Riding a bicycle is not only a very fun and exciting activity, but also useful. However, most parents encounter many difficulties trying to accustom their child to this good pastime. Let's try to figure out how to teach a child to ride a two-wheeled bicycle in a few weeks.
As you know, when riding it, the main thing is the ability to keep balance. Many parents buy miniature cars for their children, to the rear wheels of which are attached two additional safety wheels. Perhaps this method, how to teach a child to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, is the safest of all, although not too fast. If you chose it, keep in mind that it is extremely important to correctly adjust the additional wheels in height. You should also tell the child so that he does not try to turn abruptly at high speed.
A fairly common mistake is the installation of additional wheels at the same level with the rear. They should be slightly higher so that there are no special problems during turns. As the child will be able to better maintain balance, the wheels should be slightly raised, but the baby himself should not talk about it. Sooner or later, the child will learn to ride so that the wheels do not touch the ground at all - then they can be removed.
It should be borne in mind that the described method, how to teach a child to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, is suitable exclusively for urban conditions, where there is smooth asphalt. On the roads, where there are a lot of stones, potholes and pits, it is not only ineffective, but even dangerous.
The next way is that dad or mom should run next to the bike, from behind or from the side, holding the child by the shoulders. It is not worth holding the bike itself (a saddle, a steering wheel or a trunk), because in this case an adult will level the tilt of the bicycle, and the child will not be able to feel the “iron horse”, learn to keep his balance on his own.
When is the best time to teach your child to ride a bike? In fact, there is no single answer to this question. On average, children can manage well at the age of five to six, however, you can make your first attempts from the age of four.
In no case do not buy a bicycle "for growth" for your child. Riding such a two-wheeled car will be scary and uncomfortable for him. It is best if the child sitting on the saddle can get his feet to the ground. This will allow him to become more confident in himself and will make the learning process more calm and faster. Also, do not rush the child and scold him if something does not work out. Remember that it is important that the baby gets pleasure even from the learning process itself.
When a child understands how to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, you can not keep him. But it is better to always be nearby in case he fails to control and still falls. To avoid unnecessary injuries, you should purchase protection in a special sports store: knee pads, elbow pieces, helmet, etc.
We hope these simple tips will help you understand how to teach your child to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, and your baby will discover a new interesting activity very soon!