hearts. They are sold separately and in sets, allowing you to make a beautiful and original gift.
Today, offices continue to use a paper hole punch. The price for it is low, and it brings invaluable benefits. In addition, scattered secretaries for some reason often enough lose this item, despite its considerable dimensions. And they can not only make holes, but also use them as a small press because of its heavy weight. So he lies in the midst of a heap of papers, sometimes so necessary, and is not located, because they were pressed down with the next necessary paper so that it does not fly out the window with a gust of wind.
A paper puncher is a great assistant for an office worker. After all, they can punch holes even in thin plastic, from which folders folders are made. In many companies, a lot of thinner file folders are inserted into cardboard holders on the rings, and only a hole punch can make neat round holes in the folders to place them inside a similar design.