Porridge Baby Sitter: reviews of parents and pediatricians

With the advent of a baby in the family, a completely new life begins for mom. Now she is overwhelmed with worries and problems that she could not only not think about before, but also not suspect. One of these concerns is the decision about what kind of porridge to choose for your baby at the very beginning of feeding. After all, it is important to take into account many valuable trifles subsequently - both taste (if it is not tasty, the child will refuse to eat), and nutrients, and minerals, and the absence of all kinds of harmful additives. One option is Baby Sitter porridge. Reviews about it are very diverse, therefore, before making the final choice, you must definitely familiarize yourself with them.

Meet the Baby Sitter

For caring mothers, a logical question immediately arises: how is it possible to cook as many as twenty full portions of porridge out of 200 g of dry mix? Those who have already encountered standard portioned boxes are well aware that one package is designed for only 7 servings for the baby. But this does not apply to a delicious baby product under the uncomplicated name “Baby Sitter” porridge, reviews of which are known to mothers who are looking for something more tasty and more useful for their little ones. And such a mess can be attributed to the absolutely right choice, because it is not only nutritious and economical. It retains both taste and benefit for the baby.

Vitamins, minerals - this is the best breakfast!

Indeed, those who have already tasted such porridge will gladly confirm that for preparing the usual portion of porridge for a little one, only two tablespoons of the mixture will be enough. Why is this possible? This is not a secret, because such a modest consumption of dry product is the result of the use of hot gelation and the modern technological process of processing cereals in a thermal way.

porridge baby sitter reviews

In a ready-made porridge, absolutely all useful substances are preserved. By the way, for those who do not know yet, Baby Sitter porridge, reviews about which the Internet was filled, contains 8 minerals and 13 vitamins, which is undoubtedly very useful for the baby. This includes: calcium, iron, folic acid and other vital and important elements for the health of the child.

What is the advantage of the process?

Unlike other baby cereals, Baby Sitter porridge, reviews which contains recommendations from pediatricians about its use for feeding babies, has a number of features. Trace elements for it are available in capsules. When the process of liquid mixing occurs, they are introduced into the composition of the porridge and in the final product are evenly distributed. This is an undoubted advantage of such cereals over others.

milkless porridge baby sitter reviews

The trace elements found in the capsules are reliably protected from wet exposure and heat treatment, which is quite destructive. And after the end of the production process - as a result of all the action - the finished cereals have excellent taste and undoubted nutritional value for the baby.

During breakfast, the capsules enter the stomach of the child, begin to slowly dissolve there, which allows the minerals and vitamins to be fully absorbed. This poses no danger to the health of both kids and adults who have decided to feast on such delicious foods, only solid benefits.

We choose with benefit for the baby

Today, when the stores offer a fairly large assortment of food for tiny babies, it is difficult for a young mother to immediately understand it and make the right and at the same time optimal choice.

buckwheat porridge baby buckwheat reviews

In the diet of a peanut up to a year old, porridge is one of the most important dishes. Moreover, they can be either bought or cooked at home. If Mom gave preference to the product purchased, then you need to understand the options for sale.

Quality control is a priority

Baby Sitter porridge, which parents usually leave feedback about almost immediately after it is introduced into the baby’s diet, is suitable for babies from four months old. It is very tasty, so even the most fastidious peanut can like it. What should I pay close attention to? This is Baby Sitter dairy-free porridge. Reviews about it are full of gratitude to the producers, because the lack of milk means a significant reduction in the risk of allergies.

porridge baby sitter buckwheat dairy-free reviews

The manufacturer of these cereals is the Israeli company URBIS, which for over a third of a century has been manufacturing food for children. Quality control of products is at all stages of production. And the composition of cereals was developed, taking into account the features of the delicate digestive system of crumbs. It is impossible to find sugar, salt, flavoring agents or fillers in this diet. And pediatricians, advising mothers where to start complementary foods, may very well recommend this particular mess.

Buckwheat flavors

One of the cereals recommended for the introduction of the first feeding, of course, is Baby Sitter porridge buckwheat. Reviews of it indicate that kids like porridge. And very much so. Many mummies start complementary feeding with her, from about 6 months of tricks. This porridge is perfectly bred both in water and in milk, infant formula or other liquid. To prepare it, it takes only a couple of minutes, which is very convenient if there is no extra time or the child is very impatient.

Despite the fact that porridge is sugar and salt free, it is quite tasty, children usually eat all kinds of it with great pleasure. The only drawback is its high cost (about 410 rubles per 200-gram box) and the fact that it is almost impossible to find in stores.

porridge baby sitter corn reviews

So, the Baby Sitter porridge is dairy-free buckwheat. Reviews of mothers undoubtedly speak of its quality. Although the box looks very simple and modest, and the price “bites”, you can hit caring mothers with more than that. Firstly, the manufacturer always provides only high-quality natural products. Secondly, the amazing consistency of porridge: it is a real grain, and these very grains dissolve very gently in the mouth. This quality is good both for children who do not yet have a tooth, and for those who have already acquired them. Thirdly, the porridge has a natural taste. Fourth, it is enriched with iodine and iron. So do not save on the health of your child.

What else do kids like?

Here are two more delicious and fragrant cereals from this series. Baby Sitter porridge is corn. Reviews about this porridge are slightly different from the enthusiastic exclamations about the previous porridge. But, most likely, this is due to the fact that not all children eat corn with pleasure. It is somewhat peculiar, but from this no less useful. The only thing that babies may not like is the formation of lumps when cooking this porridge.

Oatmeal porridge "Baby Sitter" reviews has a good one. Moms are sure that she, too, is quite suitable for starting to feed their baby. In addition, it can be bred in milk, water, juice or vegetable broth. A consistency to choose at will, depending on how many spoons of porridge to add and what temperature the liquid will be.

porridge oat baby sitter reviews

As a rule, before giving any food to a child, mom tries it first. "Baby Sitter" conquered the hearts (and stomachs) of many mothers. Try it and you. Peanuts will be very pleased!

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