After the child is 1 year old, a new stage in life begins, including a variety of innovations, including in the diet.
The baby is actively growing and developing, and for this process to take place fully, each mother needs to monitor the diet of the crumbs. According to the child’s menu, in 1 year the list of allowed food products is expanding significantly and care must be taken to ensure that the crumbs receive all the trace elements and vitamins required for proper development.
The basics of a one-year crumb diet
After a year, breast milk may be present in the baby's diet. Pediatricians approve breastfeeding up to 1.5-2.5 years. But most mothers believe that GV after a year is no longer worth the crumbs. Experts disagree with this opinion, since mother’s milk does not lose energy value, vitamins and vital trace elements.
Recommendations for young mothers:
- Many mothers believe that stopping breastfeeding is necessary as soon as the baby is 1 year old. If you are a supporter of such a belief, then try to make this process gradual and “soft” so that you and the baby do not experience discomfort.
- From the age of one year, peanuts can be added to dishes greens (parsley, dill). Garlic and onions can be used in cooking dishes in which products are cooked.
- You can start to salt the food, but just a little. Children's food should taste unsalted.
Despite the fact that babies can eat sweets in small quantities after a year, such as cookies, marmalade and marshmallows, try to avoid these foods, as this can negatively affect the addictions of crumbs, and forcing the child to eat vegetables in the future will be a serious problem.
Consistency and processing of ready meals
Dishes on the child’s menu at 1 year 1 month are prepared in a grated form with small pieces. This method allows the baby to develop chewing skills and contributes to the formation of the correct bite. Vegetables and fruits can be grated on a medium or fine grater, and cut fish and meat into small pieces.
A child’s menu at 1.5 years of age may include slightly digested cereals. The child already has enough teeth to chew such food. Vegetables can be finely chopped or stewed. Meat and fish can already be slightly fried in a small amount of olive oil, but only after preliminary heat treatment. Children at this age will already appreciate puddings and cottage cheese casseroles. So you can safely begin to master new culinary masterpieces for little gourmets.
Is the baby ready for "solid food"?
The child’s digestive system is already functioning quite well after a year, thanks to which all the enzymes required for the digestion of various foods are produced in the stomach.
On average, when children turn 1 year old, they already have about 10 teeth. Therefore, a child can easily grind even solid food. But you should not generalize, since each baby is individual and it may take more time for someone to develop a chewing skill.
Which foods are preferred?
How to feed a baby in 1 year? The menu for full development should include a variety of products. The main role is played by the protein that the baby needs in the process of intensive growth and development. Moreover, the proven fact that the lack of "building material" can adversely affect immunity and physical development.
The highest protein content in meat, fish, dairy products and eggs.
Fats - this is the main component to maintain the protective functions of the body and energy recovery. Fats of plant and animal origin must be present in the diet of crumbs.
Complex carbohydrates are the basis for replenishing energy costs. They are found in cereals, fruits and berries. Sweets, chocolates and cookies are simple carbohydrates that negatively affect overall well-being and contribute to weight gain. As a result, this can have a very negative effect on the developing organism of the crumbs.
Meat should be present at least 5 times a week on the menu for a 1 year old child. Recipes can be found on culinary sites. Try to choose lean meats such as turkey, rabbit, chicken and beef. With regards to offal, you can liver and heart. The daily norm of a meat product is about 100 grams.
A fish
Fish is preferable to choose low-fat varieties. The ideal option is cod. You can cook fish soup or fish balls. The daily rate of the product should not exceed 40 grams. Fish should be registered in the menu no more than 2 times a week.
Milk products
Dairy products are very rich in calcium and B vitamins, necessary for the growth and development of crumbs. The kid is allowed to eat yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese. The daily norm of dairy products should not exceed 200 ml. Try to buy milk designed exclusively for children, as heavy foods can overload the kidneys and digestive system.
After a year, the baby can be rubbed into pasta or noodles with a little cheese. You can also offer slices, as the product is soft, so the crumbs will not have problems with chewing.
Butter in the diet of a year-old peanut should not exceed 10-12 grams per day. It can be spread on bread or added to cereal.
It is useful for children of one year old to eat the following types of cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, barley, semolina, millet and corn. You can cook them both in milk and in water, it all depends on the preferences of the child and the presence of an allergy to lactose.
