Day of the Air Fleet of Russia: how long it all began

Day of the Air Fleet of Russia ... Speaking the name of this glorious holiday, it is unlikely

Russian Air Fleet Day

Does anyone think about how much time they celebrate it. And for some, the question arises: "How is this memorable date different from another, also known as Air Force Day?" In fact, the names are similar, on the calendar significant days are located almost nearby. So, maybe this is one holiday that people call differently? Let's get it right. The first has very deep roots, although few associate the solemn day with the name of Nicholas II. But it was he who was the person thanks to whom the WF became a real force in Russia. However, the parks of balloons and airships existed even earlier.

It all started so long ago ...

The aeronautical commission arose in Russia in 1869. She was charged with the task of determining how effective balloons were and whether they were able to provide assistance during the war. A year later, through the efforts of the commission, the first balloon was lifted into the sky of our country, and 16 years later, the country's first aeronautics fleet appeared, which became a separate, independent structure. Of course, pilots, or rather, aviators of that time, can not be compared with modern aces. They could not even imagine what opportunities their great-grandchildren would have. But even then they were bold, decisive, intelligent, well-educated specialists. The best of many. To fly into the sky, aviators studied the basics of physics, discovered the laws of aeronautics on their own experience. But the main thing is that they constantly improved their devices, on which they ascended into the sky. The advantages of our aviation, all the exploits and records began precisely with them - the first balloonists of our country.

navy day

The boys also envied them. And that air fleet can be considered the progenitor of today's aviation, although officially they began to celebrate the Day of the Air Fleet of Russia later.

Balloons, airships and pigeons

Interestingly, the first fleet that united the aviators was subordinate to the Commission, which was responsible for the work of aeronauts, watch towers and ... pigeon mail. Since then, pilots have participated in wars, adjusting fire, conducting reconnaissance. The military ministers even created special โ€œairโ€ teams in Pskov, Novgorod, and several other cities. All of Russia then had 65 balloons. In 1908, the park was replenished with airships. However, the Air Fleet Day of Russia was still not celebrated: military officials were distrustful of the innovations, and the airships were afraid. Which did not stop in 1910 opening flight schools in Russia. It seemed that there was already a fleet (by that time there were as many as 7 planes in the country!), You can celebrate Russian Air Fleet Day. But even the appearance of the first squadrons (1911) did not change the situation: the pilots were still subordinate to the Engineering Department. Only in 1912, Nicholas II changed the situation. He created a special unit that specialized exclusively in aeronautics and was subordinate to the General Staff. In August 1912, the Day of the Air Fleet of Russia was first celebrated. Of course, there was no holiday, no congratulations, but the event took place. Since then, not only pilots, but also everyone who serviced flying devices, have become especially respected people.

And Stalin, and the Supreme Council, and Putin

The role of aviation is hard to exaggerate. Aware of this, and I.V. Stalin. It was he who decided to celebrate the Day of the WF of the USSR, starting from August 18, 1933. Holiday in the country

Russian Air Fleet Day 2013

fell in love. Time passed, but when the USSR collapsed and the new Russia was just born, the Supreme Council, keeping traditions, decided to leave Aviation Day on the festive calendar. The latest edition of the Decree took place in 2006. He canceled one of the paragraphs of the previous document "On the establishment of Air Force Day." The holiday began to be considered a memorable day in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is designed to maintain the prestige of military aviation. Since that time, Air Force Day is celebrated on August 12th. Congratulate aviators in the place of service, in families. However, all state festive events dedicated to the Air Force are held on the third Sunday of August. Russian Air Fleet Day 2013 was celebrated on August 18, and this year it falls on August 17. We wait!

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