iTunes, , , Mac OS X, , iOS. , iTunes , ?
iTunes: ?
, , iTunes « », , , , . .
, . , iTunes. Android- BlackBerry Apple . , , «» .
iTunes , , , , . .
, .
«» ?
«» , . iTunes, , .
, iTunes, Sonora, iTunes, . , , AppStore, . , Facebook Twitter.
Vox. , . , , . iTunes, . Finder.
Ecoute – iTunes, , , . , Vox, .
- iTunes:
iTunes , , , .
Mac Fone Trans, , , , . . «» , , iOS, . iTunes .
– iMazing, . iCloud , , .
, iTools ( iTunes), , , , /-, .
iTunes Windows:
Windows- iTunes. . , iTunes Windows . . , , WinAmp. , , ml_iPod, iPod Support.
Copy Trans, . , , , , .
, xPort. , iTunes, , , .
– FooBar, 3,6 . , Nero AAC Codec, «» – iPod Manager.
Foola, , . – Motorola, , iPod Touch, Nano 6G iPhone.
iTunes SongBird, Windows Mac, Linux Ubuntu.
, – iPod Share. , , Windows-.
, iTunes Android, iTunes .
doubleTwist Player. iTunes «» Windows, Mac-. , , Google Play, AirSync, 150 . Google Play .
As you can see, the analogue for iTunes is not so difficult to find. Of course, all programs differ in their capabilities and have different orientations in application. Nevertheless, almost all of them look much more worthy than the original. Well, in terms of using a particular application, the choice is left to the user.