How does the QR code work: program, purpose, principle of operation and application

Many users, when they see an inscription asking them to scan a QR code on their phone, start frantically trying to find it, without even understanding what it is. This article will talk about what it is, what it is for, and how the QR code works, where it is used and whether it is possible to create it yourself.

What is a QR code: description, purpose

Varieties of codes

QR stands for Quick Response. This is a picture that contains any information, most often unobtrusive advertising. The principle of operation of the QR code is very simple. Having scanned it from his device, the user will automatically go to the link embedded in it. In addition to links, the code can contain a phone number, email address, coordinates or company names. A QR code may not always be noticeable, however, in fact, it can be found almost everywhere: on food packaging, business cards, websites or ads.

To understand how a QR code works, you need to understand the principle of its development. This is an analogue of the barcode familiar to everyone, which is used by the world giants of the industry. In Japan, more than 95% of goods are produced with such a pattern. It may not be in the usual square shape. Higher-level options have bizarre shapes. Today, there are over 40 product versions.

Among users of mobile systems, the code is widely recognized. If a recognizer is installed in the gadget, the subscriber easily enters text information, follows the links, sends messages. You need to know how the QR code works for those involved in trading. It stores information about goods, promotions, discounts. On the package, information about the composition of the product and its manufacturer is put into it.

How to read a QR code: algorithm

Scanner Operation Algorithm

The peculiarity of this code is that only mobile devices can read it using the built-in utility in the camera. If it is not in the device, then it will be replaced by a mobile application that can be downloaded from the Play Market or AppStore. An example is the two easiest-to-use QR Droid Code Scanner programs for Android or iMatrix for iPhone.

A special program is downloaded and installed on the phone. There are different options for free software. Choose an application that is suitable for a specific version of the device. After starting the program, the smartphone camera is brought to the code. A link appears in which the images are encrypted. If a program is already installed in the device, the auto scan of the code will work.

How a QR scanner works: using the cipher correctly

Where use barcodes

In order to read the QR code, you need to start the camera or the downloaded earlier QR code scanner on the phone. Next, you need to point the camera at the code so that it appears in the area highlighted on the screen. After that, wait a few seconds until the utility reads the code and displays information hidden in it on the phone screen. In addition, mobile applications can read already photographed codes. The main thing is that they are clearly visible. Regardless of the selected program, the principle of operation is no different. This moment does not depend on the gadget with which the reading takes place.

How to create a QR code yourself

If the user wants to create his own QR code, he can use one of the online encryptors, who will turn a link or any other text into a picture in a matter of seconds. Typically, on such sites there are special windows in which the user needs to enter information about the code, for example, its size and the type of information that will be enclosed in it. The smallest picture is 21 x 21, while the largest is 370 x 370.

Suitable software is available on the Internet. You can generate the code by specifying a link to the source of information. The program will automatically create a picture that needs to be saved for future use. The text, the link to the site, business card, SMS message can be encoded. For text, there are restrictions in the form of 2953 bytes or Cyrillic letters, if the encoding is done in Windows - up to 1251 letters, in UTF-8 - up to 1450 letters.

Where to use the QR code

QR code is required for promotional purposes.

The easiest way to use the QR code is to print it on sheet A4. If the user has a site that he wants to advertise, then you need to put the code on the sheet in the photo editor, then print it and hang it on the street. The code can be processed so that it is not just on the sheet, but harmoniously fits into the environment. To advertise a cafe, for example, you can put a code on a cup of coffee and add a beautiful inscription. This increases the likelihood that the image will pay attention. In the modern world, a QR code is used quite often. There is even a company engaged in the creation of prints with codes on clothes.

Knowing how the QR code works, you can use it on social networks, blogs, and avatars. The code helps protect against spambots. To advertise a company with the help of it, they publish a link to their site, indicating the coordinates. In the New Year send congratulations to friends in the form of ready-made cards using MMS, e-mail.

Android program: how it works

The code will help to know the cost and composition of the goods.

It is important to know how the QR code scanner works in order to use it correctly on different devices. For many users, the advantage is the use of cipher on a smartphone. Before installing the program, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules in order to understand how to work with the QR code on Android. A large number of applications have been developed for software.

Quick Mark is distinguished by the ability to recognize and distinguish barcodes of several formats. For full work requires the purchase of the program. You can scan product codes and their prices with Barcode Scanner. The principle is the same: put the image in focus and get the information on the screen. The software is free, has no ads, which makes it popular.

Rules for using the scanning application for QR codes on Android:

  • Open the "Play Market".
  • Find a QR code.
  • Select QR Code Reader.
  • Install.
  • Open the program.
  • Aim the camera.
  • Confirm.

On some smartphones, the feature is already integrated. When used, an icon appears on the screen, which you need to click once and get encrypted data. Any user who has a camera on their smartphone can use the code. With it, they follow the links, read about the product, its value and characteristics.

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