Probably, in the world there is no person who would not be touched by the sight of funny tricks of puppies. Along with cats, dogs are our favorite pets. Moreover, they were one of the first to be tamed by ancient people, and therefore they are genetically predisposed to trust a person and follow him everywhere. Nowadays, everyone can choose for themselves a suitable breed of dog, focusing on their preferences and financial capabilities. Someone will like a small and playful companion baby, someone dreams of a dog for hunting, but some sincerely believe that the dog in the modern world should fulfill its main function - to protect the house and protect the owner from possible dangers.
If you choose a guard for yourself, then large dogs will definitely suit you, with photos and names of which we will introduce you today. However, among the giants there are good-natured breeds that cause bewilderment with their formidable appearance and peaceful disposition. But some large dogs (we’ll definitely give the name with a photo in the article) were specially bred for guard and fighting. These serious breeds will be excellent watchmen and scare away any robber from your home. In our article you will find various photos of large dogs of different breeds with a name and a brief description. Thanks to this, you can easily pick up a new pet for yourself.
What kind of breed is this “big dog”?
If you start looking for a large breed puppy and turn to the breeders, they will most likely laugh at you. Indeed, in the circles of specialists such a concept simply does not exist. The cynological federation lists, according to the latest data, three hundred and forty-three dog breeds. All of them are divided into ten groups, which are characterized depending on the purpose of the breed and how it will be used by humans.
Officially, our four-legged pets are not divided into large and small breeds. But behind the scenes, all experts divide all existing breeds into small, medium and large. Large dogs with photos and names will be discussed further.
Big dogs: a brief description
Before compiling a list of breeds of the largest dogs (a name with a photo is necessary for a more complete presentation), you need to give readers information about their main characteristics.
So, to large dogs can be attributed those pets whose weight exceeds fifty kilograms, and growth starts from sixty centimeters.
Almost all large dogs are very calm. They feel confident and do not stoop to useless barking or bickering with comrades. We can say that in the world of dogs they are kings.
From large dogs, with photos and names of which you will meet, excellent guards for country houses turn out. Here they will have enough free space, and the owners can be absolutely calm for their property and life.
However, acquiring a large dog for yourself (names with photos you can find in the following sections of the article), do not forget that this is simply a huge responsibility. Large dogs require increased attention, special conditions of detention, strict education and considerable financial investments. But, despite all the nuances listed above, only such breeds can turn into reliable defenders.
It is about such large breeds of dogs with names and photos that will be discussed later.
Official classification
Dog handlers subdivide large dogs into several groups:
- large;
- very large;
- gigantic.
The first category includes dogs weighing twenty to thirty kilograms and growing from fifty-six to sixty-five centimeters.
In the second group, you can include animals whose weight reaches fifty kilograms, and growth ranges from sixty to seventy-five centimeters.
Giants include dogs above seventy-five centimeters and weighing more than fifty kilograms.
Photo and name of the largest dog in the world
The title of the largest dog belongs to the Great Dane breed animal. And although this breed does not belong to the largest of all, but its representatives regularly take the palm due to their height.
To date, the leadership belongs to a dog named Zeus, which, standing on its hind legs, reaches two meters. This giant weighs one hundred and fourteen kilograms, and at the withers its height varies within one hundred and eighteen centimeters. Every day Zeus eats fourteen kilograms of food.
On average, German mastiffs reach seventy-six centimeters at the withers. In this case, the weight of an adult male may exceed ninety-one kilogram. Despite the fact that such giants often cause horror and real awe, they have a very good-natured character. The owners know that they are very calm and graceful. Nobility shines through in every movement of these dogs, which captivates literally at first sight.
Great Dane are very flexible and patient, they adore children and love to play with them. However, you should not give them a lot of will, otherwise these giants get out of control and begin to behave quite defiantly.
Great Dane belongs to the smooth-haired breeds of large dogs (photos with the names of other giants of this category can be seen in the following sections), therefore, does not need regular combing and bathing. Dry shampoo and brushing are enough for such a dog.
Largest dog
The photo and name of this breed is often found on the Internet, because it is officially recognized as the largest in the world. If you haven’t guessed yet, then we are talking about an English mastiff. Dogs of this breed often reach ninety centimeters at the withers, and their weight often reaches one hundred and thirteen kilograms.
Once these dogs came to Misty Albion with the Celts. They were faithful companions of these warlike tribes and were used by them not only for protection, but also for the persecution of animals.
Today they are turned on not only as defenders, but also for the company. It is known that these giants are quite good-natured and sociable, and their sad look can touch anyone.
Saint bernard
Not a single puppy of large dog breeds (photo, name and description of the breed are found in all publications for dog handlers) do not cause as much emotion as St. Bernards get. These children’s favorites grow up to eighty centimeters, and their weight can quite easily exceed eighty kilograms.
Few people know that among the representatives of this breed there are smooth-haired and short-haired dogs.
Initially, the St. Bernards were bred in order to save people who fell in the mountains under the avalanche. They were perfectly oriented on the ground and, thanks to their unique instinct, were able to smell a living person even through the thickness of snow.
