At what age do children begin to talk, and how can they help?

at what age do children start talking

As early as 4 months, the baby begins to make various sounds. When he is left alone in the room, one can hear first a singing of simple sounds, and then silence. So the baby trains his speech skills, and this is called baby talk. Time passes, the child develops, the first words appear. But sometimes the speech is delayed. Parents of these babies are worried and are looking for the answer to the question of at what age children begin to talk. If the child did not speak before two years old, then you should consult a neurologist, then a speech therapist. Perhaps the lack of speech is a symptom of a disease or congenital abnormalities. But in many cases, silence is a sign of the baby’s unpreparedness for communication. He is afraid of something or does not have an interest in interacting with loved ones.

At what age do children begin to speak words?

At the very beginning, the baby tries to study, rehearse individual sounds - "M", "B", "T". He especially likes to sing the vowels "A", "I", "E". Shortly after the sounds, syllables appear in the child’s speech. Do not expect them to be correct. There are options that adults do not use in their speech: “OE”, “EI”, “BUF”, etc. Correcting the child is not worth it, as well as imposing the correct option on him. Everything has its time. At what age do children start talking? There are developed children who very early delight parents with the first word. And there are silent babies who have not been trying to speak for more than a year. The first and most expensive word for crumbs, most likely, will be the word "Mom." Because mom is the most important person for a baby. But, perhaps, the baby will say “Dad” or “Baba”, which will make dad or grandmother happy. The passive vocabulary of a child a year and three months, according to psychologists, is from 4 to 232 words. In order for a child to develop faster, he needs to pay a lot of attention. About what activities and exercises will be useful for the development of speech of the baby, you will learn further.

the child does not talk

Classes for the development of speech skills

No matter what age the children begin to talk, it is important how much they like the process and how their parents encourage them. If the first word is left without praise, the next may appear soon. Pay attention to the baby at the time of his efforts. Encourage him, tell him how wonderful and talented he is. For babies, this is vital for development! Spend the free time that you plan to spend with your baby for activities and games to develop speech skills. Here are some tips to help your child speak:

  1. Sing to the baby, grimace, give emotions, establish emotional contact. Look into his eyes and speak clearly, calmly, gently. Pronounce words correctly, do not distort the names of objects.
  2. In your monologues, refer to the child and leave pauses for his answers. Support the efforts of the baby to answer you with praise and affection.
  3. From the very first sounds, train your child to imitate animals. Tell the baby: “The little dog says woof!” Perhaps he will try to repeat this syllable in his own language.
  4. Read your child books with fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes. You can connect cards with words and pictures to the process.
  5. Equip your child with toys of different textures and shapes. Massage the arms and legs. Fine motor skills develop - speech improves.
  6. If the child does not speak hard, then you need to establish contact with him. Perhaps the baby harbored a grudge.

how old do children start talking

Conduct classes for the baby with pleasure and fun. If the child is tired or sick, do not start speech lessons. Otherwise, you will beat off the desire for learning for a long time. We hope that you learned from this article at what age children begin to talk, and how to help them with this. Let your efforts help the baby to please you with new words!

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