Despite the fact that children are allowed to give pasta, try to limit their consumption. This dish belongs to flour products and contains a large amount of simple carbohydrates.
From vegetables, you can give potatoes, beets, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. You can stew, cook and make finely chopped salads. Care should be taken for products that can cause gas formation in the intestines.
Vegetable oil
Olive or sunflower oil must be added to an already prepared dish, since under the influence of heat treatment it releases harmful carcinogens.
In the diet of the baby, the yolk of the egg must be present. It can be mixed with porridge, vegetables or scrambled eggs. It is better to give preference to quail eggs.
Choose those fruits that grow in our country, namely: apples, peaches, pears, apricots, etc. The daily rate of fruits and berries should not exceed more than 200 grams.
Bread and cookies should be limited to 100 grams per day.
What should not eat the baby?
Despite the fact that the baby is already a year old, some products need to start giving crumbs only after 2, or even 3 years. It:
- fried food;
- fatty varieties of fish and meat;
- smoked meats, sausages and sausages;
- mushrooms;
- sweets;
- imported fruits from distant countries;
- products to which flavor enhancers and colorings are added.
Up to 3 years, it is necessary to strictly limit sweets in the diet of a child, since sugar is very harmful for teeth, adversely affects the pancreas and contributes to weight gain.
Babies from 1 to 1.5 years old should have about 5 meals a day, after a year and a half of age the child can be transferred to four meals a day.
So that the little one does not have problems with a lack of appetite, create a schedule of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner at regular intervals. Moreover, deviations from the regime should not be more than half an hour. Try to avoid snacks between main meals, especially cookies and sweets. If the baby asks for food earlier, offer the baby a fresh fruit or vegetable.
Sample menu
Young mothers can be guided by the approximate menu of the child in 1 year.
Eating | Dishes | Volume | Volume |
1-1.5 years | from 1.5 years |
Breakfast | Porridge | 180-200 grams | 200-220 grams |
Cottage cheese, fish, scrambled eggs or meat | 40-50 grams | 50-60 grams |
Drink (tea, compote, milk) | 100 ml | 100-150 ml |
Dinner | Vegetable salad | 30 grams | 40 grams |
Soup, borsch | 50-70 grams | 100g |
The second dish of meat or fish | 50-60 grams | 60-80 grams |
Garnish (porridge or vegetables) | 60-80 grams | 100g |
Drink (juice, tea or compote) | 100 ml | 100-150 ml |
High tea | Kefir, cottage cheese or yogurt | 150 ml | 200 ml |
Biscuits | 15-20 grams | 25 grams |
Fruit | 70-100 grams | 150 grams |
Dinner | Meat, vegetables or cottage cheese casserole | 40-180 grams | 60-200 grams |
Milk | 100 ml | 150 ml |
Fruit | 70-100 grams | 150 grams |
All day bread | Rye or grain | 15-20 grams | 20-30 grams |
Wheat | 20-40 grams | 40-60 grams |
The above example menu (for a child of 1 year), calculated for a week, may differ from the one set in your family. The main thing is to make sure that the baby receives everything necessary from food for full development and growth.
Useful recipes
On the Internet, a huge variety of recipes for kids.
Consider cooking options for soup, mashed potatoes, dumplings and fish with vegetables for children.
Healthy soup for lunch
It is necessary to prepare several different vegetables. For instance:
- 150 grams of carrots;
- 150 grams of cabbage;
- 150 grams of squash;
- a small onion;
- celery and herbs to taste.
- Finely chop the prepared vegetables.
- Fill with water.
- Cook until tender.
- Add salt and herbs as desired.
If the baby does not yet know how to chew food well, then you can grind the finished soup using a blender. It turns out vegetable cream soup.
Potato mash
- 2-3 medium or large potatoes;
- 200 ml of baby milk;
- blender.
Now you need:
- Peel the potatoes.
- Cut into medium sized pieces.
- To fill with water.
- Put on medium heat.
- Cook until tender.
- Remove from the stove.
- Drain excess water.
- In a saucepan with boiled potatoes, gradually pour hot milk or broth into a thin stream. This step should be carried out with the simultaneous operation of a blender or mixer.
Potatoes are included in the diet of a child after 1 year. The menu for the week should be made so that dishes with this vegetable are prepared no more than 1-2 times, since it contains starch, which is not very good for the baby's body.
