Processors of the Intel Core i7 family are manufactured on the Nehalem, Bloomfield and Gulftown microarchitectures. In this case, the internal clock frequency fluctuates around 3000 MHz. Integrated graphics are not supported by all models. The frequency of the data bus, as a rule, does not exceed 5 GHz per second.
Some configurations are equipped with unlocked multipliers. In order to learn more about processors, you should consider Intel Processors Core i7 on specific microarchitectures.
CPU on Nehalem microarchitecture
Core i7 860 2,8 . . 2400 . 1,4 . Intel Core i7 2600K . 2,53 . . 2400 . Core i7 2700K 2,93 . LGA. 2400 .
Core i7 4720 . 263 2. 2,6 . Core i7 4730 . 731 . 2,8 . Intel Core i7 4790 3,07 . 263 2. 213 .
Core i7 970 . 3,2 . 2660 . Core i7 980 3,3 . 239 2. 2660 . Core i7 990 1170 . 3,4 . LGA .
Gulftown , Intel Core i7 . - . . , . Intel Core i7 4790, - 5 . .
Gulftown . . . . .
Intel Core i7 . . . . , .
"" . 38 . Gulftown 83 . .
Intel Core i7 Gulftown . . . . , "" -.
. . . . . .
Intel Core i7 Gulftown 350 . . . .
"" . Intel Core i7 2600K, 1,7 . . . . 4096 2304 .
Intel Core i7 "". . "" 11.1 . , " ". . .
"" . " ", . , . " " . . .
Intel Core i7 "". , , , . "" , .
1.16, . . 16. .
Data Protection
, . . . . . . .
" " . . , " " "". . . "" . .
Platform Protection
" " "" 10.1. , "". . .
"" . "". . " " .
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