Discharge in cats after childbirth: causes, symptoms, treatment if necessary, postpartum recovery

Postpartum discharge in cats may be normal. Thus, the animal’s body is restored after pregnancy. However, in many cases, the flow of exudate from the loop is a sign of pathology. How to distinguish a sick cat from a healthy one? And when is the urgent need of a veterinarian needed? We will consider these issues further.

What is the norm

Discharge in a cat from the loop after childbirth is not always associated with pathology. After all, after carrying kittens, the uterus should recover. This usually occurs in 7-10 days. But often the recovery period is delayed up to three weeks. This is usually observed in older animals. And throughout this time, discharge has been observed. If their number is small, then this should not cause concern.

Cat discharge from the loop

Normally, the discharge in cats after childbirth in the first days may have a different color. If over time the color of the discharge becomes transparent, then you should not worry about the health of the cat. It leaves the uterus particles of the placenta and excess epithelium. This phenomenon is considered the norm and does not indicate a disease.

When the help of a veterinarian is needed

However, in many cases, postpartum discharge is one of the symptoms of serious pathologies. Contact your veterinarian immediately in the following cases:

  1. If during the birth process the animal did not have all the after-effects. For example, five kittens were born in a cat, but three or four placentas came out. This condition threatens the pet with a dangerous disease - purulent inflammation of the uterus. This severe pathology often has to be treated surgically.
  2. If a large number of discharge comes out of the loop, then this most often indicates a disease.
  3. If the animal has pus, then this always indicates a severe inflammation or tumor. In this case, the pathological process does not always develop in the genitals. Such discharge may be a sign of bladder cancer.
  4. It is necessary to consult a veterinarian if discharge was observed during pregnancy.
  5. If the animal has heavy and prolonged bleeding, then this should always be the reason for an immediate appeal to a specialist.
  6. If a cat suffers from poor blood coagulation, and after giving birth the animal has red discharge, then this is a very formidable sign. With hematological pathologies, any damage received during childbirth can bleed for a very long time. In severe cases, the animal may die from blood loss.
  7. An urgent appeal to a specialist is also necessary if discharge is observed after a difficult birth that occurred with mucous ruptures. In such cases, cats often have vaginal inflammation - vaginitis.
  8. In rare cases, primordial animals form a fistula between the intestines and genitals. This is an extremely dangerous pathology that can be complicated by sepsis. At the same time, not only blood is released from the loop, but also a small amount of feces.
  9. If a cat has had chronic urinary incontinence in the past, then you need to be examined in a veterinary blade. In this case, urine constantly leaks and irritates the loop area. Over time, inflammation forms, accompanied by secretions.
Cat licks noose

Next, we will consider various types of postpartum discharge and possible causes of their appearance.

Loop blood

Postpartum bleeding in a cat may be normal for the first 4-5 days. If the animal is healthy, then the discharge becomes pinkish over time, and then becomes transparent. In this case, bloody mucus should not have an unpleasant odor.

Sometimes veterinarians use the drug "Oxytocin" in order to stimulate labor. This hormonal medicine enhances contractions. It is considered obsolete, but some experts continue to use it. The consequence of such rapid childbirth can be a rupture of tissues. Excessive bleeding that lasts more than 10 minutes can be a sign of serious birth damage to the internal genital organs. In this case, the cat needs emergency care. Even if “Oxytocin” was not used during childbirth, but severe uterine bleeding is subsequently observed, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Dense bloody discharge is sometimes observed in cats after childbirth, outwardly resembling a red paste. Often this mass contains a greenish admixture. The cause of this symptom is most often inflammation of the walls of the uterus. This means that during childbirth an infection got into the genitals or the placenta did not come out. It is urgent to contact a specialist and undergo antibiotic treatment. In severe cases, the uterus must be removed.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge in cats after childbirth is the norm only in the first 3 weeks. However, they should not have an unpleasant odor or impurities.

Signs of Cat Ailment

In a healthy animal, the amount of discharge should not be excessively plentiful. The owner of the cat should pay attention to the nature of the discharge and the behavior of the cat. The following signs should alert you:

  1. If the cat lies after birth and the brown discharge has an unpleasant "putrid" smell, then this is usually a symptom of bacterial infections in the genitals. In this case, the animal looks lethargic and lethargic, often there is an increase in temperature.
  2. A pink admixture in brown exudate may indicate a fungal infection.
  3. Greenish inclusions indicate that purulent inflammation develops in the genitals or bladder.
  4. If an animal has brown or black impurities in brown secretions, then most likely the cat suffers from a pyometra. This is a purulent inflammation of the uterine mucosa, which often requires urgent surgical intervention.
  5. If the brown mass comes out of the loop immediately after birth, then this is one of the signs of chlamydia. In this case, the infection is often detected in newborn kittens, as they become infected from the mother in utero.
  6. In some cases, cat owners mistake feces for brown discharge. If the animal leaves the stool out of the loop, then this is a sign of a fistula between the rectum and the vagina. Such discharge can be determined by a specific unpleasant odor.
Veterinary examination

Impurities in the secretions can not always be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, if you suspect a pathology, you must take the cat to the veterinarian. In laboratory conditions, a specialist will conduct a microscopic examination of the discharge.

