The body of each person is individual and he reacts to changes in it also individually. The same applies to the environment, various infections, as well as possible human diseases. Needless to say, every woman reacts differently to pregnancy, the reaction of each of them is different.
Some women do not expect a positive test result, while for others it only confirms their guesses regarding changes in the body. Someone may begin to feel the development of the child immediately after conception, in others this happens later. For whom, an increase in the volume of the abdomen becomes a sign of pregnancy on the 26th, 27th day with a 28 day cycle, others pay attention only to the absence of menstruation.
To find out if a girl is pregnant or not, all you need to do is go to the medical center. But also this can be understood with the help of various signs indicating that she bears the fruit in herself, and without the confirmation of specialists.
First signs
The first signs of pregnancy before the delay on the 27th day of the cycle with a 30 day cycle, by which it is possible to determine the condition, are as follows:
- Lack of menstruation. This symptom is the most important and applies not only to those women whose cycle is regular.
- Chest pain and enlarged mammary glands. Such changes can occur due to jumps in hormones in the body of a woman. This happens from the fact that a woman in this state begins to prepare to feed her child in the future.
- Rapid urination. This is due to the fact that the walls of the uterus under the influence of hormones relax, blood flows to the organs of the small pelvis. That is why the girl may feel the urge to urinate more often.
- Tastes of a woman are changing. Often this is due to the fact that the body lacks certain trace elements, therefore, during pregnancy, a woman may be addicted to a product in her diet or even to things that are unsuitable for eating.
- Tired state. The reason, again, is in hormonal changes. Constant bursts of hormones exacerbate the condition of the expectant mother.
When do symptoms appear?
It is known that every woman experiences any sensations in different ways. This means that each girl transfers her body changes in her own way. One will feel that the body is changing within a week, and the other will not suspect anything until it comes to an appointment with a specialist. However, the exact signs that a woman is pregnant can be found in the following ways:
- Ultrasound study. This method of determining pregnancy determines the state of the unborn child, allows you to monitor the development of its internal organs.
- Blood analysis. Blood can indicate the presence of pregnancy, or rather, the amount of hormones in it. Also, using a general analysis, you can find out about the approximate period of bearing a child.
Listening to ourselves
If the gestational age is short, then a woman can feel how the body is slowly changing. For example, the first and second week of pregnancy, as a rule, are characterized by dizziness, drowsiness, the appearance of vomiting and the desire to empty the stomach. To be sure, a woman can use a test to determine pregnancy or make an appointment with a gynecologist.
Uncharacteristic signs of pregnancy
Sometimes it can happen that a woman discovers her pregnancy, noticing unusual signs, such as:
- The appearance of a venous network on the mammary glands.
- Difficulty in nasal breathing and nosebleeds.
- Bloating.
All this may indicate that the woman is pregnant, obvious signs help even before going to the doctor to find out about her situation.
What is a sign that a woman conceived a child?
As a rule, when pregnancy occurs, she has her own symptoms, but the first signs are rarely given importance, however, if a woman is careful, she will definitely feel it.
Discharge with blood a week or more after ovulation has begun, if the couple did not defend themselves during intercourse. Such discharge is very similar to menstruation, but have a different shade.
Body temperature rises to 37 degrees, it lasts for quite a long time, does not rise or fall until the start of the next cycle. This happens due to the fact that a hormone such as progesterone ensures the development of the fetus and protects it from external influences.
Also, the temperature can drop sharply, then again it becomes about 37 degrees. A girl may feel chills or a sharp fever, it becomes difficult to breathe, her face turns red. Heat and cold, replacing each other, are the very first signs of gestation.
The girl’s chest, painful before the onset of menstruation, does not feel pain during pregnancy. Very rarely the opposite picture is observed.
The girl feels overflowing belly below. Such changes occur on day 20-27 of the cycle.
How do signs of pregnancy depend on the development of the baby?
Almost from the very conception, the child’s nervous system is formed, which is why women’s taste buds change.
Usually, salivation in a pregnant woman increases on the 22nd day of the cycle, a woman begins to feel mild nausea in the morning, and this indicates the conception of a child. However, a pregnancy test during this period is unlikely to show a positive result.
