Какие прививки делают щенкам и в каком возрасте

By acquiring a small shaggy four-legged miracle, you assume great responsibility. It doesn’t matter if your baby is a thoroughbred or not, he will participate in exhibitions and win titles or simply please you and your family. In any case, you need to take care of the organization of proper feeding, care and maintenance for him. It is equally important to think about disease prevention.

what vaccinations do puppies

Many serious and even fatal diseases are easy to avoid by just getting vaccinated. In addition, if you plan to participate in exhibitions or transport a dog by rail, bus or plane, you cannot do this without presenting the full list of vaccinations your pet has. So what vaccinations do puppies have? Dangerous viral diseases that threaten death of pets are parvovirus and enterovirus enteritis , plague, hepatitis and rabies. There are vaccines against all of them, both domestic and imported. They can be polyvalent (from several diseases) and monovalent (from one). It is not recommended to vaccinate more than seven diseases at once. They do not create the proper immunity.

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when to vaccinate a puppy

When to vaccinate a puppy? It is known that babies receive the necessary immune protection with mother's milk. Of course, the dog should be vaccinated in accordance with the vaccination schedule so that it has antibodies to diseases in its body. Then she will give them to the puppies, first in utero, then with colostrum. In babies, the immune system weakens gradually after a few weeks after birth, and they need additional protection. What vaccinations make puppies first? Inoculate puppies begins at about 6-8 weeks - vaccinations against enteritis and hepatitis. Then they are revaccinated after 2 weeks. The first plague vaccine is given at 11 weeks, and the second after the teeth change in 5-7 months. Then vaccinated against rabies. Both of these vaccinations are repeated annually, trying to do this at the same time.

Mandatory conditions to vaccinate a puppy:

  • the baby must be healthy;
  • you need to give a puppy anthelmintic a week or 10 days before each vaccination;
  • the interval from one vaccination to another should not be less than 20 days.

what vaccinations do puppies

After the vaccination, there should be a certain quarantine mode: you must not overwork, do not catch a cold and do not bathe the puppy, do not walk him on the street. The duration of this period is about 18-21 days after plague vaccination and about 10 days after others. What vaccinations do puppies have at home? It is possible and even desirable to carry out vaccinations at home, especially the first. But for this, care must be taken to ensure that the vaccine is of good quality, expiration dates and adequate storage conditions must be strictly observed.

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