Windows Media Center (Windows Media Center): what is it and why is it needed?

There is such a program in Windows-systems, which is called Windows Media Center ("Windows Media Center"). Based on the name, it is easy to figure out that this package is a means of playing multimedia content. But how optimal and appropriate is its use? Let's try to figure it out.

What is the Windows Media Center?

I immediately want to draw the attention of all users of Windows-systems that the last time in the shell of the OS this component was present in Windows 7 as a "wired" application.

windows media center

For Windows 8.1, Media Center, as well as for the tenth version of the system, must be installed separately, since it is not in the main distribution. But is it really necessary?

, ( ). : . « » . , Windows 7 . .

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Microsoft. , Windows 7, , ( , «» ).

: Microsoft ? , . . .

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windows media center 7

, -. , . , , AppleTV ( ). , « » , ,«» Windows 7 . , , , .

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, , Windows 8 , . , , , , .

windows 8 1 media center

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