Dogs for an apartment: an overview of the best breeds

Keeping a dog in a city apartment is a big responsibility associated with certain difficulties and limitations. Therefore, before acquiring a puppy, you need to carefully consider your decision and take the choice of breed seriously. In today's publication, we will provide a brief description of the most suitable for keeping dogs in the apartment.

General tips

The apartment dog must meet several basic requirements. First, it’s important that its dimensions are comparable to the area of ​​your home. So, keeping a Caucasian shepherd or Tibetan mastiff in a little odnushka will quickly turn into a real torture for both the owner and the animal. Secondly, such a dog should not have too thick and long coat, which does not require special care. Otherwise, during molting, you will find loose hair everywhere.

No less attention should be paid to the nature of the future pet. Overly active or aggressive animals with an admixture of etching blood and clearly expressed hunting or security instincts are completely unsuitable for keeping in small-sized urban housing. If you get a setter, a greyhound or a large hound, you will either have to spend half a day in the fields, or equip an aviary for the dog in the apartment. Otherwise, a poorly walked energetic dog will begin to dirty the house and spoil the household property. Having understood the basic requirements, you can begin to consider specific breeds that are optimal for living in urban apartments.


These animals have a rather complicated story. Experts still have not come to a consensus on where these dogs came from. According to one version, Labradors are from Newfoundland, and their ancestors are Viking dogs and native dogs. In 1830, they came to England and aroused the genuine interest of local breeders. According to some reports, foxhounds, setters and curly-haired retrievers took part in the final formation of the breed.

dogs for an apartment

Labrador - the perfect dog for the apartment. It is not too large. Depending on the sex, the height of the adult dog is 53-61 cm, and the weight varies between 25-36 kg. His whole strong body is covered with short water-repellent wool of fawn, chocolate or black color.

Labrador does not belong to service breeds and is used exclusively as a companion. He has a non-aggressive, friendly disposition. Therefore, for those who are afraid to leave a dog and a child in the same apartment, we can safely recommend a Labrador. This positive and cheerful dog lends itself perfectly to training and loves active walks.

Golden retriever

These animals were bred in the 19th century in Scotland. Among their ancestors are Irish setters, spaniels and retrievers. Initially, they were used as assistants to hunters and trained to find shot game. But over time, they turned into excellent companions.

The Golden Retriever is not particularly large, which makes it one of the best dogs for the apartment. Depending on the sex, the height of the adult dog varies between 50-60 cm, and the weight is 27-35 kg. And the whole body of the animal is covered with beautiful silky hair of a golden hue.

Golden Retriever is endowed with a cheerful, calm and completely non-aggressive disposition. This quiet dog is not prone to idleness, which means that it will not cause conflicts with people living in neighboring apartments. For a child, a dog of this breed will be not only a friend, but also a partner in long walks and fun games. This dog lends itself to training, gets along well with its relatives and loves active long walks.


These animals were bred in Germany at the end of the 19th century. Their ancestors were obtained by mating a bullenbeiser with a domestic dog of an unknown breed.

Boxer is a muscular dog with a square head. Depending on the floor, his height is 55-63 cm, and weight reaches 30 kg. The whole body of the animal is covered with short shiny hair of tiger, fawn or red color with white marks.

dog for apartment and baby

Boxer is a very energetic dog, requiring long active walks. Getting yourself such a pet, be prepared for the fact that you have to spend a lot of time in the fresh air. Otherwise, you need to install a dog cage in the apartment, in which your pet will remain during your absence. In general, representatives of this breed are distinguished by a cheerful disposition. They are very obedient and easy to learn.

English bulldog

These dogs with unusual appearance were bred in the UK and were originally used for bullying bulls and hunting wild boars. After the ban on such cruel amusements, they turned into favorites of the aristocratic nobility.

English Bulldogs are medium sized dogs. For an apartment of a small area, they are much more suitable than their large brothers. They grow no higher than 40 cm, and weigh about 22-25 kg. These animals are easily recognized by their unusual wide muzzle, short limbs and a massive squat body. The entire body of representatives of this breed is covered with short hair that does not require specific care.

small dogs for an apartment

The English Bulldog is endowed with a calm, bold and decisive disposition. He is not too playful and likes to just doze off on the couch. These behavioral features make him an ideal average dog for an apartment. Despite their small size, they are able to stand up for themselves and give a fitting rebuff to an aggressive offender.