St. Bernards have a very calm and friendly disposition, they are very sensitive and love the company. Due to the combination of these qualities, they are brought with great pleasure as companions for all family members.
Spanish mastiff: a unique shepherd
Of all the large dogs, with photos and names of which we introduce you today, the Spanish mastiff is considered one of the oldest. It was known already three thousand years ago and was bred specifically to protect cattle from numerous predators.
The Spanish shepherds were sure that their dogs were able to repel cattle, even from a pack of wolves. Mastiffs also protected the families of local residents, they were especially kind to children.
Surprisingly, these dogs kept and know. They also appreciated the protective qualities of the Spanish mastiffs and their phenomenal devotion to their masters.
The weight of the average dog can reach one hundred and twenty kilograms, and the height at the withers - up to eighty centimeters.
Iberian Mastiff
Among the photos with the names of very large dog breeds, these handsome men stand out for their beautiful coat and color. Iberian mastiffs are real giants, they, like the previous breed, were intended for protection. Shepherds took these animals to pastures and literally trusted them with their lives.
The fact is that in the Pyrenees quite often not only wolves but also bears attacked people and animals. Therefore, without worthy guards, grazing cattle was impossible, but with the mastiffs one could not worry about additional protection.
Most often, at the withers, representatives of this breed reach eighty centimeters. From the outside, they look very calm and even lazy, therefore, despite their size, they do not cause concern. However, the Pyrenees mastiffs are a real working breed. They never relax, monitor everyone around them and instantly respond to danger. Near these giants, you can safely leave children of any age, they are excellent nannies and take care of babies with pleasure, not even letting any stranger come close to them.
Tibetan mastiff: ancient and dear giant
This breed is one of the rarest, most expensive and mysterious.
It is often mistaken for the largest in the world, but in fact it is not. Tibetan mastiffs have been known since the fourth century BC. They seemed so unusual that they were even mentioned in written sources.
Distinctive features of this breed are complaisance, endurance and strength. In addition, they have excellent hunting skills. Furry giants can become good guards, companions or companions during the hunt. Tibetan monks often used them as pack animals, they are able to carry large loads on their backs along the most difficult and ornate roads. Thanks to the listed characteristics, a mastiff puppy could be easily changed to a pack of twenty greyhounds.
Interestingly, the owners of Tibetan mastiffs often compare them with cats in terms of cleanliness. They will never allow dirt to accumulate on their fur.
Hungarian Shepherd: the most amazing dog
This breed is known as the Komondor, and in addition to its size, it is simply incredible in appearance.
The fact is that this breed has a long and thick coat, twisted into tight plaits. Such an exterior allowed dogs to feel good in cold and heat, not to get wet during rain and to quickly clean their coat of dirt and dust.
Komondors were bred by crossing shepherds and wild wolves. The result was excellent shepherds and guards who could not imagine themselves outside a large crowd of people and animals.
Typically, the weight of a Hungarian shepherd does not exceed sixty kilograms, although due to the voluminous wool it always seems much larger. Komondors are very affectionate, immensely loyal to their owners and are ready to guard their house around the clock. They feel great in an urban setting, although they still love freedom and space more.
Anatolian Shepherd Dog
This dog is not suitable for the city at all, he cannot spend time lounging and lying on his bedding. The Anatolian Shepherd Dog has another name - Kangal. In Turkey, these dogs are very popular and are kept in many large houses.
Kangals adore fresh air and in ancient times were actively used as shepherds. By the way, they are still highly appreciated in this capacity, considering that it is impossible for them to find a replacement.
Anatolian shepherd dogs are distinguished by a sharp mind, they are obedient, easily obey the owners and consider work their main goal in life.
Newfoundland: the best swimmer among large dogs
Black giants were bred in Canada and have tons of amazing features. Newfoundlands were most often used in work by fishermen, they appreciated their ability to swim well thanks to webbed feet and the water-repellent properties of wool. Dogs of this breed feel great on the water and can determine the presence of the shore, even in dense fog.
Residents of the islands often used Newfoundlands as porters and trusted them to pull the net with the catch. In families, they watched the children with pleasure, so they won fame for their magnificent nannies.
It is noteworthy that these black giants have high intelligence and in a critical situation are able to make decisions for themselves and for the owner.
Some Newfoundlands reach one hundred and twenty kilograms and grow to seventy-five centimeters at the withers. However, these dogs are not the largest in their category.
Swiss mountain dog
If you liked this kind of fighting dog, then know that it takes root pretty badly in the city. In ancient times, it was used as a comrade and bodyguard. Warriors often took the Swiss Mountain Dog with them on hikes, so the dogs developed the habit of constantly being in motion and a passion for open spaces.
This breed is great for the role of a guard and is distinguished by the fact that it is extremely sensitive. It is almost impossible to pass unnoticed by the Swiss Sennenhund, and in ancient times there were even legends that such dogs never sleep, carrying out their service day and night.