Blurred image on the monitor: what to do?

Quite often, when using LCD monitors on stationary computers, you may encounter a problem related to the fact that the image on the monitor becomes blurry. Why did this happen, because until a certain point everything was fine? To answer this question, you need to understand what is the cause of this phenomenon, and only then take appropriate troubleshooting steps. Let's try to identify the most common causes.

Why does a blurry image appear?

Speaking specifically about the causes of this phenomenon, almost all experts identify several of the most common, among which the main ones can be called:

  • damage to the VGA cable or loose contact on the connectors;
  • incorrect settings of the monitor itself;
  • mismatch between monitor settings and operating system settings;
  • driver issues.

Note: sometimes the incorrect installation of Windows updates is included in the same list, which is most often seen for some reason in the seventh modification. This is due to the fact that some updates (and this is confirmed even by specialists from Microsoft) are simply incomplete, and they contain updates to all kinds of VGA drivers, which lead to the appearance of unwanted effects.

Standard Windows Update Removal

In this case, as soon as you notice the appearance of a blurry image on the monitor, the latest installed updates must be manually removed using at least the viewing item for installed updates in the programs and components section, which can be called up from the standard "Control Panel".

Removing system updates in iObit Uninstaller

The use of specialized uninstall programs like iObit Uninstaller can be called a more effective means. True, in both cases it will be necessary to re-set the search for updates in manual mode and exclude from the found ones those that do not need to be reinstalled (as is already clear, updates are deleted one at a time with rebooting and checking the system). A simpler solution is the Show or Hide Updates utility, developed directly by Microsoft.

The easiest way to eliminate unwanted visual effects

But, suppose that everything is in order with the updates or their installation is supposedly disabled by the user. In most cases, it is believed that the appearance of a blurry image on the monitor can be triggered by physical damage to the cable that connects the monitor to a stationary system unit. Try simply removing the plugs from the connectors and then reconnecting. If this does not help, “ring” the cable or replace it with a new one. If possible, use an adapter to HDMI (image stabilizes immediately).

Built-in menu of computer monitor

If everything is okay with the cable, try calling the built-in menu of the monitor and try to adjust the clarity of the picture by changing your own device settings, after reading the technical documentation.

How to get rid of a blurry image on a monitor in Windows 7 or another OS?

As for the system settings, they can be checked quite simply. On an empty space of the “Desktop”, make RMB and select the screen settings item. In the settings, first of all, pay attention to the resolution set.

Change screen resolution to recommended

For almost all monitors, the system recommended value is set. If it is changed for any reason, install the necessary one. Outdated monitors can work correctly only in one mode, but some support several possible ones. Also check your screen refresh rate settings. To get started, set the indicator to 60 Hz. However, if the device supports the use of a higher frequency, it is better to use it (it is believed that the higher this indicator, the better the picture).

How to remove blurry image on the monitor in Windows 10?

When you call the above setup item from the "Desktop" in the tenth version of the system, you will be redirected to the appropriate section located in the options menu.

Resolution and Scaling Options in Windows 10

If the zoom option is enabled with a value of 125%, and the panel and window size options have been changed, set the recommended options.

Note: if the computer or laptop does not have a discrete, but an integrated video card, to eliminate blurry images on the monitor, you can configure the necessary parameters using, for example, the built-in Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel. If there are special control programs for discrete graphics cards, it is recommended to change the settings not only in the operating system, but also directly in such applications (at the same time, by the way, you can also test the chip with the monitor).

Driver Update Issues

Finally, obsolete drivers for the video card itself can also lead to blurry images on the monitor. Updating them with Windows tools is completely impractical. To achieve the optimal effect, use the automatic search programs for the latest updates of control software like Driver Booster. In the case of discrete graphics adapters, it is better to use specialized applications from the chip manufacturer.

Defining VEN and DEV identifiers in Device Manager

In extreme cases, you can find the necessary drivers either on the manufacturer’s website, or search for special VEN and DEV equipment identifiers, which can be determined in the “Device Manager” (via the properties in the details tab), as shown in the image above.

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