White and transparent highlight

White discharge in a cat after childbirth is most often a sign of an inflammatory process in the bladder (cystitis) or in the vagina (vaginitis). These diseases pose a great danger to the animal, as the body of the pet is weakened after the birth of kittens. In addition, vaginitis is often complicated by a pyometer. If the cat has a white mass out of the loop, then this should serve as a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Transparent discharge in cats after childbirth usually does not indicate a hazard. Such a symptom is noted at the end of the recovery period. In the first week after the birth of the cubs, colored mucus is separated from the animals, which subsequently becomes transparent.

Purulent discharge

Purulent discharge in a cat after childbirth is especially dangerous. They have a thick consistency. Exudate color can be different: from yellowish to gray. Most often, this is a sign of pyometers. In such cases, an urgent examination and treatment by a veterinarian is necessary. Purulent inflammation of the uterus can lead to the death of the animal. In addition, purulent discharge can be a sign of endometritis or tumors of the genitourinary system. These diseases are extremely dangerous, as they can cause blood poisoning.

General symptoms in pathological discharge

If the discharge in a cat after childbirth is associated with pathology, then they are always accompanied by a general malaise. You can notice the following changes in the well-being and behavior of the animal:

  • lethargy;
  • temperature rise;
  • constant licking of the loop area;
  • refusal to care for cubs;
  • thirst;
  • abdominal pain, which is accompanied by meowing and anxiety;
  • frequent urination.
Cat fever

If the animal has decreased temperature, then this does not always indicate an improvement. It is important to remember that a decrease in fever combined with lethargy and apathy can be a sign of sepsis.


Pathological postpartum discharge in animals can be caused by various reasons. To identify the etiology of such a symptom, the following examinations are prescribed:

  • general and biochemical blood analysis;
  • clinical and bacteriological analysis of urine;
  • examination of a smear from the vagina;
  • examination of the genital tract using a colposcope;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • X-ray of the kidneys with a contrast agent;
  • blood coagulation test.
Ultrasound examination of a cat


If a cat has pathological postpartum discharge, then the choice of treatment method will depend on their cause. It is necessary to conduct therapy of the main pathology:

  1. If the placenta is incomplete, the veterinarian gives an oxytocin injection. This remedy causes uterine contractions and helps to remove the afterbirth.
  2. In infectious diseases, antibiotic prescribing is indicated.
  3. If the cat has severe uterine bleeding, then the use of coagulants is necessary.
  4. With fistulas and in advanced cases, pyometers indicate surgical treatment.

During the course of therapy, the owner must provide the pet with good nutrition. The diet of the animal must be made in such a way that it is rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. This will strengthen the immunity of the cat and will contribute to recovery.

Postpartum Recovery

The birth of a cat is a very crucial moment. If the owner of the animal does not have special knowledge about obstetric care, it is better to invite a veterinarian to your home. This is especially necessary for older animals, their birth often proceeds with complications.

It is necessary to observe cleanliness in the room where the cat gives birth. This will help to avoid infectious complications and the appearance of pathological secretions. Carefully observe sanitary standards in the first week after birth. During this period, the cat’s cervix is ​​open, and the infection can easily enter.

Immediately after birth, you need to monitor the well-being of the animal. It is necessary to pay attention to the color and frequency of occurrence of secretions. To determine the nature of the discharge, it is useful to lay a sheet for the cat. Allocations will be clearly visible on light tissue. Litter should be changed 2 times a day or as it becomes soiled.

Cat treatment

If there is excessive bloody or purulent discharge, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. In such cases, the animal needs emergency assistance.

The diet of the animal after childbirth should be full. This will help strengthen immunity. Particular attention should be paid to cats giving birth to large kittens. In such pets, postpartum complications are most often observed, and animals must be periodically shown to the veterinarian to prevent pathologies.

The owner of the animals must remember that in cats with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, estrus can occur soon after birth. In no case should not be allowed to mate sick cats with cats. Compliance with this rule will help prevent the spread of infection and intrauterine infection of future kittens.

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