Why is International Human Rights Day celebrated?

At least once a year, we hear on radio, television or on the net that December 10 is Human Rights Day. But not everyone knows why this particular winter date was chosen in order to celebrate this holiday. What does he mean? Many people call it "the holiday of human rights defenders," and they are not very far from the truth. The thing is that it was then, in 1948, that a very important document was adopted. He, in fact, laid the foundation for the modern concept of what human rights are. This happened at a meeting of the Assembly of the new interstate structure - the United Nations. She was just starting her work and needed to accept the regulations and contracts.

International Human Rights Day

International Human Rights Day became such only after a special international commission was established in 1945, after realizing the horrors, tragedies and massacres of World War II. She brought together lawyers from many countries and continents, as well as national and religious traditions. They should have determined by consensus which basic principles that determine human dignity are acceptable to all races, states, and ethnic groups. These provisions became the basis of a document that codified a common, universal rule for all, to which any country that became a member of the UN should strive. We are talking about the Bill, which became part of the Charter of this respected interstate organization.

International Human Rights Day is celebrated

International Human Rights Day was also brought closer by numerous non-governmental movements that not only followed the process, but also sought to ensure that the document included various freedoms inherent in the concept of “dignity”. The right to live, to be free from violence and hunger, the ability to profess any religion - all this was included in the mandatory list. The achievement and realization of these rights were recognized as a priority that is higher than state sovereignty. That is why the adoption date of this document is celebrated as International Human Rights Day. Indeed, the protection of these principles is the business of all states, governments and peoples.

December 10, Human Rights Day

Finally, a document called the “Declaration of Human Rights” was put to a vote in 1948. The date of its consideration was elected on December 10th. Among the participants of the then General Assembly there was not one who would speak out against its adoption. Although eight countries, including the USSR, abstained, despite the fact that Soviet lawyers also participated in the creation of the Declaration. But it was accepted, and since then, International Human Rights Day has been celebrated every year around the globe. He does not let us forget that there is a list of 30 basic principles that ensure our dignity. Any state is obliged to promote, protect and protect them, despite its political system.

Perhaps many of us will say that this Declaration is just a piece of paper. However, the fact is that this is a universally recognized standard of human rights. They can be broken, but not taken away. Therefore, to demand compliance with these rights is not only possible, but necessary. It was not without reason that in 1993 the participants in the world conference in Vienna, which gathered 171 states, reaffirmed their commitment to the Declaration and the readiness of their governments to be guided by this standard. That is why International Human Rights Day is a date that reminds us that there are principles and norms that safeguard our dignity, and they must be respected for all, without exception.

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