Sensations are aggravated
The 27th day of the cycle is characterized by increased symptoms. A woman begins to feel disorientation, her tastes in food change, she becomes unable to take out some smells that she liked before and, conversely, some unpleasant smells attract her. Often a woman in this state cannot eat the food she is used to, and she wants to eat spicy or salty foods.
Thus, the body gives a reaction to the fact that it lacks the trace elements and vitamins that the fetus needs for normal development. Often, if a pregnancy has been planned, the pregnant woman tries to eat only high-quality and wholesome foods.
If there is a delay in menstruation, then do not guess about a possible pregnancy. You should do a special test, repeat it after a couple of days to verify the result.
If the first test was positive, then most likely this is a guarantee of conception. After this, you need to visit a doctor, these should not be delayed in order to be calm about your health and the health of the unborn child.
Test revealed pregnancy
Each organism is able to respond in its own way to what happens to it. But when does a woman first feel pregnancy? What are those signs that appear even before menstruation disappears?
Most women feel worse after 4 days after conception, they feel constant fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and can not concentrate on work.
Due to the fact that the gestational age increases, the same thing happens with the growth of the baby, not only progesterone is released into the woman’s blood, but also the level of estrogen rises, these hormones stimulate the nervous system, which makes the feeling of drowsiness go away.
After this, the woman’s stomach and intestines are upset, diarrhea, gas formation in the stomach may begin, loss of appetite, vomiting or heartburn will appear.
In pregnant women, the intestinal function slows down, it begins to function more slowly, because of which the digested food that it contains is delayed in it, which contributes to an increase in gas formation and temporary obstruction. This, again, is affected by hormones, and is normal during pregnancy. At the same time, blood flow is observed in the vessels of the peritoneum, due to which the intestinal walls can be swollen.
Some time after conception, a woman's temperature may rise: at first it does not rise above 37 degrees, but, again, everything is individual, it is affected by the hormone progesterone, the level of which is constantly increasing.
Temperature fluctuations
A sign of pregnancy on the 27th day of the cycle (negative test) is a change in temperature. More precisely, the fact that it begins to decline sharply, and then returns to normal again. Often a temperature measurement schedule can confirm or deny pregnancy. The test can be repeated again after a while. This happens due to the fact that progesterone begins to be produced intensively, and it raises the temperature.
In the second phase, the temperature drops, and when pregnancy occurs, progesterone is produced again, this affects the temperature. Also during pregnancy, the production of estrogen begins, which lowers this temperature itself. It is because of the confrontation of these two hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman that the schedule may go wrong. If the temperature holds about 37 degrees, then pregnancy is obvious. This temperature can hold in the first weeks of pregnancy, before the placenta begins to fulfill its function.
A consequence of an increase in temperature can be considered an increase in heart rate, even if the physical activity was small, for example, climbing to an insignificant height along the stairs. Usually, shortness of breath can be added to this, this is due to the fact that the lungs do not have enough air for the mother and child. Weakness may also increase.
A sign of pregnancy on the 27th day of the cycle with a 28-day cycle can be toxicosis. Also, after this, intolerance of one or another smell appears, a woman may feel an aversion to those smells that she has ever liked, for all this process proceeds individually. Each smell seems to become stronger and can cause a vomiting reflex, from which salivation also becomes stronger. Appetite is reduced until its complete absence.
Vomiting occurs early in the morning or may become stronger in the evening.
Breast augmentation
A couple of weeks after conception, the girl may notice breast swelling and pain on palpation. Every touch becomes unpleasant and painful. However, there are those girls who can’t feel any changes and can calmly touch their chest. This usually lasts several weeks, after which everything returns to normal. Often, women can be confused with a similar symptom of the appearance of menstruation. If a woman's nipples darken, then this is an indisputable sign of pregnancy.
Other symptoms
Directly due to a surge in hormones in women, candidiasis can often begin.
Frequent urination also occurs due to hormones. With an increase in the gestational age, this only intensifies, because the fetus will begin to put pressure on the bladder.
A woman often begins to sweat, feel heat or chills, often these conditions replace each other.
It is not worth saying that the absence of menstruation is a direct symptom. This is the most famous and popular sign among all women, many are aware of this. But due to the fact that not all women follow their cycle, they usually learn about pregnancy by other signs or from a gynecologist.
Judging by the reviews of signs of pregnancy on the 27th day of the cycle, there may not be any discharge, but there is a feeling that they are about to begin. Therefore, it is worth constantly listening to your body.