New Zealand is a country with a unique wildlife. Due to the closed nature of the island, rare species of animals have survived here - echidna, platypus, capybaras, Tasmanian devils. What is it worth only the local kiwi bird, which is a kind of New Zealand symbol. But besides her, New Zealand is known for another flightless inhabitant with the ridiculous name of kakapo, or the owl parrot.
This bird is actually on the verge of extinction these days. And at the same time, it is completely harmless, despite its rather large size. The owl parrot can reach a weight of 2-4 kilograms, and its body length is about 60 centimeters. Unlike his relatives, he completely lost the ability to fly. The most that kakapo is capable of is to climb a tree branch and plan down from there. But the length of such a "flight" can reach 50 meters. For this reason, its skeleton is very different from that of the other representatives of parrots - it has undeveloped wings and a low keel. But the bird has a wide basin.Among the congeners, the owl parrot is a long-liver, it can easily overcome the 95-year-old barrier. In addition, it is the only parrot leading a nocturnal lifestyle. During the day, they sleep on peculiar perches under the trees, and at night they begin to bypass their territory.
Another feature that the New Zealand owl parrot possesses is its smell. It is very pleasant and similar to the aromas of honey, flowers and beeswax. With the help of a smell, cacapo warns relatives of its presence. For this reason, sometimes these parrots are called "natural flavors." ? . , «». . - , . – . , . , . , .
What is the reason for his disappearance? Why is such a calm and sweet bird on the verge of extinction? It turned out that people were to blame. Before the appearance of immigrants from the mainland in New Zealand, cacapo was replaced in the local ecosystem with bats practically absent there. But the sailing Europeans on their ships brought cats and rats to the island. Small predators quickly found easy prey in the face of a kapapo, because before the owl parrots did not encounter such enemies. In addition, their population began to decline also due to the fact that the rats learned to destroy their nests located on the ground, to destroy eggs and chicks. Nowadays, kakapos have survived only in the south-west of the South Island, and their population hardly numbers more than 100 individuals. But these birds according to their ability to become attached to a person,express their love are able to compete with dogs and cats. Such parrots can be kept at home, they need a large cage. In addition, the bird needs to be released periodically so that it flies.