These animals were bred in England at least a hundred years ago. Several breeds took part in their formation at once, information about which was lost. It is reliably known that among their ancestors are the Otterhounds and black Old English Terriers.

Airedale is one of the best dogs for an apartment. Medium size and non-shedding wool allow you to easily keep it even in small urban housing. Depending on the gender, its height varies between 56-61 cm, and weight is 18-29 kg. The entire body of the animal is covered with a rigid, wavy outer hair that repels water well.

dog cage in the apartment

Like most other terriers, the airedale is endowed with a cheerful and rather stubborn character. He does not show causeless aggression, but also does not tolerate familiarity from strangers. This active dog should be able to freely run without a leash. Otherwise, he will find another way to throw out the accumulated energy, and you will have to acquire a cage for dogs. In the apartment, the dog must have its own corner, where he can relax.


This is one of the oldest breeds. It is known for certain that even the ancient Chinese lived small big-eyed dogs with a flat muzzle and a square body. In the middle of the XVI century, they were introduced to France and quickly spread to other European countries.

Pug is one of the most popular small dogs for an apartment. Depending on the gender, their growth ranges from 25-35 cm, and the weight does not exceed 10 kg. Representatives of this breed can easily be identified by huge bulging eyes and a round flat-faced head with clearly defined folds. The compact angular body of these dogs is covered with short tight-fitting hair of apricot, silver, black or fawn. A dark mask may be present on the face of light individuals.

average dog for an apartment

Despite the fact that pugs give the impression of lazy and clumsy animals, they are endowed with a fairly energetic and stubborn disposition. These dogs with the same pleasure will lie on the couch or participate in active games. They are incredibly smart, attentive and alert.


The homeland of these animals are the Shetland Islands, located in the northern part of Scotland. Initially, they were used to protect the household yards from fox raids. Now they have turned into wonderful companions and pets.

Sheltie is one of the best dogs for an apartment. The small dog, whose height is 35-37 cm, and the mass does not exceed 12 kg, looks like a long-haired collie. Representatives of this breed are easily recognized by a narrow wedge-shaped head with flat cheeks and an unexpressed foot. Sheltie's whole miniature body is covered with luxurious thick long hair. As for color, the generally accepted standard allows the existence of sable, marble, two- or three-color individuals.

dog enclosures in the apartment

Shelters are extremely friendly and affectionate animals that get along well with children. They do not tolerate loneliness and from boredom can begin to whine. In general, these are quite active dogs, amenable to training and not tolerating rough treatment.

Chow chow

Representatives of this ancient breed were bred in the steppes of Mongolia and Northern China. Initially, they were used as hunting, sledding and security dogs. For a long time the breed was “closed” to Europeans. The first Chow Chows came to England only in the 30s of the XIX century. It was from this moment that breeding began of this breed.

Chow Chow - one of the most popular dogs for an apartment. They do not differ in gigantic dimensions and grow up to 45-55 cm with a weight of 20 to 30 kg. They are easily recognizable by their dark blue tongue and peculiar stilt walk. The solid compact body of the chow is covered with luxurious long or plush short hair of cream, mustard, white, red, blue or black.

have a dog in the apartment

Representatives of this breed are endowed with a serious, rather stubborn disposition. But with the right upbringing, they make excellent companions. In general, these are smart and loyal dogs, indifferent to outsiders. They have a very developed intuition and self-esteem. Chows are not inclined to idle time, do not like cardinal changes and need regular walks.


Experienced owners draw the attention of newcomers who decided to get a dog in the apartment to the fact that regardless of the chosen breed in the first year of the puppy's life, he will have to devote a lot of time. Moreover, they will have to not only feed and walk their four-legged friend, but also engage in his training. Since even a small but poorly trained doggie can cause many problems and serious conflicts with neighbors.

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