When do children learn to potty?

When do children learn to potty? How it's done? Such questions concern all young mothers. Everyone wants everything to happen quickly and without unnecessary problems. However, this is far from always the case.

Gotta pick a time

If you are already tired of changing baby diapers and washing wet pants, then the first thing you think about is a baby potty.

when children are taught to potty

The answer to the question of when children are taught to potty is very ambiguous. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each baby. Modern mothers can afford not to use diapers. This, of course, affects the future. Parents have problems not only at home, but also in kindergarten. In order to avoid a similar situation, it is necessary to familiarize the child with a pot from six months old.

How to do everything right?

Be prepared for the fact that quickly accustom the child to the potty may not work. It can take months. It is very important not to scare the baby the first time. Your actions will depend entirely on the nature of the child. You can come up with some kind of game, during which teach him how to deal with this mysterious subject. Try to explain to the child what the pot is for, and when to sit on it. Of course, you should not expect that he will immediately understand everything, but by repeating this periodically, you will definitely achieve the result.

Simultaneously with the appearance of a pot in the house, stop using diapers. It will be easier for a child to realize that he needs to ask for a toilet if he periodically urinates in his pants. At the same time, he will feel discomfort and in the end will understand everything. For some time you will have to wash it daily, but if there is a washing machine in the house, it will not be difficult.

quickly accustom the child to the potty

When children are taught to potty, it is very important that the baby does not have negative associations with this process. Do not scream or scold him. Remember that he is still very tiny, and cannot understand everything as quickly as you would like.

Plan of action

  1. The pot should be in a conspicuous place.
  2. Sit it on the pot every time before and after sleeping, as well as before and after eating and walking.
  3. Do not keep the baby on the pot for too long. He must understand that this is not a toy. If you see that the baby is naughty, do not hold him by force. It will not do any good.
  4. If all else fails - do not scold. If you succeed, be sure to praise.

When the baby realizes all the advantages of this process and at least occasionally begs for the toilet during the day, you can teach your child to use the potty at night.

teach a child to pot at night

In this case, everything is a little more complicated, because at this time you are sleeping and you can not influence anything. The only way out is to gradually abandon the use of diapers at night. To begin with, put a thin piece of material or gauze in your pants. Nothing will leak out, but the child will feel discomfort. Gradually, he will learn to endure or wake up at night in the toilet.

When children are accustomed to the potty, it is important to approach his choice wisely. Musical pots and those that look like toys or chairs are not worth buying. The pot should be as simple, stable and appropriate in size. A child should not fall from it or fall into it.

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