When a furry pet appears in the house, the owner seeks to take care. But you need not only to properly feed the animal, play with it and give vitamin supplements. It is equally important to take care of the cat's hair in order to notice uninvited guests in time in the form of fleas and ticks. Insects cause discomfort to the pet and can be dangerous to humans. The behavior of the animal will tell about infection. The cat becomes nervous, often bounces and itches. For such cases, the house can have the drug "Fiprist" for cats. The instruction shows that there is a quick cleansing of parasites and the life of the animal returns to its usual course.
Active substance
The drug is intended for external use only. The main component acting on parasites is fipronil. In addition to it, the product includes: polysorbate, dimethyl sulfoxide, povidone, butyl hydroxytoluene.
In appearance, it is a transparent liquid that does not have color or a characteristic odor. The product is sold in small boxes in which there are three pipettes for convenient use.
The instruction available in Fiprist for cats warns that the action is based on blocking the nerve receptors of insects, which causes their death. It does not apply to a pet and its use is completely harmless.
If you study the annotation to the drug, it is clear that it can be used not only for the fight against fleas. Scope of application extends to ear mites and cheyletiella ticks.
Fipronil belongs to the category of phenylpyrazoles. It has a large scope and has the property of being slightly soluble in water. Its main properties are:
- blocking nerve receptors of parasites;
- the product is evenly distributed over the skin of the cat, but is practically not absorbed and does not penetrate the circulatory system;
- causes diseases of the nervous system in arthropods;
- tends to gradually accumulate in the sebaceous glands of a pet and, as a result, a long duration;
- according to the degree of danger it belongs to the third class, which is a moderate risk;
- in spite of the declared safety, it cannot be used for processing rabbits, because fipronil is toxic for them.
"Fiprist" for cats, the instruction confirms this, can be successfully used on ferrets. The tool fights fleas, ticks and lice. It can be used as a treatment for infected animals and as a prophylaxis.
Application methods
The drug is used once by applying to clean skin, devoid of damage. "Fiprist" for cats, instructions for use are in each pack, must be applied precisely. Pipette packaging contributes to this. The product is distributed on the skin, in the area of the animal’s shoulder blades, in order to avoid licking.
Packaging and packaging are very convenient. To use the product, you need to unscrew the pipette cap and turn the stopper, which prevents accidental spilling. "Fiprist Combo" for cats, confirmation of this, may contain from 3 to 10 pipettes. The choice depends on the degree of risk of infection of the animal and their quantity.
For one treatment, regardless of the weight of the pet, one pipette pipette for cats is required. The instruction clarifies that 0.5 ml of the product contains a dose that can rid the animal of insects and provide prophylaxis for a period of 1.5 months.
To get rid of the tick otodectosis requires instillation of the product in the ears. The recommended dose is 4-6 drops that drip into both ears, regardless of the degree of the disease. In order for the product to hit the target, you should bend your ear and massage after instillation.
In order for the drug to work on the cat, you should not bathe it for two days. Also, you do not need to allow children to it and do not iron it yourself.
Possible side effects of Fiprist for cats
Instructions and reviews of cat owners suggest that, if you follow all the recommendations, there should be no negative consequences. But it is necessary to remember about individual cases of allergic manifestations. If they started after using the product, you should immediately stop using it and wash the treated area with soap and water. If the cat's health worsens, you will need to consult a veterinarian who can prescribe absorbent agents. Desensitizing treatment may be needed.
In addition to individual intolerance, the drug has the following number of contraindications:
- it is forbidden to use in kittens that are younger than two months;
- treatment of emaciated or sick animals is not recommended;
- simultaneous combination with similar drugs can cause overdose and intoxication.
Application features
During processing, the animal should not eat, drink or smoke. If liquid enters the mucous membranes, it is removed with a cotton swab and washed with water. If redness occurs, then a doctor's consultation is required.
To dispose of the drug, it must be placed in a plastic bag. It is not forbidden to throw in the garbage chute together with ordinary household waste.
In cases where the drug remains unused, it is better to pour the residues into the sewer. It should be noted that for amphibians, the components of the agent are toxic.
Varieties of Fiprist
Spray for cats, the instruction confirms this, is also effective against parasites. In this case, this is a packaging in the form of a bottle equipped with a spray. If drops can be used at home, then the spray is recommended for use in the fresh air.
After processing the animal, the mechanism of action of the drug is the same. It suppresses nerve impulses of parasites. The spray guarantees a lasting result and reliably protects the pet from uninvited guests.
The duration of the drug varies, depending on the type of attacking insect. The cat will be protected from ticks for about 5 weeks, fleas will not be scary for a month and a half.
Apply the product outdoors. In the case of using the house, it is recommended to remove children from the room, do not use in the room where there is an aquarium with fish or a cage with decorative rabbits. It is necessary to spray in the area of the blades. To avoid licking, you can wear a special collar on the cat.
How to apply a spray?
If Fiprist Spot He is for cats, the instruction clearly indicates this, requires the use of one pipette, then the spray is used in a different way. To process the animal, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations:
- One click on the spray bottle, which contains 100 ml of the product, guarantees a dose of 0.5 ml;
- One click on the spray bottle, which contains 250 ml of the product, guarantees a dose of 1.5 ml;
- Accordingly, a bottle with a capacity of 500 ml will provide a dose of 3 ml.
The dose is determined, depending on the density and length of the coat of the animal. It is recommended to use from 3 to 6 ml of the drug per kg of cat weight. The spray is also suitable for use on dogs.
To process the animal, you should raise its coat and spray it with a spray from the sprayer. It is necessary to process the chest and auricles. In order not to damage their eyes, they cover their palms. In no case do not allow the cat to a source of open fire and radiators until the liquid dries.
To avoid overfeeding, the spray is applied to the litter or pet house. You should not bathe a cat within two days after applying the product.
Side effects
With proper use, as indicated by reviews, no side effects are observed. Individual allergic reactions may occur, as is the case with the drug offered in pipettes. Actions should be the same. Wash the coat with soapy water and observe the reaction.
It happens that the owner overdoes it and spray too much. An overdose is possible if you do not clearly follow the instructions. Symptoms are:
- vomiting
- increased salivation;
- muscle twitching.
The spray has relative safety, but its use is not allowed if the kitten has not reached two months, on animals whose skin is damaged, if the pet is weakened. Pregnant and lactating it is better to choose another remedy, if necessary.
Drug price
Owners of dogs and cats who choose fiprist for cats are interested in the instruction and price of the drug in the first place. The abstract is considered in detail, and you can buy the drug in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. The cost of packaging varies depending on the number of doses. The average price for one pipette is from 250 to 400 rubles.