How to keep a newborn when washing: care for the baby's genitals, practical tips and advice

After the birth of the baby, many mothers have the question of how to properly wash the newborn. They master the feeding technique quickly, with the change of diapers no difficulties arise. But how to keep a newborn while washing, causes young mothers many questions.

Main rules

The intimate hygiene procedure of a newborn girl is somewhat different from the same procedure for a male infant. And it’s obvious. The difference in washing is caused by the difference in the structure of the genitals. However, a number of fundamental principles are known that are completely independent of this.

These include the following tips:

  1. Diaper change. Its replacement occurs after each bowel movement of the baby. In time this amounts to no more than 3-4 hours. After bowel movement and before changing the diaper, the baby is washed with tap water, in the first month after birth - only boiled.
  2. How to keep a newborn when washing and carry out the procedure throughout the day? Under running water, it is not necessary to wash the child after each diaper change if the contamination is insignificant. You can wipe the baby’s skin with wet wipes or cotton pads. All movements are carried out from front to back.
  3. Mom or dad should wash their hands well with soap before carrying out the procedure for caring for the genitals of the newborn. This must be done before the process itself.
  4. How to wash a baby? If this is done under a thin stream of warm water, then the baby is laid on his hand with his tummy down so that his head touches the elbow. It is very important that his position is fixed. In this case, the parents hold the child by the hips, and carefully rinse his genitals with his free hand. If the pollution is insignificant, then for the procedure it is enough to put it on the changing table.
  5. The temperature of the water for washing the child should not be too hot, but not cold. It can be 36 degrees. If there is no thermometer, then apply the old and proven method. An elbow is lowered into the water, if the mother does not experience any negative sensations, then she is ready for use.
  6. To wash the baby, it is allowed to use soap if the pollution on his body is significant. If this is just a diaper change, you can use wet wipes. Soap to use only baby. Towels and washing sponges should be used exclusively for washing the baby.
How to keep a newborn when washing

If soap was used for water procedures, then it should be thoroughly washed off the skin. Particular attention is paid to folds. Because the remnants of a soapy solution can provoke an allergy or skin irritation.

Continuous use of detergents can harm delicate baby skin. Pediatricians recommend using normal running water for the procedure.

How to care for baby skin

How to keep a newborn when washing? After the procedure, care must be taken to prevent irritation and redness on the baby’s skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to wipe it after washing, but you need to do this with blotting movements with a soft terry towel until the moisture completely disappears.

After the procedure, treat the skin with cosmetic oil or powder. Combining these funds is not recommended. After all, they have different effects: oil - moisturizing, and powder - drying. Therefore, they are used in different situations.

How to keep a newborn when washing

With dry skin, oil is used, and with a tendency to diaper rash, powder is used. If in the area of ​​the genitals, the mother found prickly heat, diaper rash, then you need to resort to a special tool in the form of a cream under the diaper.

What is necessary for washing

How to keep a newborn when washing? A photo of the procedure is presented in the article. Before starting it is necessary to prepare the following devices:

  • diaper, diaper and romper;
  • wet wipes, cotton pads or paper towels;
  • soft terry towel;
  • oil or powder.
How to keep a newborn when washing a girl

All the necessary components for the procedure, mom should be prepared in advance so as not to be distracted during washing.

The choice of hygiene products

Currently, there is a huge selection of cosmetics, with the help of which the care of the genitals of newborns is carried out.

When choosing them, parents should pay attention to their safety when buying. As for wet wipes, then their composition should be free of alcohol.

Soap products should not contain parabens and fragrances. They should be purchased marked with a "0".

For babies, they often buy as a cream under the diaper - "Bepanten". It can be used daily.

With healthy baby skin, the best option is oil. If diaper rash occurs, dusting is necessary.

Procedure Algorithm

How to keep a newborn when washing under the tap? The procedure should be carried out at a temperature of 37 ° C. The movement when washing from front to back is independent of the gender of the child. This order does not allow infection in the genitals. Wash the baby under the tap must tummy up. After the procedure, the genitals of the newborn are dried with a diaper or a soft towel with soaking movements.

