People’s love for cats turned out to be big enough to make a holiday for them, which is why every year on the first of March is the day of cats, uniting all their owners. It should be noted that this event is not official at present, however, all lovers of these animals are happy to pamper their pets on this day.
The tradition of celebrating the day of cats appeared spontaneously. Its popularity is explained by the fact that these animals have been the most popular pets in the world for many centuries. So, more than 80% of the world's population have pets, half of which are cats.
It should be said that in different countries this holiday is celebrated in different ways. However, in Europe and Great Britain it is celebrated in a special way, since here one animal every year saves about ten tons of grain, as well as relics in museums from rodents. Therefore, cats are encouraged here with various delicacies, they build houses for them and sew special clothes.
In Austria, on the day of cats, a prize was established for every animal that guarded the warehouses from rodents for several years. So, they are given a pension in the form of milk, meat and broth for the rest of their lives.
It is interesting that in China these animals were previously eaten. However, in honor of March 1, the Chinese government issued a law according to which it is forbidden to do this, and those who violate it can go to prison for fifteen days. Also on this day, all kinds of benefits are created for pets.
On international cat's day, special stores, cafes, hotels, as well as public gardens and parks for walking these animals are opened in various countries, clothing collections are created (moreover, world designers take part in this), toys and training devices are made.
In Russia, in 2004, the Cat Museum approved the professional holiday of feline catologists. It should be noted that felinology, as the science of cats, emphasizes that these animals are smart enough, they must be treated respectfully, encouraging their good behavior.
It can be seen from history that this animal was tamed by man more than five thousand years ago. If before a wild cat ate only meat, then today this beast is omnivorous and is bred everywhere. In Russia, the "guardians of the hearth" appeared in the seventh century and acted as a talisman for housewarming, which brings good luck. However, only in the eighties of the last century cats began to breed here. Today, there are a huge number of breeds of these mammals. According to numerous estimates, there are up to six hundred million cats all over the world, and most of them in the USA.
March 1 (the day of cats) was declared a day of gratitude to these mammals, which are in special honor. But you must remember that cats need to be respectful and encourage their behavior not only on this day, because they deserve a good attitude towards themselves for a long period of time.
Thus, today a large number of new cat breeds has been bred by humans; various exhibitions are held annually where these graceful animals receive different titles. At the same time, people do not cease to admire and enjoy the tenderness and ability of baleen pets to heal various human ailments. Cats Day only once again reminds us of the significance of these animals and calls for cats to have their own home, because for many centuries they accompanied the person, gave him their warmth and thereby earned a good attitude. In any case, regardless of whether it's a holiday or not, you need to take care of your pets, give them your attention and care.