Cottage cheese dumplings with cherries
- a pack of dry cottage cheese - 100 grams;
- 4 tablespoons of flour;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 2 tablespoons of sugar;
- 8-10 pitted cherries.
- Rub the egg with sugar.
- Add cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.
- Gradually pour the flour and knead the dough.
- Take a slice of the finished dough and form a small cake, put cherries in the center and sprinkle with sugar a little.
- We form a ball.
- We do the same with the rest of the dough and berries.
- Cook over medium heat or cook in a double boiler for about 20-25 minutes.
- Serve to the table with sour cream or yogurt.
Fish under a vegetable "blanket"
- white fish fillet;
- ½ small onion;
- 1 small carrot;
- 1 tomato;
- olive oil no more than 1 teaspoon.
- Boil the fish fillet.
- Peel and chop the onion.
- Rub the carrots on a fine grater.
- Fry vegetables in a small amount of olive oil.
- We clear the finished fish from seeds, finely chop and spread on the bottom layer of the dish and “cover” with the prepared vegetables.
- Cut the peeled tomato into small pieces and spread on the fish and vegetable layer.
- The dish is ready!
What should be the nutrition of the child in 1 year 1 month? We reviewed the menu above. As for recipes for children's dishes, there are a great many of them on the Internet. But each mother should be guided by the preferences of her baby. No need to experiment again, consider the taste wishes of your child. After all, the baby will not eat boiled carrots if he does not love her.
But you can do a lot if you try to cook the child’s least favorite product in another variation. For example, carrots can not be cooked, but stewed with your favorite vegetables crumbs.
From a very young age, parents lay down the rules of eating behavior in their children, and how correct they are is up to you.
We bring up in the kid a hygienic and aesthetic approach to food
Absolutely every baby needs to instill a culture of behavior at the table. After a year of the baby, it’s time to train to wash hands before eating and eat exclusively with cutlery.
By the age of three, the peanut should already be able to confidently hold a spoon and use it. Teach your child to use the baby fork and knife as intended. These items have blunt ends, so you can be calm - the baby will not get hurt.
Kids tend to imitate parents and older children, so sitting down at the table, try to serve it beautifully and use several devices. The baby will not leave such actions unattended and soon you will notice that the baby repeats your actions.
After the child eats, teach him to say "thank you."
Any menu of a child of 1 year has its own nuances, sometimes a product should be deleted or added. Healthy babies can eat in accordance with the diet developed by pediatricians. For kids with problems, the choice of food should be approached with caution. Such measures should be observed in order not to harm the health of the crumbs.
If difficulties arise, it is always better to consult a doctor than make rash decisions in choosing food products.
Despite the limitations, there are a number of rules in the preparation of the menu. A child in 1 year should be fed with fresh and healthy products.
Fundamental rules:
- Food should be prepared exclusively at home.
- Try to cook meat and fish products in a double boiler.
- Limit or completely exclude sweets from the menu of a child of 1 year. 1 month of regular intake of sugar-containing foods can cause serious harm to health. It contributes to the development of caries, excess weight and causes loss of appetite.
- Avoid exotic fruits. An exception is a banana. Oranges and tangerines can be the culprits of allergic reactions.
- Choose vegetables and fruits that grow in our country: apples, pears, tomatoes, beets, carrots, apricots, etc.
- Sour milk products must be present on the child’s menu at 1 year old. A growing body needs calcium.
- It is strictly forbidden for children to eat sausages and smoked meats, as well as products with dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.
- Try to cook without frying. It will be more useful if you boil, stew or use a double boiler.
- Teach your child to pieces. Encourage him to develop a chewing skill.
- To avoid constant problems of what to cook for your baby today, make a menu for every day. A child of 1 year is much easier to adapt to the diet when his mother does everything on time, and does not spend a huge amount of time thinking about the stove.
The diet of the child should be treated very carefully. Cooking for a baby is not easy, especially when the baby refuses to eat healthy foods. It is important to remember that the right eating habits are formed from a young age, and it all depends on you.
If the baby does not like a product, try to cook it in another way, for example, put it out. The action did not give a positive result ?! Then you should reconsider a similar replacement for the product, perhaps the baby’s body simply does not accept this vegetable or fruit.