Does the child need a daily routine? Almost every parent asks this question. And here opinions differ:
- someone believes that we should focus on the biological clock of the child;
- someone, on the contrary, is of the opinion that from infancy it is necessary to dictate to the child the main regimen moments that will accustom him to the necessary daily routine.
Why does the child need a regimen
The daily routine of a child is often based on a diet. Children get used to that in the morning they get up, wash, have breakfast, study or walk, then have lunch, rest and so on until the end of the day. If this separation is not present, then problems with food begin, because the child can have a bite at any time with yogurt, a roll, fruit. As a result, he does not feel hunger, which is necessary for a full meal.
It is interesting that often in a family where regimen moments of nutrition are not respected, parents do not worry about observing the daily routine as a whole. This leads to the fact that the time of awakening and falling asleep is always different, daytime sleep is a variable phenomenon.
It has been proven that children are conservatives. They feel much calmer when they know what awaits them in the next moment, and react sharply to the change of planned actions.
The behavior of children who do not have a daily regimen is characterized by frequent emotional outbursts in the form of tantrums for any reason, their level of aggressiveness and conflict can increase. It’s hard to put kids on a night’s sleep. If he woke up late, accordingly, does not rest during the day. The nervous system is overloaded, as a result, it is difficult for the child to readjust and calmly fall asleep.
To prevent this from happening, it is better to adhere to a certain schedule, even if not very strict.
Another powerful argument in favor of the regime
Sometimes parents are satisfied with such a life when the child is free to make a decision. However, problems begin when it comes time to go to a preschool. Regime moments in kindergarten are strictly observed, and it will be very difficult for a child to adapt if he is not used to them.
Therefore, parents are urged to familiarize themselves with the daily regimen in the Kindergarten and organize their day in advance as close to the schedule of the kindergarten. This will facilitate the life of the child while getting used to new conditions.
Life in kindergarten
Regime moments in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution, or kindergarten) are organized in such a way that children always have time for active games, classes and good rest. Almost all state kindergartens adhere to general rules when scheduling the day.
For independent games, there is a time of free activity, and for them some part of the walk is allocated.
In the summer, educational activities in sensitive moments change a little, because for this period many excursions to museums, visits to theaters, zoos and other events outside the walls of the institution are planned.
Meal time in kindergarten is almost the same everywhere. Some preschool children have fruit and juice as a lunch.
During a quiet hour, children sleep or lie quietly in beds. Daytime rest varies from 2 to 3 hours.
Naturally, the regimen moments in the younger group will be slightly different from the daily routine in the older or preparatory group.
What does morning start with?
In the morning, the teacher takes the child to the group. At the same time, he should pay attention to the well-being and appearance of the baby. If the child has signs of an illness, then he is sent to a medical office. There, the nurse decides whether the child can stay in the institution or if he needs medical attention.
In the morning regimen moments include gymnastics, washing. These activities are necessary not only from an educational point of view. Unfortunately, not all parents manage to carry out these procedures at home. In the process of completing the latter, the teacher carries out pedagogical work, makes sure that the sleeves are rolled up, and the hands are soaped over the sink so that there is no spray. It instills in children a sense of order and a desire to maintain cleanliness.
After this, preparation for breakfast begins. In groups there are children on duty. They have certain responsibilities that are easy to fulfill for kids. During breakfast, the teacher draws the attention of children to the name of dishes and utensils, which, in turn, develops vocabulary and horizons of children.
How is the walk?
Educational activity in the operational moments of the preschool educational institution is always outlined in the plans. When training for a walk, children are clearly given an attitude for further actions.
First, the group is put in order, and then the rules of behavior in the locker room are reminded.
Educational tasks are also solved in the process of dressing children. The teacher pronounces the name of the clothing, its details, its purpose. Thus, the vocabulary on the topic “Clothing” is replenished.
On a walk, the teacher organizes the diverse activities of children. Previously, they should be familiar with the available equipment and toys. It is also necessary to discuss the rules for handling them.
Regime moments stipulate that for a walk children need to be given time for joint free activity, but at the same time, the teacher must ensure that during the interaction the children are not overexcited.
Be sure to be held outdoor game. Periodically, the guys are involved in cleaning the site.
Half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher needs to organize a more calm activity, for example, to observe the occurring events around or to talk about changes in nature.
Before returning to the group, the children speak the rules of behavior in the locker room.
During dressing, the teacher is faced with the task of instilling in the children a careful attitude to clothes, showing how to put their things in lockers.
Quiet hour preparation and rise
Lunch is about the same as breakfast. Here, duty officers are also appointed, they are given feasible tasks.
Regulatory moments are observed after meals, when preparation for bed begins. To do this, the teacher needs to strictly monitor discipline in the group so that the children do not play out and become noisy; The atmosphere should be calm so that the guys could relax.
In the process of preparing for bed, the teacher is faced with the task of continuing to instill in children a careful attitude to things, and to encourage positive emotions regarding daytime rest.
During the ascent, children should not be distracted by extraneous things, but immediately get dressed and then wait for the rest. At this time, you can offer your child a quiet game, for example, to assemble a simple puzzle.
Educational activities with children
In regime moments in the garden, developing classes in mathematics, development of speech, drawing, modeling, physical education, music, consolidation of household skills and others are necessarily included.
Most often, classes last no more than half an hour, because children at this age are not yet able to hold their attention for a long time, which is why they need a constant change of activity.
Naturally, the duration of classes in the nursery group differs from that in the preparatory group.
Analyzing the regimen moments in the kindergarten, one can notice that some points remain unchanged for all age groups. These include:
- Morning reception of children.
- Eating
- Developing activities.
- Game activity.
- Stroll.
However, DOU leaders are trying to develop a daily routine in such a way as to take into account the age characteristics of children in each group.