How to keep a newborn when washing under the tap

How to keep a newborn when washing? Each time, washing the child with soap is not recommended. After all, this can harm the delicate skin of the newborn. A gel or soap product is only necessary in case of severe contamination that needs to be removed.

For frequent procedures, it is enough to use running water. Using a compress of warm oil, you can free the baby's skin of feces with cotton swabs.

The principles of proper washing the boy

The features of caring for a male infant include the need for washing after each diaper change.

How to keep when washing a newborn baby boy? This should be done carefully so as not to cause any damage to the baby.

Before starting the procedure, parents need to wash their hands. To avoid infection from feces on the genitals, the child does not need to be kept upside down. Washing the boy, they wash the penis outside so as not to touch it with his hands.

Soap should not be used constantly, so as not to cause irritation and redness of the skin of the baby. To use boiled water when bathing and washing boys is not the main condition. This is done only in the first month after birth. Later, warm tap water is used.

After water procedures, do not wipe the boy’s genitals strongly, but it’s best to get them wet. After this, air baths are carried out.

To keep the baby's genitals clean, wet wipes should be used, which are used especially for newborns. If the mother observes all the rules of washing, then the boy, having matured, will be able to do this on his own.

Tips for conducting water procedures for the boy

Intimate hygiene of the newborn is the main guarantee of his health, which subsequently determines his reproductive abilities.

How to keep a newborn boy while washing? Most pediatricians believe that his personal hygiene is to wash the external genital organs daily with baby soap. No special procedures are required.

How to keep a newborn when washing a photo

External treatment of the genitals - does not mean an invasion of the foreskin of the boy. Such an intervention can be traumatic. In addition, rinsing there is completely useless. The protective barrier is smegma, which forms under the foreskin. If mom will constantly pull delicate skin on the penis, then nothing will remain of special protection over time.

With proper washing, the boy does not need to carry out any pulls, turns and bends. Hands to touch the boy's penis is not recommended. The fewer touches, the healthier it will be.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl

The washing procedure is an important aspect of caring for the baby. Indeed, its sexual health largely depends on the correctness of the process.

How to keep a newborn girl while washing? The following list of general requirements can be attributed to child care:

  1. Regularity. Due to the anatomical structure, the girl’s reproductive system reacts sharply to external stimuli. She has her own special microflora, which in the future will protect a woman from many bacteria. However, such a function is only being formed, so it is important to prevent the pathogenic microflora from getting on the genitals of the girl and regularly wash her.
  2. Care Due to the fact that the protective microflora is not sufficiently developed, it is important to prevent the removal of the correct bacteria from the labia. For this, gentle means are used that can be used no more than 3 times a week. On the remaining days, it is enough to wash the girl with running water.
  3. Accuracy. The mucous membrane of newborn girls is incredibly tender. With a strong mechanical impact on it, this can lead to microtrauma. Subsequently, this leads to the appearance of synechia - fusion of the labia minora.
  4. Reasonableness. In babies in the first days of life, there may be transparent, less often - spotting from the vagina. Excess natural lubricant should be removed, but without effort. It contributes to the formation of the correct microflora of the genital organs, and this also prevents the occurrence of synechia.
How to keep a newborn baby boy while washing

For a safe procedure, you must consider all of the above recommendations.

Washing a newborn baby girl

The procedure should be carried out correctly, because this may lead to the development of various pathologies in the future.

How to keep a baby girl when washing? It consists of the following steps:

  1. A stream of water is directed from front to back. This is to prevent infection from the anus into the vagina.
  2. After washing, it is necessary to dry the intimate areas of the girl with a soft towel.
  3. You need to wait a while for the skin to completely dry out.
  4. Next, put on a clean diaper.
How to keep a newborn when washing a boy

If necessary, you can apply a powder or oil. To prevent irritation and redness, use a special diaper cream.


Due to the fact that washing the newborn is a necessary procedure that is associated with the health of the genitals, it must be carried out correctly. Due to the difference in their structure in boys and girls, the process has some features.

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